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The Lost Sorcerer|Story [Complete]

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JosTheRipper's Avatar JosTheRipper
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Introduction/ Backstory

My name is Vince. I come from a land known as Aliosis(A Lee O Sis). to give you a background check on me.

I was born in a village where things weren’t ordinary to people that were well…ordinary.

We lived on a land that was cursed by the Goddess of the nether, Inferna. It was because there was a sorcerer who cursed the nether so she, and any other beast that were known to nether could only get out when a portal was opened from the over world. Whilst he was casting the spell to banish her into the 6th circle of hell she did what any god/goddess who was being banished from the mortal world, and cursed us with beast that roam the night waiting for a soul to bring back to their master.

Sounds creepy, but I guess when you grow up here you kinda just know not to go out after nine.

The sorcerer was never seen again after he finished the spell. Some say he blew up after all the energy he was channeling, but I say that he hid himself so well that even gods could not find him.

My father knows the most about him since he was the sorcerer’s apprentice, and all of the information I have given you has come from my father.

Now I wish I could keep giving you my life story, but being that my entire village is in danger we will have to tell the story as I am possibly killed by wither skeletons. (Yes they are as awful as they sound)

Chapter 1
Trying Not To Be Exploded
“Pigman to your right!” Cleo says. Cleo is the…lieutenant of our group. She thinks just because her position has a fancy name does NOT mean that she is better than me.

Of course I dodge because I swallow my pride over swallowing a golden sword down my throat. BOOM! Well that is never good…

"The withers are here last battle of the night” Cleo says.

“No I had no idea even though I have been doing this for 6 months.” I replied.

“I will take no sass from you soldier.” She says in her commander voice.

“Why don’t we take the s off of sass and that’s what we are going to kick” I say.

“Good plan soldier” She replied. I summon a diamond sword and throw it at the middle skull. The wither instantly stops wreaking havoc on the village, and looks at me.

“Now I have your attention.” I mutter.

I summon some obsidian, and a fireball. Now normally when doing this procedure it requires you to build, but when you are about to die you have to do it quickly.
Aperire Infernum” I say. The obsidian and fireball disappear from my hands and there lays a nice nether portal that is for a not so nice wither.
The wither flies toward me and I get behind the nether portal. He finally realizes that it’s a trap, but by that time it is too late. He dissolves into the portal and Cleo yells “Solvite!”

The portal instantly explodes and its remains blend right in with our surroundings.

My father runs over to our help.

“Someone is a tad bit late” I say.

“Soldier do not talk to the general like that!” Cleo yells.

I pull a sly grin, and act as if I did not hear her.

“I needed to save my energy to be able to use the stone of Order restoration.” He explains.

“I really do think you make these things up as an excuse to hide..."

Cleo looks at me with anger

Chapter 2
An Announcement That Shattered The Ears Of Many
My father whispers “componendum”
The pieces instantly regenerate themselves back together. Before Cleo can jump on this one I point at the regenerate portal and yell


I think I may have said it with a bit too much power because everything in a 10-foot radius was blown up.

“This is why you are not getting promoted any time soon.” She mutters.

I brush it off, and proceed to our headquarters.

After every battle we sit around, and have a nice talk about how we can improve on our battle skills, and what we can do better next time. Basically the time I get roasted by Cleo. So normally I don’t pay attention.
I sit at my seat, and drink the glass of water that is provided in about 10 seconds.

“Soldiers please stand” father says. I stand unwillingly.

“We have a special announcement to make” Everyone’s face turns cold.
The last special announcement Tracy died. We tried to summon the Dragon of Ender and the power dissolved her body into ashes, and the wind from her explosion blew them away. She was one of our best, and we used her for an experiment we knew we could never come close to fulfilling.

“We will be going on an adventure.” He continued. That’s exactly what they said last time so they are not exactly pulling in the audience here.

“We will be going to find the lost Sorcerer.” He proceeds. Yep exactly what happen- wait what did he just say!

“Hogwash! You would not dare send us into a battle that cannot be won. Even if the sorcerer is still alive his defenses will shatter us!” Arturo cried.

“It will be worse than Tracy, are you using us as pawns for your benefit as if our lives don’t matter!?” He screamed.

