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The First Apocalypse

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Calvado's Avatar Calvado
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger

By Calvado

Boom Day

No one really quite knows how it started; people can only guess, seeing as that the people that caused "Boom Day" to happen most likely died while causing it, or died while trying to outlast it. What everyone does know for a fact, however, was that everyone was minding their own business, walking around the continent, building their houses or communities, the normal stuff you would do in Minecraft, when all of a sudden, creepers spawned in plain daylight nonstop for thirty seconds.

Now, you would probably think, "Big deal!" right? Well, what really caused the problem was that everyone second a creeper would spawn on a block. One specific block. These blocks would be in random places, but they were at most five blocks away from each other. So, just imagine thirty creepers spawning on random blocks, all of them five blocks within each other. It was pure death and destruction.

After the thirty seconds were up, the people that remained by either having lots of blast protection, being very lucky, or just conveniently being in an obsidian house were left in a destroyed world. All the cities were blown to bits, the streets and trails no longer identifiable, and most importantly, the lights in dark places were obliterated. All that was left for these people was darkness and their inventory items.

At first, everyone tried teaming together and getting everyone rounded up from the horrible event, but it was obvious that the survivors were too widespread over the vast continent and islands. So some people grouped up and others went alone, either looking for groups to join or just to make their own decisions. It didn't take long for the survivors to notice that all the mobs spawning in the dark corners of the world were only creepers; no zombies, no skeletons, no spiders, just creepers. Another note, although the survivors didn't notice this as quickly, is that all the pigs, chicken, etc. were blown up. And they never spawned back.

And so, after the half-minute event of "Boom Day" and the fifteen minutes it took everyone else to react to it, our story begins.

Day Seventeen

The same group tried to kill me again! I'm not joking, I think they're after my head for some reason. I didn't even do anything to do! I just saw them while scavenging through one of the towns about a week ago, and ever since then they've been trying to kill me at every chance possible! I haven't killed any of them yet, because I don't want to encourage a battle between each other, but I feel like it might be necessary for my own survival to eliminate one of them within the next few days here.

Why didn't I team up when I was offered the chance? They walked up to me and said, "Hey Rickster, wanna come join us?" I should've responded yes instead of no. I probably wouldn't be in this situation now if I had accepted the offer back then.

Day Negative Two

So, we just finished building Fort Dino. Who knew it would take forever for us to get up a fort with three walls? Anyways, inside we have all sorts of stuff; training area, barracks, cafeteria, armory, storage, blah blah blah, you get the point. All nine of us are excited to start defending town from all the noobs and griefers in this fort. First, however, we need people to pass by.

Oh yeah, we saw Gortune walking out into the wilderness. When we asked him where he was going, he said "I'm going to go help out Vierbow with his creeper problems." Honestly, Vierbow is always messing around with creepers. Its ridiculous how much of a passion he has for hunting them all the time. In fact, I hear that he has a building filled with chests dedicated to holding the stacks of gunpowder that he has collected from killing the damn things.

Back to business with the town, though, we've heard that a gang has been arising and stealing stuff from other people. I even heard they made a heist at the bank and got away with some of the materials. If the rumors about them are true, I think The Dino Brigade is going to have to go out into town and deal with these guys ourselves before they start hurting people.

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