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Skylord_declan 929will And the Curse of the Creeper. (Short novel by john christmas)

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skylord_jc's Avatar skylord_jc
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
Skylord_declan 929will And the Curse of the Creeper. Hope u enjoy it:P

One lovely summero s morning in seed 1209, Skylord and 929will had spawned in a forest. They were on a mission to find new elements in Minecraft 1.0 they had wandered for hours getting more and more tired, hungrier and hungrier, and then, in the middle of a desert biome Skylord exclaimed, LOOK! A wooden hut!! Where? Said 929will, turn your render distance up to far! Said Skylord, ah I see it! Ito s getting dark, said Skylord, maybe we should go and check it out, if it will provide a good shelter Io m up for it! Im pretty hungry. They walked a little further until it came fully into view. Wow... exclaimed Skylord in wonder. Ito s a village 929, a real village! Youo re sure it isno t a plugin? Said 929will slightly amused. No ive only got the essentials plugin from bukkit, said Skylord. Weird...

They walked around the village in wonder; they had never seen anything like this! So far as they knew they were the only mobs capable of building things in Minecraft!

They walked up to a house, Skylord looked through the window, ARGH! He shouted, what, what?! Said 929will. Look!. 929will looked in, Whoa! What the hell? Its a person! A mob or something. He was looking at a weird human shaped mob, its arms crossed across his chest, tall, wise looking.

Io ve never seen anything like this, said Skylord uneasily. erm who are you? 929will said quietly. I am Steve Enderwood. He said. Many of your kind come and kill us. We mean no harm. They think we are the cause of the deaths. What deaths? What dyou mean? Said 929will, a little louder.

There is a monster! Said Steve, it kills us and the humans, it is sly and devious it and very dangerous, many of us have ventured from the village to find it and kill it, but none prevailed. What is it? Who is it? Said 929will concerned, WE DO NOT SPEAK OF IT! Said Steve loudly, it is an ancient creature we villagers fear over all others! Well, is there something i could do? Said 929, i fear you will be taken like all of the other brave souls that were lost at the wrath of... the, the cursed creeper said steve barely above a whisper. its a creeper? Said 929. Yes, said Steve. But do not doubt its ability, its fast, its footsteps are barely audible, it doesno t die when it explodes! Its reborn from the burnt debris!!!

My god! Said Skylord, 929 maybe we should get out of here... no! 929will said, we have got to help these guys!, i have a spare bedroom in the back, if you would like to help? Stay the night at least.

Ok, said Skylord.

The next day 929will was pacing around the spare bedroom. He had woken up in the night to fight off a rogue mob that had entered the house and was struggling to find an idea that was good enough to destroy a cursed creeper! Wus goin on? Said a muffled voice from behind him. Oh good your awake said 929will, ive been up most of the night trying to think how im going to kill that creeper boss! Well, if we cano t make something powerful enough to kill it, why not make it?Said skylord, What dyou mean Skylord? Said 929will perplexed. Well make a dispenser sentry gun! Or a tnt cannon? But its reborn from the ashes... said 929will, its hopeless!!!! GUYS! Said Steve , Io ve found something! Come here! 929 and Skylord walked through to the next room where Steve was pondering over an enchantment table. What is it? A potion of poison! What? Poison boys poison! You poison it when its being reborn from the burned remains of what its destroyed! You kill it permanently with potion of poison! Well? You going?

ABSOLU-Stop!!!! Skylord cut across 929, im not risking my neck! Come on! Said 929will. This is our chance to prove the other humans wrong! To prove that the villagers areno t killers! That they are innocent!

Oh man, alright, said Skylord.

A couple of hours later, the three set of in search of the cursed creeper, they had walked for hours and hours until Skylord remembered something! 929! Ive got another plugin installed! Its called point me, it points to were you want to go most. Well get it out then, said 929. he got out his compass.

Point me to the giant creeper, point me to the giant creeper, said Skylord quietly into the compass.

