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SciYellowronanthow's Avatar SciYellowronanthow
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragon
I am just looking to see what you think of my story.

The Quest


Chapter 1

As I walked in and out of gnarled old trees, long reeds and fallen down branches I noticed something in the distance. It couldn't be could it I thought to myself, deep down inside I knew it was but I was wishing it wasn't. The sun awoke, bringing light to the sky. At one I knew my worst nightmare had awoken...

My heart was pounding all I could hear was ringing in my ears. I trudged on even though I wanted to stop but I knew I couldn’t. Closing my eyes wishing it was a dream I stumbled across something. I looked down at my feet only to see the bodies of thousand who had attempted the same as me. Then something caught my eye, "No way!" I gasped...

It was a sword lying in a hole. It was light thankfully it didn't shatter as it was strong. It had beautiful gold swirls with bits of blue around the handle, then at the end a sparkling blue sapphire. As I picked up the sword my name appeared on it at the blade.

Determined I swapped it with my other sword. Confidently I ran on. A figure in the distance froze me. My blood turned to ice, my heart missed a beat. At the corner of my eyes I could see something. At that moment the figure I was looking at vanished. The hairs on my neck stood up on end I knew as well as they knew the figure was right behind me.

Not knowing what to do I let out a cry only to let out nothing? What happened? I felt like I could move again. Scared out my wits I turned around these eyes were like none other. I looked straight into them; they were like a fire that could not be extinguished, like daggers piercing into my heart. I could see the anger the hatred in them it was unexplainable

It was clear to me now, I wasn’t looking at someone else I was looking at me. I was looking deep into my soul. I could see the real me, someone I never wanted to be. This had to be a warning for what lies ahead. Steadily I edged away trying not to make a sound as it seemed me (the other me) only responded to sound. With a sigh of relief I gave a silent cheer.

I dropped down onto my knees. What was wrong with me? Why am I stopping? Why was it going all blurry? So many unanswered questions. What was the point I was clearly dying. I was lying shaking on the spot. Then someone dropped down on me. Just my luck I thought to myself. Have you guessed who it was? Well it was my shadow again but this time something was different about it.

My shadow gave me a crazed smile and assured me everything was going to be alright. “Hush little lamb! Everything will be alright. After you die of course!” my shadow cackled followed by an insane cry with laughter.

Considering the options I gave up. With a sigh I muttered, “I give up you win…” Out of the blue I felt a sharp object pierce right through me. I started coughing up blood. This feeling I had felt it before. Almost as if I was happy dying like I knew I wasn’t going to die.

My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to explode. Its over I thought despite the feeling I had that it wasn’t. As time went I realised my shadow had left me to die a slow painful death. As a result I opened my bag and took out a bottle of lethal poison. To put myself out of misery I drank a drop just with enough time to bottle it up again.

Soon after this I awoke in the same positon again but with no wound no nothing. Had the heavens blessed me with another life? I stood up bewildered. Not knowing what to do I stood there…? What to do next? I asked myself. Well the only thing I could do was wait but me being me I didn’t and I ventured forth…

Sprinting down the path I tripped up over something. Stumbling along I then bumped into something. When I looked down I saw I little boy with big blue eyes, with curly golden hair. He was looking at me and went to run but I grabbed his hand. Kneeling down I spoke to him softly, “Why are you here all along?” the young boy was clearly terrified. “Did something happen?” I asked politely. “Yes…” the boy sniffled. He led me over to a bush were his little sister was sitting. “What happened?” I asked. “Our parents were killed here we came looking for them and found them dead and now we are lost!” cried the boy.

Feeling worried for them I took them on. I spent about five days showing them how to fight. Unquestionably they were definitely good fighter. I also assured them no harm would come to them as they were obliviously terrified. We took it slowly coming closer and closer to my destination. Before we knew it night had fallen on us again. It was then I saw the metropolis of castles before me. I was over whelmed by the sight of it. My mission was only starting but there was a bit of dread in me. I didn’t look back as the darkness just crept up on us. It caused us to have heart palpations because of the fright it gave us. The children took a while to come round but they told me their names. The boy was called Ethan and the girl Ruby.  It wasn’t long before they got it out of me what I was doing… The truth was I am the same as them. My parents tried the same thing as theirs and failed. I was going to a castle up in the mountains, homed to the devil itself.

Their eyes widened with shock. They still followed me even though they seemed really scared. This showed me they really were scared to go alone. They didn’t want to die like their parent. It was my responsibility to look after them now.



Chapter 2

It has been about a week since I left home. Doubtfully I continued. Why did I continue though? And I still need to find out why I didn’t die back there… Just at that moment I heard an unwelcoming cry. It was blasting at me. I gave out a roar, Ethan and Ruby looked at me. They can’t hear it? I thought to myself. Something was wrong. Everything stopped. Vibration flowed through me… It was like I controlled motion. I could feel everything; I knew what everything was going to do. At that moment everything unfroze, I stood up; something in me had changed dramatically.

I opened my bag and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes had changed colour they were red now, not blue, then I saw my hair it had turned to a scarlet red colour to. I took my sword out and it was covered in flames. “What is this!!!” I belted out. Again I fell to my knees… I can’t understand what’s happening to me I thought to myself. Just then a tier hit the ground I but my hands over my face. “What monster have I become?!?!” I said shaking uncontrollably. I lay down wishing I would just die. Ruby and Ethan looked at me; they gave me a look as to say, what’s wrong with you? Why are you crying? You look fine… It was obliviously only me that could see what I had turned into. What anathema had befallen me? At least one part of me was glad that Ethan and Ruby could not see me.

We ventured forth along the path. I was still in tears but I would not say why. In front of me stood the castle, monumentally tall and wide, it had tall gnarled towers. Long vines surrounding the castle with prickles, it had black stained-glass with small arrow slits as well as skeleton minions surrounding it. I was gritting my teeth in dread just at the look at it. I closed my eyes wishing it was all a dream. Sadly it wasn’t, my worst nightmare had officially awoken.

I draw my sword standing still. I told Ethan and Ruby to get their swords and shield ready just encase. I also told them only to come when I shout on them, “Don’t come into I say!” I bellowed at them...

To be continued!

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