“Soldier that is enough!” Cleo yelled.

“No I will not stand for this either.” Henry said “This is a death trap. You are going to get us all killed.” He added.

“If we stay here we will be killed. The beast have been getting stronger every day, and our morale is going down as we speak.” Father said.

“Whether you like it or not we are going.” He argued.

“If we die…let it be known that we at least tried to save the known universe.” I blurted.

“That’s the spirit!” Cleo replied mockingly.

“We will be leaving tomorrow at 900.” John said.

John is our second in command. He basically does all of our strategies, schedules, assignments, and he runs the library.

“Anyone who is late will be removed from the Keepers of Solitude.”

He said. “Understood?” “Yes sir!” We all yelled.

Chapter 3
The Execution Commences

The bell for the house rung, and my body leaped up. I grabbed my bag that I had picked with all the necessities 2 spare changes of close, a few pieces of bread, enchanted amulets, and a stone of healing.

I swung open the old door of my room, and joined the line of people who were on their way down stairs. The floors creaked being that the building was hundreds of years old, and we just wait for the day that the floor collapses.

Stones of regeneration only fix things with a lot of damage, so we can’t do the repairs without hiring somebody and we don’t qualify as the wealthiest group in all of Aliosis.

“Soldiers we are doing an attendance!” John yelled and it echoed through the room. They walked through the line of approximately forty people trying to make sure that no one was hiding in their rooms to avoid going on an adventure that will probably destroy all members of the Keepers of Solitude.

“Where is Arturo!?” John yelled.

“He left in the night sir” Henry explained.

Everyone was awake now.

“That coward!” Cleo yelled

Silentium” I whispered, and her words instantly became hollow.

Trust me I just saved you all so much when she starts talking bad about somebody she never stops.

“He will be removed from the Keepers of Solitude!” John announced.

“Well I do not believe he had an intention on staying.” I said sarcastically.

John looked at me as if I had just called him ugly, and threw rocks at him.

“Back of the line Soldier!” He bellowed. Everyone knew he was not to be played with at this very moment. I marched solemnly to the back of the line.
At least when I die I will be all the way at the back, and possibly have a chance to run with one of my arms.

Chapter 4

The Sorcerers Bird, Pet, Thing...

Now if I told you the story of us walking you would get so bored.

None of us wanted to be on this trip. It was like taking a prisoner to be hung.

We knew that we would not make it out alive unless there was a hail mary, and the judge instantly changed his mind and pardoned you.

The odds of that happening one out of one thousand. Exactly.

We approached a humongous chasm that we knew would be nearly impossible to cross without help from magic.

“The map says a chasm will be our halfway mark.” Father says.

Our magician who worked specifically in architecture came to the front.

He yelled “Aedificate!”

I had seen him do this spell hundreds of times, but this time was different. His body turned a blue-ish purple, and he started to have what looked like a seizure.

Yellow flame came from the very depths of the chasm, and swallowed his body whole.

The yellow flame looked like it had wings, and a head of an eagle. We instantly realized this wasn’t a spontaneous event. The Sorcerers first line of defense had been activated. It was the Phoenix

Chapter 5
How To Fight A Fiery Bird That Is Trying To Kill You 101

"Ector!' I shout at the magnificent beast.

The water turns into fire, and my hands become burnt. So note to self never try to extinguish a Phoenix. The water that is shot from your hands will turn into fire, and give you a third degree burn.

"I got this!" Christopher says.

Christopher is a magician of binding. He can basically trap anything, and then make sure it never appears on the face of the Earth again.

"Liga egnis, Liga penna, Liga ungula, Liga corpus, Liga ANIMAM!" He shouts at the top of his lungs.

The beast moans in pain as it's particles are whisked away into oblivion. All that is left is a small box with fire scriptures on it.

"Well done Christopher!" I yell

"I am not done." He says.

He points at the box and chants

"Et disperdam te,!" 

The box explodes, and everyone gets blasted back. Cleo, John, and Father stare in a trance of amazement.

"Ho-How did you do that." Cleo says shakingly.

"A magician never tells his secrets..."

I tried to use water, and it only made the beast stronger and burn me. I looked at the expression on John's face, and I knew I was about to get a lesson on why you are not supposed to fight a Phoenix with water.

