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No more Hamachi!

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Raniy's Avatar Raniy
Level 19 : Journeyman Robot
I have been growing ever more disturbed recently over the exploding number of 'Hamachi' servers. At first I had no clue what this was and indeed I thought it may be an alternative to Bukkit or something. Upon further exploration Ive discovered Hamachi is a tool which among other things is a way for people with a pirated copy of minecraft to play on multiplayer servers. Where typically they would be restricted to SP. IE Hamachi allows people to bypass the copyright protection included in the game by Mojang.
It seems clear the only people who have/host hamachi would be those with pirated/illegitimate copies of Minecraft.

So my question is this:
Does PMC support Hamachi servers knowing full well they are pirated copies of Minecraft?

I strongly urge the community to block all 'Hamachi' servers. Keep this community above board.

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02/11/2012 4:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mrumsamarg's Avatar
Hamachi must be some kind of virus, because it can't be uninstalled, and if you try to uninstall it, it just comes back, and slows down your computer
02/03/2012 6:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
john113's Avatar
I disagree. People that host using hamachi because they cant port forward, etc. Though some use it for pirated minecraft servers. I still believe that this isn't justifiable to remove hamachi servers. I also have to remind you that most people can still host pirated servers without hamachi, simply setting their onlinemode to false in their server.properties.
11/01/2011 10:30 am
Level 40 : Master Taco
N52's Avatar
BTW Raniy What Is Your Servers Ip I Got Premium Now
11/01/2011 10:30 am
Level 40 : Master Taco
N52's Avatar
Nope I Think U Need To Know That Hamachi Servers Are Servers That People Make That Are Too Lazy To PortForward Or Cant Because They Need The password That They Dont Have.
08/29/2011 5:59 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
PSM3XXX's Avatar
Yes all public hamachi servers should be shut down
08/29/2011 6:09 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Robot
Raniy's Avatar
Well they should be removed from listing on PMC at any rate.

Allowing them to be listed, in their own category no less, is blatant approval even support of their existence.
08/31/2011 7:09 am
Level 40 : Master Taco
N52's Avatar
They Should Not Be Blocked They Should Just Be Removed Unless It Is A Private Server
