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The Actual First Person to Ever Play Minecraft

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Dionysus's Avatar Dionysus
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Steve isn't just the skin you start off with in Minecraft.

Steve was THE first Minecraft player. He was a real-life, average type of person looking to make a little extra money, so he agreed to test an advanced virtual reality machine now hidden from the public. What we know as "Minecraft classic" was the basic virtual world created to host the test subject, Steve. This is his story.

What a weird place... How did these people manage to make everything out of cubes? Including me, for the most part. Where is everyone? Or anything at all besides dirt and trees? Maybe if I look around I'll find something...

It took about 10 minutes to walk and search everywhere, and it's already night. There's nothing really to this world, just dirt, trees, sand, and the whole place is surrounded by water. I'm getting kind of bored, but I know that I'll be sucked back up into the real world soon. I'm walking around this island until they get me out, there's literally nothing else to do. The sun came back up... And it's gone again... The sun came back up... And it's gone again... How much time has really passed? When do I ever get out of this terrible place?! It's already been at least 20 of these "days"... What's become of the real me in the real world? Am I ever getting out of here?!


I punched a tree in frustration, and surprisingly it broke, I picked it up, and was able to put it wherever I wanted. And the same goes for the rest of this world's "blocks". I've actually started building things this way and it's becoming quite amusing, and even fun. If only there was someone to share it with...

I can't shake that terrible feeling that something is watching me, waiting behind me and watching me work. But of course it's only my imagination, no one else is, or ever could be, here with me.

I've built and built and built for days on top of days until there was nothing else to build, and then I've built more... I don't care.
I just want out, to feel the real world again... I don't even remember what time feels like. There's no point in doing anything anymore. Why build... Why move. Why should I even think?

This was Steve's last thought. Ever since, he has been nothing but a husk, an avatar in which players can interact with Minecraft. Despite the many new changes and upgrades, Steve has never responded to nor cared about his world, as he has been driven so insane buy his imprisonment...
Steve has never ever interacted with Minecraft's players,
I think.

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03/11/2017 6:35 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pig
P1GSTEPZ's Avatar
You should become a writer or a poet or something like that! I loved it.
11/30/2013 11:47 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
GeoffSix's Avatar
The funny thing is, Steve actually WAS the first person ever to play Minecraft. He was an old graphics tester for Mojangs previous projects (before Minecraft) that had to quit his job because he had a kid. A few months later Mojang calls him up and tells them they have a fantastic new finished project they want him to test.
03/11/2017 6:35 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pig
P1GSTEPZ's Avatar
Interesting! :o
12/02/2013 12:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Dionysus's Avatar
"And I tend to always put a question mark after his name (Steve?)"

This is from an actual tweet of Notch's.

That's what they want you to think...
11/30/2013 11:18 pm
Level 29 : Expert Giraffe
jayfeather10123's Avatar
Guys...It's obviously fictional...
11/30/2013 4:31 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
StarmanOfPacmen's Avatar
I think this was a fictional story so I don't really believe he was saying Steve was the first person to play Minecraft but was instead just giving us a good story to read a theorize about. I think he should continue stuff like this and add things like Steve's ideas of the updates and stuff like that.
11/30/2013 11:38 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Dionysus's Avatar
Exactly, thank you. And I never really considered continuing this certain story, but I might now. Thanks :)
11/30/2013 9:59 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
veeca's Avatar
Steve had a diffrent name before steve don't you know? so it was'nt steve!
11/30/2013 2:29 am
Level 21 : Expert Cowboy
MattSal's Avatar
I believe Notch was when he was doing the debugging, and alfa version.
11/29/2013 10:44 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Y'know, I thought I'd have at least a month before you passed me up.

Great work, as usual.
