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The story of the Temple

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Exurbia's Avatar Exurbia
Retired Moderator
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
As the beautiful sun falls, I make my way home. The water seems tranquil, and the shadows cast by the trees are still. I go down the same path as I normally do to get home. Through the dark dense forest, but it doesno t scare me. Io ve been here millions of times, there is nothing suspicious. The leaves rustle, but ito s only the breeze, that wisps through my long brunette hair. Io m almost out of the forest, when I notice a weird shaped stone. I walk up to it, and study the carvings in it. They seem to be the shapes of ghosts, or spirits. I notice another, and another. Then I look down, there seems to be a stone path leading somewhere. I think to myself, o Why haveno t I noticed this before?o , and then kept walking on.

After a few minutes of walking down the path, I notice a clearing in the trees. There is a massive building towering above my head. o It seems to be made of sandstoneo , I whisper. I walk out of the forest then step on to this weird, pale white stone. It is decorated with strange glowing stone, which gives off an unnatural light. I walk closer to the entrance, it seems huge. There is weird dark brown sand near the entrance, and on the slopes of the building. I kneel down to touch it, and I hear high pitched screams everywhere. I jump up quickly to see who is there, but there is no one in sight.

I make my way into the weird temple. Lightly stepping on the sand, but it seems to slow me down even more. After a minute or so, I finally make it inside. There is lava in the walls, giving of heat, but I feel ice cold.

o This place is huge!o , I yell. And it echoes throughout the building. I walk up to the giant fountain in the center of the temple, and stand on the edge. I nearly faint, the liquid flowing in the fountain is blood! I pause for a second, and then look closer. I scream. There are carcasses floating around in the fountain!

I stumble backwards, not believing what I just witnessed. I want to explore more, but something is telling me I should leave. It is now dark, and there is no point trying to find my way back home in the darkness. I wander further into the temple, constantly turning around to see if anything is following me. The darkness engulfs some of the temple, while the weird, unnatural glowing stone lights some of the building.

I walk up to this giant podium like thing at the back of the temple, and notice some writing on it. I try to find a way up so I can read it, and I go around to the back. There is a doorway, leading under the podium. I spot a ladder going up, but then notice three graves. They have no names on them, but are covered in blood, and have rotting carcasses piled next to them. They stink, and fill the small, cramped room with a disgusting stench.

I quickly make my way up the ladder, and then I start to study the writing. o Ito s written in blood, thato s not surprising. Seeing that the fountain is full of dead bodies.o I chuckle to myself, then starts reading the text.

o This is impossible to read!o , I yell out to no one. I can only make out a few words, like death, bloodlust, souls and murder. I could just make out the last line, o Welcome to the temple of the Lost Soulso , it read out.

I sit down, and just stare at the last sentence. o Templeo ¦ ofo ¦ theo ¦ Lost Soulso ¦o , I murmur. o It makes sense now why there are so many dead bodies, but what is the purpose of this place?o , I think to myself. I get up and look around. I notice a door in a pillar, so I make my way back down the ladder, and then walk over to it.

I read the words scratched into the sandstone, o Ceremony room up the stairso . I open the door and make my way up the flight of stairs.

Once I get to the top, I open the second door, onto the roof. I look around for a moment, then notice a tower in the dead center of the roof. I start walking up to it, looking around cautiously to make sure there is nothing else up here.

I finally get up to the tower, then open the door. I walk in, and I notice some strange floating rocks, that are on fire. I walk up to them to get a closer look, then I notice blood and guts smashed together with stone, that is stained red. I look around the room, there seems to be more stones on the edge of the room. I study the walls, and then see hundreds of names scratched into it. They were all very old names, that I have never heard of before.

I stand still for a moment, realizing that the flames dono t seem to go anywhere, or die down. o They are eternalo ¦o , I whisper, looking around the room. I quickly make my way out, and back down to the stairs.

Warning: If you do not like blood or gore, I recommend not reading this part. I found out how dark I can be while writing this.

