Minecraft Blogs / Review

ShadowRaze Minecraft Server Review

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Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
Hi guys! I'm aecarasone, and I'm going to visit a server once a week and give you a review on it! If you ever want me to check out a server, please leave the IP in the comments below. The first server that I'm going to review is called "ShadowRaze." Warning - If you don't like busy servers, this is not the place for you. It usually has over 200 people on it. Also, it does have some lag. But, if you don't mind some lag, or tons of people around you, then check this server out! It's a huge map, but people have built all over the place. If you want to build on this server, you're gonna have to take a long walk to find a non-civilized place! However, this server has very talented builders. The spawn area is huge and has some great surrounding buildings. The IP to this server is...


It has a slot of 301.

Check out these links about this server!: http://minecraftservers.net/server/4696




There is also a capture the flag server. It's IP is: ctf.shadowraze.net

Again, please leave IP's of servers for me to review in the comments!!
CreditShadowRaze Minecraft Server, Lady_Scarlet (Owner)

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by aecarasone 12/19/2012 5:50:19 pmDec 19th, 2012

Just wanted to say that I still go on this server often, I love playing capture the flag on here!

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04/25/2015 9:18 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Airwolf, do you perhaps have the old server map download for singleplayer? That was there before they re-opened?? If so, please alert me :P
05/12/2015 12:58 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
I do not have the old server map unfortunatly when the server closed down before it reopened the maps and everything else was lost
04/14/2015 2:08 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
This server is reopening for everyone who is interested in rejoining, new staff, new maps, new games.
05/10/2015 6:36 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
Just went on today, looks really nice!!
12/26/2013 3:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Iv'e been playing on this server for about 2 years and my IRL buddy got banned. I still have to say it's a great server, but a lot of the staff DO make it hard to play on. Still it's my favourite server.
04/14/2015 2:10 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
This server is reopening for everyone who is interested in rejoining, new staff, new maps, new games. www.shadowraze.net
08/05/2013 4:40 am
Level 72 : Legendary Wizard
There are a lot of people saying negative comments about this server. I have very negative feelings about the staff of ShadowRaze.

I will not hide, i got banned from ShadowRaze for speed violation over 1500. Since i was very unsure, what could of caused my ban, my first ban appeal failed, and i received screenshot of violation readings and exact coords. My wife went on to negotiate, since she sat here, and saw everything unfold on screen.

We managed to figure out, that according to coords, it was swamp, where i had used boat to cross. Very soon, we found actual cause, which was boat bug. So we got admin attention on case, made test readings, and proven it. However head admin refused unban entirely, and also banned my wife for similar readings.

It all would be nothing, if it was not global mcbans ban. We ended up appealing to mcbans directly, describing situation very detailed, since we then knew, what happened. Next hit from ShadowRaze, was this comment on my public wall of Enjin, which was like personal insult from who banned me: "good luck appealing, know, you will not win". It was hurtful, to see that on my wall, where everyone could read.

However my mcbans appeal was successful, and my global ban was lifted, reputation restored. I entirely erased ShadowRaze from my mind, until my SR friends started to join to my server. The have had run in to very similar misfortune.

Overall, based on my own, and my friends experiences, i have to say, that staff make the server unplayable.

04/14/2015 2:09 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
This server is reopening for everyone who is interested in rejoining, new staff, new maps, new games!
12/26/2013 3:13 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Iv'e almost been banned about 3/4 times but I can't complain. 3 out of 4 of those times it was account sharing problems. I have to admit most of the staff are rude but I think it's a great server still.
08/10/2013 1:23 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
Very sorry to hear that. I haven't been on ShadowRaze in a long time, but I've been hearing a lot of negative comments about it. If I do go on the server, it's for CTF. CTF is great because there's not a lot of staff around to bother you. Occasionally you get hackers, but overall I find it to be a pretty fun expierence. If you're willing, I highly reccommend giving it a try.