"Water magicians should never fight Phoenixes, They can potentially be burnt to death." He explains.

"Really...I didn't know that. It's not like I just got my hand nearly incinerated or anything." I growled sarcastically.

"Good job general." I say. "You made us lose our last magician of architecture."

He rolls his eyes, but I knew it hurt him, and I had every intention on doing so.

"We must continue." He proclaimed. "With the rubble of the last battle I can form a bridge."

"Coacervet." He mumbles.

A bridge is instantly formed out of a miscellaneous pattern of rocks.

"Time to continue our trip to the Sorcerers Gallows- I mean hide out."

Chapter 6
KRAKEN Our Spirits
We walk across the plain bridge in the vast land of emptiness, where the heads hang so low you can almost sense that we have been defeated without the battle even being fought.

"We should be arriving at the second distance soon." He says

"Great so what you are telling us is that we have to fight another beast, and possibly lose a few more magicians." Rosita says.

Rosita is the magician of soul. She can easily manipulate anything even demons into doing her bidding. This type of magic drains so much energy, that we only see her perform every few weeks or so, and only when it is most needed.

"Pretty much." I say

"This is honestly the worst idea we have ever had, and we tried to summon the dragon of Ender." Rosita complained.

"Shh" John says.

We approach a ocean the size of our whole entire land from the looks of it. It's waves crash up against the rocks as if it is ready to swallow any and every opponent that dares to sail across it.

"Did someone say they needed a water magician?" I hinted.

Before anyone could say anything. I yell

"nisi reduxero!"

The waves part, and reveal a beast with several tentacles, and massive teeth. I feel my body fading out, for the enchantment on the waters drains a magician three times more than any other time I would cast a parting spell. I fall the ground, and all I see is a tsunami like wave climbing over the magicians, aching to take us into the midst of the ocean. Before I can react my eyes go dark, and my body is floating in what feels like a tank for a shark.

Chapter 7
The Revealing
I wake wake up on a sandy hilltop like the rest of our crew. Cleo is speaking some not so friendly words, and the water on Rosita's body is boiling off.

"What a show" I laugh.

"Yeah a show where you are the murder, and we are going to bust you for it." Cleo pointed out.

"Did you not learn anything from our last magician dying!" She yelled. "You are so irr-" She was cut off

a large tentacle swung at us, and hit the waves like a meteor on concrete. I ran as fast as I could before I was killed by a giant squid on steroids. It was quite funny. We were all almost dead a moment , and now we have really reached our imminent demise.

"Flare!" Rosita yelled.

She was instantly blown back, and landed about 30 feet away in the water. This scenario was similar to the phoenix it was best if a water magician fought a Kraken, just like it was better if a fire magician fought a Phoenix. I instantly knew what I had to do.

"Tonitrui!" I screamed.

Light flashed in the air, and the beast went a bit deeper underwater.

Before I could try to finish my moment, Christopher jumped in.

"Liga aqua!" He shouted.

The beast screeched, and it slowly tightened. Looked like a battle won for our team. We could continue our trip, and find our sorcerer.

"Leave magicians, dare not interrupt my hiding, or you will force my hand to hurt you myself." a strange voice bellowed across the small island we were on, and made the waves even tremble with terror.

"Udeitur!" Father shouted at the cloaked mysterious figure.

The figure appeared, and fell into the ocean. For a good 15 seconds we thought he killed it, but a whirlpool of water started to drain the sea. A woman with Black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes jumped out. She wore a silk black cloak, and had a staff with all the elements pieced into one.

"You have made an awful mistake apprentice."

Chapter 8
An Unpleasant Surprise.
John stood in amazement
"The sorcerer..."

On that word the sorcerer waved her wand, and puled a tree out of the grown. She waved it again and almost pummeled John.

"Praemium!" He shrieked, thinking that may be the last word he ever said.

The tree exploded, and he was left with but a few splinters.

"You are powerful together, but lets see how you are divided." The sorcerer insisted.

She waved her wand, and picked up a chunk of sand right from the beach. She waved it again, and then used wind to blow it into our eyes.

"Caecus" she murmured.

