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Too many mods

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Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
Hey, guys!

Awesomenoob here, with another blog topic!

I have something to say about installing mods in minecraft.

First, there IS such thing as too many mods. From personal

experience, I can tell you it's true.

I had a minecraft with the portal gun mod, singleplayer commands and

too many items. I wanted the smart moving mod, and when i got it,

I was happy. I tried clicking "t" for the commands menu

to pop up, but it didn't. I tried re-installing single player commands,

and when i booted my minecraft it didn't load my world. i found out

smart moving is NOT compatible with single player commands. The same

thing happened when i tried adding an additional mod to a minecraft that had

5 or 6 mods already. My recommendation is to backup your .minecraft folder

every time you succesfully install a mod. Try deleting the previous backed-up

.minecraft every time too.

That's all for today

Hey, guys!

Awesomenoob here, with another blog topic!

I have something to say about installing mods in minecraft.

First, there IS such thing as too many mods. From personal

experience, I can tell you it's true.

I had a minecraft with the portal gun mod, singleplayer commands and

too many items. I wanted the smart moving mod, and when i got it,

I was happy. I tried clicking "t" for the commands menu

to pop up, but it didn't. I tried re-installing single player commands,

and when i booted my minecraft it didn't load my world. i found out

smart moving is NOT compatible with single player commands. The same

thing happened when i tried adding an additional mod to a minecraft that had

5 or 6 mods already. My recommendation is to backup your .minecraft folder

every time you succesfully install a mod. Try deleting the previous backed-up

.minecraft every time too.

That's all for today.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by awesomen00b 10/12/2012 6:27:50 pmOct 12th, 2012

You also may notince a few white shapes around the farm. For what it's worth, Those were from the portal mod. Just sayin'

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10/12/2012 6:29 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
BTW i'm sorry if the desc keeps repeating itself, or if it's just my computer effing things up. If not, I'm sorry
07/27/2012 9:08 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
This is a good thing to know... thank you for telling us! :D
02/29/2012 9:49 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Droid
yep ik from personal experience(i make mods)that compatability is a big pain at times so always backup your saves