YOU MUST GO...*pending, pending, pending, pending, ok, right, right press upload co-ordinates, oh god said Skylord impatiently, type o /pm coordinates 929willSkylordsteveo .* STUPID THING! Yelled Skylord. What a piece of utter crap! Said Skylord, these plugins never work. Oh well said 929will, we cant be far off, i can hear something. At that moment a giant peice of sand flew up from the desert land and landed with a thump on the ground infront of 929will. What the?- BOOM! The ground crumbled and broke open revealing a huge crevice in the ground. Oh my god! Shouted 92 will. As the ground had separated, so had the three. Skylord was on one side, 929 and steve on the other. And the crack was widening rapidly, run!! Get back yelled Skylord! Theres something down there!

Steve edged forwards, look over the edge, and shouted in fright! Its down there! Its the creeper! This must be were it sleeps! How do we get down!! Look! A waterfall! We can abseil down it! Said steve, i dunno said Skylord, its a big jump. Nothing else for it Skylord, 929said confidently, im going in!

He jumped, as if in slow motion, he flew forward-and then fell...down. aaaaaaaaaaargh! He yelled as he plummeted the 200ft down, until- a splash sounded. 929?? 929? You there? Yeah! I landed in the splash pool at the bottom! Io m ok! Right, said Skylord Io m not leaving him down there come on Steve.

He jumped after 929will, and after a quick hesitation, Steve followed. They both landed a couple of blocks away from 929, come on! 929 yelled, over here! They swam over to a block sticking out in the water, they climbed onto it, jump over the the side of the pool! Ok, said Skylord. Im going first. He jumped over onto the side of the rocky pool. Im out!. Ok steve your next. Er, right he said uncertainly. He jumped and after a bit of a struggle was up over the side of the pool. Right here i come! 929will jumped and got out of the pool aswell. Right weres that creeper? I see it said steve! Over there! Behind that corner! You using that x-ray mod steve? Said Skylord, amused. Er, no oh no why would i do something like that??, ha! Ha! He gave a forced laugh. Come on said Skylord. They sprinted through the creavice, it was adverse terrain for a villager like steve, but adventurers like 929 and Skylord were upto it. They ran over to a huge boulder and stopped for breath. Anyone think to bring a porkchop? Said Skylord. Im starving! Ive brought 4, said steve. Here, he handed out a porkchop to everyone and kept the other one back for o emergancies onlyo , yeah right snorted Skylord.

Look at that! Said 929, he was looking up at a large floating island.

Wow! said Skylord thats incredible! How do they get like that?? Glitch said 929will. Quite rare, you should take a screenshot. They all tapped f2. Right we had better get moving said steve. Equip your iron swords! They ventured forwards, they were near the creeper now, they could hear the soft footsteps padding across the ground around the corner, ready? Said Skylord, ready said 929. Lets go!

