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The Book of Steve(chapter 1 part 1)

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Zeylander's Avatar Zeylander
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
read the prologue before reading chapter 1

Chapter 1

The Miracle

o How many days has it been now since I first appeared here? Alone and empty-handed. With no one to guide me but my own thoughts. The pain I feel in my heart right now is far greater than any pain that a skeletons arrow could cause me when pierced through the flesh and through the bone, out to the other side of my lonesome body. Why? Why am I doomed to such a fate as this? Oh great Notch, why have you forsaken me?o These are the words of a man who is seemingly destined to live a life without comfort, a life where he dies alone, with no one to mourn for him. These are the cries of a man who calls to his absent god. These are the cries and pleas of a man, a man named Steve. A man who was given no father to show him strength, will, and courage. A man who was given no mother to nurture him with love, tender compassion and a heart-warming smile. A man who was given no friends to lift heavy woes from his shoulder during times of great hardships. This was a man who clung on the edge of a mental cliff, holding to his sanity with all his might, desperately trying not to fall down into the endless void of despair and misery that awaits his thoughts below.

Steve appeared within the maze towering trees that called this jungle home. A jungle with the hunger of twelve lions that engulfed all and threw out none. This place was neither welcoming nor forgiving. Even the slightest mistake could leave you clenched in the baffling embrace of the jungles foliage, unwilling to allow you to find your way back home. However, Steve has grown to be familiarized with the overgrown shrubbery of the jungle. He has made a home in this jungle and can always find his way back. The monsters however, are still relentless towards him. Creepers, zombies, skeletons and spiders all try their best to end Steveo s life, but always fail to do so. Steve has lived in this jungle for many years now and has learned to defend himself against all the horrors of the unholy night. The only threat that Steve faces, is the empty hole in his heart that waits to be filled with the presence of family, friends and anyone and everyone. Steve was born here. He has never seen any trace of civilization within the jungle and he believes he never will. The only way he believes he will ever have the chance to look into the eyes of a human, is if he can manage to find his way out of this seemingly endless jungle biome. But before he can do any of that, preparations have to be made. No one can just simply walk out of the jungle. You have to make plans. Possibilities have to be taken into account such as getting lost. Running out of food wono t be easy with all the animals littering the jungle floor. Monsters can be avoided by spending nights in the tree tops by climbing the vines that slink down to the soft earth from the tops of the trees. Tools will be another problem. What if one breaks? What if they all break? Or should tools even be brought at all. All these thoughts, plans, possibilities and more, clouded Steve,s thoughts as he lost track of time on the forest floor at least a mile away from home, as the merciless night, slowly ascended the heavens.

* * *

Steve dashes across the tricky paths he has made to guide him home, a trail of bloodthirsty monster race along with him. o How could I have been so stupid!o he yelled at himself. An accident like this had not happened in over eight months. But this time, Steve wasno t so sure if he would come out with his life still in his possession. Not only was he being chased by the normal spiders, zombies, creepers and skeletons, this time they were accompanied by 3 spider jockeys. And they were gaining fast. Being too busy watching the monsters chase him, Steve didno t see the twisted root in front of him. When he realized its presence he tripped over and tumbled straight into a hole in the ground, which was just big enough for his body to barely fit through. Steve tumbled through the overwhelming darkness until he hit a stone wall about 12 feet below the entrance to the hole. Due to the impact, Steve was slightly disoriented at first and couldno t hear the ominous hissing sound creeping from the darkness behind him. It took Steve only a second after he heard it to remember that horrifying sound, but he was too late. A loud boom raged through the tunnel as rock dirt and other debris went flying underground along with Steve. Still shaking, the tunnel began to cave in in front of Steve as he tried desperately to free himself from a pile of rubble. Still unable to move, Steve closed his eyes and accepted his fate, waiting for the destructive power of the falling tunnel to send him to a grave of stone and earth. The tremors stopped, and Steve didno t move. But he didno t feel any pain from a crushing force of any sort at all either. Instead, he felt heat. A welcoming warmth like the heat of a gentle fire. He placed the face of his palm against the ground expecting to fell the rubble and dirt he should be laying on, waiting to die. But no, rather than that death bed in which he expected to feel, he felt something soft, something smooth under his hand. He felt the soft invitation of a grassy floor, as if it were begging him to take a nap. Steve listened to the unseen space beyond his closed eyes. He did not hear the hissing of an exploding creeper, or the crumbling of a breaking tunnel instead he heard the happy chirps and songs of birds as they flew through the pristine air. o Am I dead? Is this my heaven from my lonely hell on earth? Or is it a dream? A dream before death takes me in its cold embrace. A dream so real, that I could dare call it reality.o Steve opened his eyes and saw the sky. It was a beautiful sky. The sun shone down upon the grassy earth of a familiar jungle floor with pure white clouds riding the winds. He saw the familiar trees and bushes of the jungle he once knew. No, not the jungle he once knew, the jungle he still knows. The jungle where he should have met his death in that unlit hole. o Is this truly the same jungle? If so then where is my house?o Steve spun around wondering if his house was anywhere to be seen. Surely enough, it was there, just as he left it the other day before he went out in search of resources. "But this is impossible!" Steve cried as he slowly walked towards his house trembling with confusion. Steve opened the door and saw something that shook his entire body enough to make him kneel down and stare with awe at the sight before him.

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05/28/2012 3:46 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
iboabdalla+_+'s Avatar
Great story man, why not give you a diamond :D
05/28/2012 6:03 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
why thank you very much for that :D
chapter 1 part 2 should be up soon :)
05/26/2012 8:01 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Lol_Burger88's Avatar
Okay now you HAVE to do part two coz that was SO EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya writing bro!
05/27/2012 6:42 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
haha dont worry i am :)
05/26/2012 3:17 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus
shinadafan2012's Avatar
Really cool!
05/27/2012 6:42 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
thanks! you should subscribe :)
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