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The Tallest Natural Structure in Minecraft

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JakeReis's Avatar JakeReis
Level 22 : Expert Architect

Hello Everyone. Today I found a massive mountain in the middle of one of the new savanna biomes.I was wondering what the tallest NATURAL structure you all have found is. From the top of the tallest tree this mountain is 197 blocks tall. If you were to jump from the top ledge, you would fall 187 blocks all the way to the bottom without hitting any other blocks.


Here is the seed:-8278656170697959971.

If you have found something taller please share I would love to see it!


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10/26/2013 7:15 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
DJ_333's Avatar
Cool. I am pretty sure that the new "Amplified" world gen option can make higher structures, but I don't count that as 'natural'.
10/28/2013 1:48 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
JakeReis's Avatar
Yeah I like that option it's pretty cool! And yes, this one is on the default world type.