In that exact moment we could not see, and had no idea what our next move was gonna be. I remembered a spell my father had taught me. A spell to break curses, enchants, and overall things you would not like to harm you anymore. I used my hearing to pick up the splashed of the waves and it revealed the location of the sorcerer.

"Carmine Ruinam!" I chanted.

My eyes instantly saw color again, and the sorcerer was descending into the ocean. Before she could fall all the way Christopher yelled.

"Liga spiritus,!"

The sorcerer screeched, and then instantly broke free of her binding.

"Ligabis ad Infernos!"  She yelled at Christopher.

Christopher screamed as he was dragged by a beast into the ground. He clawed and tried to hold on with all his might, but eventually had to accept his fate. A gate to hell appeared, and before Christopher could go something came over me.

"Ego te solvere!" I cried.

The sorcerer was in shock, and the beast even looked stunned. Christopher was thrown out of the portal, and the sorcerer was pulled to the ground. I was blacking out at this point, but I knew she was ready to fight so I was preparing for battle.

"Solvite!" I growled at the sorcerer.

She was instantly blown back, but not near death,

I pulled out my fire sword, but before I could finish the job.

"Bad idea, I have a surprise." She said.

Chapter 9
The Last Battle
A flock of crows swung in to protect the sorcerer. Everyone was blown back besides me.

"concutite clypeus" I hissed at the birds, and they all fell to ash.

I could see the fear in the sorcerers eyes at this point. She was trembling.

I grabbed the sword and swung at her. She dodged the blow, and summoned a staff of water. Water versus fire I could tell she
knew my weaknesses. She swung at me, and I blocked it with my sword. She tried to apply pressure, but the swords just let off
steam against each other.

I swung at her nearly decapitating her, but she bounced back. She lunges at me nearly stabbing me in the heart. I know this is
just a run on battle and there will be no winners if we continue. I had to use magic to cast the sword out of her arm.

"Arma" I said at her sword, and it flew out of her arm into a fire that was made previously by an explosion. I lunged at her, and cut
off a piece of her cloak.

"You will not win magician give up" She hissed

"You say that cause you don't want to die." I yelled. I jumped at her and took off her sleeve. At this point she was just buying time.

Her magic power had been drained from trying to bind Christopher to the underworld, and now she had little to nothing left.
I swung at her head, and she pulled backwards. I swung at her feet, and she jumped. Until I did something unexpected. I pressed
my sword down on her arm completely amputating it, and she screamed. Yellow-ish blood gushed out. While she was distracted
I did the same thing to the other arm. She screamed even louder.

Her staff dropped, and it instantly came to me. I dropped the fire sword and kicked her to her knees. I did something that a
magician would only dream of.

"I hereby denounce you as the sorcerer!" I yelled. The look on her face saddened.

"You may be powerful child, but I am the only one who knows Inferna's tricks. You celebrate your victory for now child. Never
Forget...Inferna is always watching."

She regenerated, and ascended into the heavens. I was now dressed in a black cloak, white shoes, and a purple amulet. Every-
one looked in amusement."

"From soldier to Sorcerer." Cleo joked.

For the rest of the trip home everyone was congratulating me. I felt like a champion, and I deserved it. We made our way back
along the chasm where the Phoenix had tried to kill us, and we were having a long conversation. Like the last time the trip was
rather boring. We were mostly tired this time, and had no energy left.

We approached the house, and we were all shocked. A portal to hell was in the midst of the ruins of the old mansion. Then I
remembered what the Sorcerer had said to me.

"Never Forget...Inferna is always watching."

Thanks For Reading

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03/27/2016 6:43 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ghostgirl98's Avatar
03/27/2016 5:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
_Cloudypawz_'s Avatar
Chapter 4 paragraph 2 says trap not trip
This is afacinating story and I can't wait to read more =3 but in my opinion phonix's are really pretty and not evil XD but I'm just screwing with you Jos. Good job and keep up the good work
03/27/2016 5:23 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
JosTheRipper's Avatar
Thanks I corrected the error ;P and the Phoenix isnt evil lets just say it is a Beautiful Guardian xD
03/27/2016 1:21 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ghostgirl98's Avatar
This story is so coolz i love it ♥•♥ I NEED MORE!!!!!! :P lol
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