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Skins; The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

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alj21's Avatar alj21
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
As we all know, skins are one of the most popular things people upload, and some are great! Well shaded, original and something you'd be proud of having on any server. Then there are bad skins; Nude skins, racist skins or unoriginal content. Then there are the ugly; no shading, little colour variation and boring content. This post is to list points on all 3.

1. The Good
- Shading makes any skin better. Well, almost any. Without shading, hair and skin would be one solid colour, jeans would be a single shade of blue and steve would look completely ridiculous. What takes as little as 10 minutes can make your skin go from a page 783 piece of crap to a pop-reel sensation. When it comes to making skins, shading is a must-have.
- Originality. I'm not going to mention the 'teen skins' that everyone seems to hate; in fact, despite the several claims that they are all unoriginal, many are custom made and are made to represent the user in real life. That's not to say all are original, I'm personally not a fan of the slime-headed hoodie skins or the teen creeper hoodie skins, just that some are just as original as any other skin on PMC.
- It all starts with a good idea. Honeydew (From the Yogscast) has had the same Dwarf skin for all of his YouTube "career", and it has become one of the most popular skins ever. Xephos, Honeydew's Yogscast partner, had the same skin for a long time. It was a Commander Riker skin, based off of that character from Star Trek. Many people were his fans and used the skin without actually knowing what it was from. Xephos has since customised it. The Commander Riker skin became less popular after Xephos changed to a custom one, and it went back to having a limited fanbase, as realistically only Star Trek fans would use it. If it weren't for Xephos, the skin wouldn't have gained as much popularity whereas the Dwarf skin may have still become popular, having a large appeal.

2. The Bad
- Nude skins. They are unnecessary, they aren't in any way humorous and they are just completely pointless. I recently saw a skin which I initially thought 'Oh, that's an interesting gamer skin' until I looked lower, and saw a pair of male genitals. It wasn't even a terrible skin, but the nudity completely ruined any appeal.
- Hitler/Nazi skins. These are just part of our past that is best left forgotten. It is disgraceful to the victims, the soldiers that fought in WWII, and is basically some kind of German stereotype. Germany is a beautiful country that shouldn't be remembered by one power hungry man that was dead before anyone reading this was even born.
- Unoriginal content. I mean "Herobrine" skins (Steves with white eyes) "Red Eye Zombies" (Zombies with red eyes) or Steve variations like "Red shirt Steve" or "Green Eyes Steve". They are all 2 minute effortless works made almost certainly to level up or get on the Pop Reel.

3. The Ugly
- 'Template' skins. These are basically skins made of one solid colour (usually black). They don't serve a single purpose, and are an excuse to put no effort into a skin.
- Lack of shading. I'll be quick here because I've already mentioned shading, but basically when a skin has one-tone brown as "hair", black dots for eyes, a single blue for jeans or some kind of orange as 'skin', then something just ain't right.
- Black mouths. Some 'new' skinners will make what is meant to be a person, normally called something like 'Random Guy', and give them a large black symmetrical smile as a mouth. That is not the colour of lips or teeth, they are always overblown and are unrealistically shaped.

That's all. I've mentioned The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of skins. If I've forgotten something, feel free to mention it below and I'll add it. Feel free to give a diamond, maybe a heart, or maybe even sub if you want more. I hope you've enjoyed reading this, thats all from me. For Now!

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Mail Order Cowboy
01/25/2015 4:42 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Scribe
Mail Order Cowboy's Avatar
"Hitler/Nazi skins. These are just part of our past that is best left forgotten."

Yeah, let's forget about one of the most important parts of the world's history.Let's make the same mistakes over and over again.
01/01/2014 11:48 am
Level 43 : Master Ninja
Darkflame2050's Avatar
"What takes as little as 10 minutes can make your skin go from a page 783 piece of crap to a pop-reel sensation." It takes my like two hours to shade my skins. XD But I agree with what you're saying.
01/19/2014 11:48 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
your3798's Avatar
that quote made me rolf
01/01/2014 11:33 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
alj21's Avatar
Well I used a bit of exaggeration there xD
12/31/2013 1:46 pm
It/It • Level 30 : Artisan Carrot Cake
Mishkia's Avatar
Not all teen skins are unoriginal, Katy Love and Sugarbun's for example, but I agree with the whole blog otherwise. However, I can't say Sugarbun and Katy love, cause of the faces they have on their skins, but either way they do their best to make their skins original, and I also can't say about the faces cause its hard to put original eyes on a skin without making it look A) weird B) Like you randomly saw a picture of it, and copied C) plain ugly. But yeah.
01/01/2014 11:34 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
alj21's Avatar
I never said all teen skins were unoriginal, in fact I agree with you entirely :)
01/04/2014 10:00 pm
It/It • Level 30 : Artisan Carrot Cake
Mishkia's Avatar
Sorry if it seemed like I was saying you weren't saying it, I'm still working on making my grammar look sound x.x
12/31/2013 12:32 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
nickfromgreece's Avatar
The good, the bad and the ugly ... sneaky reference :P
12/31/2013 12:07 pm
Level 22 : Expert Mage
Skylar1541+'s Avatar
I agree with you for the 'Good' and the 'Bad' skins, but the ugly? I mean, yeah some are ugly with awkward teeth and stuff, but when you go into no shading, thats a bit specific. I still need to learn the art of shading and some people just don't have it in them, they do all they can but shading just isn't their thing! Considering that all you have on this account is blogs, why should you be complaining!? I download skins and edit them myself on my softwares and done, I got what I wanted and I custom created it for myself! At least make a skin so people know your not ranting just because you want what you want. :/
01/01/2014 11:46 am
Level 43 : Master Ninja
Darkflame2050's Avatar
I think that unshaded skins look ugly, but that's just my opinion.
