Minecraft Blogs / Story

The real story of minecraft Pt. 5

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Level 24 : Expert Artist
~~~Part 6 now up~~~

Everything thing seemed normal, besides the fact that it was dark. Meaning nothing is going to turn out normal.

Steve walked cautiously down the hallway made of stone brick. Nothing at all looked out of place, it seemed as if it was abandoned. But there has to be at least one person here, or thing, who else could've place the torches on the walls? Steve kept walking for what seemed to be about 2 minutes and he still hadn't found anything yet, so he decided to use a shortcut. He pulled out his pickaxe and started mining through the stone brick until he got to another room. When he was in the room he put up about 2 torches, but then heard some skittering coming from all around him. He quickly pulled out his sword and looked around him, expecting to see creatures come from all around, but he saw nothing. The thing was, he could still hear the skittering. He didn't know whether he was going mad or not, until he felt a sharp pain at his foot.

There were about 20 rock creatures, that were the size of Steve's hand, running all around biting him. Steve quickly threw down a dirt block and jumped up on it. He then started hitting the ground with his sword, as a failed attempt to actually try to hit them, but they were too fast. In a frenzy, he started hitting the ground faster and faster randomly, causing the sword to chip and wear, but he started killing the small rock creatures. He killed to what seemed like 10 until his sword finally broke from smashing it against the stone. He had no other decisions but to kill them with his hands.

After about 7 minutes of hitting the rock creatures, he finally killed them all, but had bloody knuckles due it. But he kept going on. Outside of that room, it seemed like he was in a small prison sort of room. Maybe the room he was just in, was a jail cell. But for who? Nothing made sense to him. Who could build this whole place and just abandon it? Obviously the villagers the couldn't have built it because they're just a bit too stupid. Steve couldn't help but feel a little bad he thought the villagers were stupid. Sadly enough, they are. But then again, they never really showed their true potential. He only did see them briefly. Maybe this is just a trap? Maybe the villagers were geniuses and this is some sort of big plan. But what genius wouldn't live here? It could be a great fortress if it was fixed up. So maybe it wasn't the villagers, but who randomly disappears like this? There has to be some sort of a trail. Some connection to why it was empty. He came up with nothing, but then he saw a light flickering out of one of the jail cells. Considering this was the only living quarters around, he figured, hell, maybe someone does live here.

Steve went into the room to just to find that no one was there. He was expecting it though. There was one other thing that caught his attention. A door inside the jail cell. He opened it, just to find what seemed like an altar. He then had another vision, a vision of eyes oozing out a creature that looked exactly like the creature inside his shack, with the purple snowflakes. The eyes then fall onto a fire, mixed with an orangish looking powder, forming an eye that looked like useful, it felt useful. He then had a sudden feeling of familiarity. Like getting that eye, meant something important. As if he was a small part in a big role. He was just something small of something very big. Something he couldn't wrap his head around, but he just knew there was something else at play.

The vision was over and when he came back to consciousness, he found himself inside the altar. He climbed out of it and looked at it. It had 12 blocks on it with slots on the inside of them. Steve looked inside the slot and saw that it had the exact shape of the eye he saw in his vision. He felt a sudden rush of chills. He needed the eyes.

He needs to know what happens next.

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11/21/2011 1:59 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Unicorn
nooooooo! ended at the good part!
11/21/2011 3:39 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Definetly. But Part 6 will most likely be up pretty soon
11/20/2011 5:00 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
hhmm strongholds? dude. i can never anticipate your next great blog x). great work
11/21/2011 3:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Aha thanks man. But I have yet to actually find a stronghold...
11/21/2011 4:50 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
XD i think very few people have without cheating
11/21/2011 6:26 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
I still have to get that damn blaze powder
11/21/2011 8:05 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
11/21/2011 9:37 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
It's hard man ;o. I'm all like agh fucking die and the blaze rods fall in the lava uiahaurg
11/19/2011 8:43 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Fox
Not to double-post, but it would be cool if you did one of these, but it was about MineCon. Just a random suggestion. :)
11/21/2011 3:37 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Maybe but I dunno how that would work ;o.

That might just be another story..
11/21/2011 5:04 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Fox
Maybe from someone's perspective. IE; Notch's or the Yogscast? :)