Once Io m back in the temple, I notice an eerie silence. I couldno t even here the crackle of the fire. I stand still for a brief moment, and slowly look around the giant room. I notice a faint red glow in a dark corner. I silently and slowly make my way over to it, trying to hold my breath. I stop a few steps away, and notice the carcass of a small child, judging by the size. My conscious is telling me to get the hell out of there, but I walk closer. I hold my breath, than lay my hand on ito s shoulder. It groans, and I roll it onto its back. I study it, while it just lies there. I notice through the bones and rotting flesh that its heart is beating. I go to open its eyes, and almost right before my hand can touch ito s eyelids, then open. They are glowing red, and blood is flowing out of them. In a matter of seconds, it grabs my arm, and bites my arm, while ripping of a chunk of flesh at the same time. I feel light headed, then I faint.

I wake up, confused and scared. Io ve been tied to a blood soaked, wooden pole, and its strapped to the top part of the podium. I try to look at my arm; ito s still bleeding a bit. o That little bugger, he ripped the flesh right off my bone!o , I thought to myself. I look around, realizing there are people looking up at me. From the light, I cano t tell if they are dead, or alive, but their eyes are glowing red. There is one standing on the podium, in front of me, wearing blood soaked white robes. He starts chanting something, then turns around and walks up to me.

I can tell he is dead now, by the smell of him, and the appearance of his decaying body. His eyes are red too, and leaking blood. His hands are bony, and he has barely and flesh left on them. He walks up to me, and touches my face.

o She is beautiful!o , he murmured. Then he turned around to look at the others, o Tonight, we will feast on her soul, and bathe in her blood!o

Io m too shocked to do anything, I freeze in fear. o They are going to kill meo ¦o , I think to myself. I regret ever coming here, and staying for the night. This place has lead to my death, and no one will know. I groan, and the man in the white robes turns back around. He has a bloody knife in his hand, and is slowly moving towards me. o This is it Katieo , I think to myself, o Io m going to be murderedo ¦.o

He walks up to me, and slowly injects the knife into my stomach. I scream, crying, and loosing blood quickly. He slowly drags the knife down the rest of my torso, and I scream in pain. He is laughing. o He is enjoying this!o , I yell out, only speaking to myself. He throws the knife on the ground, the reaches into my body, grabbing my organs and intestines.

o Any last words my dear?o , he sneers.

o Noo ¦ noo ¦o , Io m crying and wishing I was at home, safe and sound.

I close my eyes, as he pulls out my insides. Everything goes black.



o She is dead!o , the man in the robes yelled to the others. They chant and yell in response. He walks to the edge of the podium, holding her lifeless heart up for them all to see.

o Feast now, my people! For we are still hungry for blood. We stop at nothing to get what we want! Tonight, we shall bathe in her cold blood, and eat her remains. Her soul will join us if it can find a body. We are the lost souls!o , he said to his people.

He picked up her body, and placed it on the ground, so all of his people could have some of her flesh. They ate, and then the leader picked up her carcass, and threw it in the fountain.

o My people! Bathe in the sweet blood of the dead! Do it now!o , he yelled out to them. They made their way into the blood fountain, and bathed in it like it was water.

The temple was never found again for years, and no one know what happened to all who entered it.

Temple here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/temple-of-the-lost-souls/

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02/10/2012 10:05 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
ieatdiamond's Avatar
02/10/2012 10:06 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Thanks! :D
02/02/2012 5:03 am
Level 28 : Expert Prince
Bidoduff's Avatar
i just realized i talk as much to kestrelfight as you talk to him O.o like serious we talked so much we couldnt even see the words after. O.o
02/02/2012 2:06 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
You don't want to know how many new comments me and him have had to start! We get like 300 comments on everything we comment on! xD
02/02/2012 2:48 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc33001's Avatar
02/02/2012 4:51 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc33001's Avatar
02/02/2012 2:53 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
I haven't read Cupcakes. And sometimes I go through really dark phases. Especially late at night. I get the urge to write something, or draw something. So, yea ^-^
02/02/2012 2:57 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc33001's Avatar
02/02/2012 3:17 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Don't be. :3
02/02/2012 3:22 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc33001's Avatar
02/02/2012 3:23 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
You read Cupcakes!? Oh god...
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