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Servers - The People & The Points

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iatefailure's Avatar iatefailure
Level 1 : New Explorer
Servers - The People & The Points

My feelings on Servers: The Occupants and The Points


Minecraft. Most probably the reason you're here. I'm sure at least one you've logged onto a server, and thought:
"Why do these people do this? The whole running a server business?"
Or signed in and had a barrage of nasty, vile spam SMASHED in your face?
"Why can't these people be nice?"
Welcome to my 2 cents on the topic...

What's The Point?

Why do people run Minecraft servers? What do they see in it?
Minecraft is a fun game, thats why people play it! And of course, everything is better when you're not alone... right...right?
I wouldn't know... But that's an entirely different subject
So yeah, people like playing games with others! And Minecraft is sure a game that's fun to do so. If it be building a giant fortress, or making a redstone masterpiece, building your favourite youtuber in wool, or fighting off a hoard of zombies. Minecraft is fun.

But surely running a server for you and a few mates is easy? Right?


What about running a server for an Entire Community?


Oh come on! How hard can it be?

  • Firstly, you have to actually get the server running. Unless you have a super computer ripped straight from the Tardis, you're going to have to dig deep in your spiderweb filled pockets. Why? Because getting a external source to host your server is EXPENSIVE. Very.
  • Next of all, Plugins. Yes, if it's just you and your friends, you don't really need them. But if you're trying to start a community server, you're going to need at least a few. Thankfully, this is probably the easiest part. Yeah, I said it, Easy. All it takes is a simple google search! Hell, you could probably find someone here ready and willing to do if for you!
  • Once you get past that, Whoopee! You've got a server running! You've got your first few members running around punching wood! But wait, somebody just said something in the chat! How RUDE! It's full of swear words and racist comments!
So how do you overcome this?

We're all humans. It's in our nature to be...rude? But surely some people are just worst than others. But unfortunately, no matter how hard you try. You can NEVER stop this from happening on your server. You just can't!

So, you think, "Ok! I know how to deal with this! Admins! Moderators! I choose you"

So lets pretend that you managed to find some proper, nice admins for your server. Ones that don't abuse OP. Ones that don't randomly ban people. Ones that are active, yet actually have some sort of life. Ones that actually know the commands. Ones that care enough to actually...Work? So you ban those nasty racists, sexists. Whatever they happen to be.

So from now on, you always have someone to Ban, kick, jail. Because the world is full of people that deserve that penalty. Good luck Catching them all!

Your Point?

Come on 'Failure', "You've said all of this nonsense, but what's the point of it all?"

That's my point exactly! Why do you go though all that stress. Why spend your life away banning people. Why, most of all, spend your money. Your hard earned CASH on something that is causing more trouble than fun?

Or does it? Do the few and far between points in time where you actually have fun make up for all the stress?

Tell me what you think, I want to see your opinions on the matter

Failure out~


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