They rushed out around the corner, the creeper was huge, the top of its head out of their render distance that was on far. They stabbed at the creature, but it with no effect, it didno t seem as if it even knew they were there. And then, its great head looked down, and saw them, OH,MY,GOD! Said Skylord, the creeper had turned around and gave out a huge hiss, its gonna blow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!said Skylord, run! Said 929will, but no explosion came, instead a different sound met their ears, a great rumble coming from behind the creeper, it sounded like a tidal wave. And then it came into view. A tsunami of creepers falling over eachother, a wave of green bodies and black eyes, theavalanch of creepers barely came halfway up the boss creepers feet but it dwarfed 929 and Skylord, WHAT THE HELL???? Said 929will STEVE! Shouted Skylord, STEVE RUN!!!!!!!!!!! What? Came steves voice from round the corner, barely audible over the rush of creepers coming towards them. RUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!! Yelled Skylord, THERES ALOT OF CREEPERS COMING OUR WAY! Oh! Ok, said steve, and as he ran off round the corner, the wall of creepers hit them; everything was dark 929 couldnt breathe! Pulled deeper and deeper beneath the avalanche, Skylord was the same, just a few inches away, but invisible to 929 behind about 50 creepers, they felt a bump. The creepers at the bottom of the avalanche had been crushed against the wall round the corner of the creavice,929 had no idea what had happend to steve, there was no way he could of gotten away. Then the bumps became more frequent, the wave of creepers was getting shallower, soon 929 could poke his hands out of the swarm into open air, he half swam half clambered up to the surface, he was rushing along the creavice at an unimaginable speed, and in the distance getting ever closer was steve! He was running along the floor of the creavice as fast as his legs could carry him, but the wave was catching up, closer and closer and...WHOOSH he was swallowed up in the mass of green. Then behind him a voice said OI! COULD DO WITH A LITTLE HELP! Skylord was behind him, LISTEN! He shouted over the roar of creepers IM GOING TO SWIN BACK DOWN TO GET STEVE! HE HAS THE POTION OF POISON! OKAY!!! Yelled 929 HURRY THOUGH!! WERE GETTING NEAR THE END OF THE CREAVICE!!!!!!!!! And sure enough as Skylord had disappeared below the surface, he turned round and saw coming out of the fog, the end of the creavice, a huge black wall, coming closer and closer! SKYLORD QUICK!! He yelled into the swarm and then, steve and Skylordes head popped up, HI they said at once, QUICK GET UP! Shouted 929. WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! LOOK Skylord looked over 929wills shoulder and saw the end of the creavice. Oh my god!! He said look! 929! Its the water fall! Jump to it!!!

929 didnt hesitate, he leaped to the waterfall, WHAM it felt like he had hit concrete, his head was spinning. He slowly started to swin upwards, he could see the avalanch of creepers rushing by, then something smashed into him from behind, it was Skylord and steve, SWIM UP! Mouthed Skylord, he was stuc underneath 929. OK 929 mouthed, and swam up as fast as he could. As he swam he looked to the left, were the creepers had rushed towards him, and saw, the giant creeper, slowly coming towards them, getting closer all the time. He thrashed around in the water, trying to swim faster, the edge of the creavice was so close! He had to make it! He heard a hiss to his left, he didno t dare look, ZSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSZ-DUCK AND COVEEEEEEEE-BOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! 929will,Skylord and steve, were smashed out of the creavice by the shock wave, 929 couldnt see, he couldno t breathe, he could hear a distant rushing in his ears, then everything started to drift into focus, he saw a huge crater below him almost out of his draw distance,the rushing grew louder,the ground was getting closer-929WILL!! Yelled steve, I HAVE THE POTION! LOOK! THE ASHES OF THE CREEPER! He raised his arm back, swung it forward and flung the little bottle directly at the middle of the ashes that were the residues of the giant creeper, it struck the ashes, smashed, and the ashes glowed a brilliant orange, 929will scrunched his eyelids up but the light was still blinding, he heard a loud whining moan from the half born creeper from te ashes, and then both the ashes and it disappeared, WE DID IT! Yelled 929will.

Skylord was drifting in and out of conciosnous, his head was spinning, he had been smashed against the creavice wall in the explosion, and was on half a heart of life and 3 bars of hunger. He raised his head up slightly, he saw the huge crater below him, he was sat on a legde, it was lucky really, he would of fell to his death other wise, he looked up, and to his amazement he saw 929 and steve plummeting from the sky! POOOOOTIIIIIIS! Yelled 929will. 929! Yelled Skylord back, YOUR ALIVE! 929will was trying to steer himself in the air towards the splash pool, most of it had evaporated in the explosion but there was a couple of blocks left at the bottom! He leaned forwards in the air, the water was rushing up very fast to meet him! He tucked up in a foetal, bracing himself for the impact,SPLASH! He landed in the pool, steve was not so lucky, he smashed into some jagged rocks and was killed instantly, he would never get any credt for destroying the giant creeper, 929will screamed for help, but he knew it was too late, him and potis buried him outside his home, back in the npc village of eronev city, all of the occupants of the houses near by came to pay tere last respects. His grave was simple:

Here lies steve,

The bravest of all

Villagers to rome this


May your Soul rest in Peace

The End
Credit929will/john christmas

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