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Top 5 best minecraft servers! (Creative)

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Hello! I havn't done a project in a while but soon will be uploading a medieval themed world. Durr
As the title said this is MY opinion on the top 5 best creative servers. Umm it will actually be 6 because I own a server called zeuscraft and naturally I would be bias and call my server the best xDDD!

Note: These are purely opinions from the servers I myself have seen/visited. If you have a server I should check out leave it in the comments but please don't say "This server deserves more than all of yours" This is just from what I have experienced :) Thanks!

#1 Zeuscraft- Quite a amazing community and you are welcomed on sight. Really friendly people and good builds! (#1 because I own it xD). We have good builds and the community has been picking up but is still small'ish.

#2 Crysis Server- Good community, builds are amazing and Circleight is there :o. Very nice terraforming and they win mc top 5 very often. The spawn is set up well but needs a re-modeling "wink wink" and they have a efficient promotion system through plots!

#3 Creative Node - Spectacular builds with great team community projects! If you are a good builder who doesn't like to build alone, look no further! Notux and Djpaulli are excellent builders there along with others. To build in the main world you have to submit a plot to become a builder as well as the videos they make are stunning. Cinematics look great on their youtube and check them out!

#4 Creation Bay - A great up and coming Australian player base server, they have good builders and the people there are very welcoming. They are very helpful and accomodate people. They have a free-build world where you can build. Very good :) Good job creation bay!

#5 PlanetCube - One of the best and friendliest communities I have ever seen, the builds are there but has a small player base. If you are looking for a small fun server to play on with great people, play here!

To show support for another top 10 badass minecraft servers, Subscribing, Diamonds, Comments, and Favorites are appreciated! ;)

PlanetCube/Mysidia are no more and I had shut down Zeuscraft

To supplement those 3 I would probably say
The (Sanakan) Golden City server is a great server for beginning builders-Been a member there for years

******* UPDATE ********
Ok so PlanetCube is no more as Well as ZeusCraft and Crysis Server went to Mysidia and they don't have as good of a player base anymore and other things disqualify it from being in the new list. Here is a updated list

#1 Zeuscraft- Quite a amazing community and you are welcomed on sight. Really friendly people and good builds! (#1 because I own it xD). We have good builds and the community has been picking up but is still small'ish.

#2 Creation Bay - A great up and coming Australian player base server, they have good builders and the people there are very welcoming. They are very helpful and accomodate people. They have a free-build world where you can build. Very good :) Good job creation bay!

#3 Creative Node - Spectacular builds with great team community projects! If you are a good builder who doesn't like to build alone, look no further! Notux and Djpaulli are excellent builders there along with others. To build in the main world you have to submit a plot to become a builder as well as the videos they make are stunning. Cinematics look great on their youtube and check them out!

#4 Sanakan's Golden City - When I went on the city they built was amazing, they spent so much time on this one city to expand it and was lost quite easily from the size of it. These guys were my first server I ever logged on besides my own and in 1.3-4 they were really cool and still are.

#5 Voxel Box - I have to say I don't particularly like the server (No Offense TVBers!) but the staff are not friendly and I believe that is the core to a great server. Sure they have good builders but that is nothing without a good staff. I found most of their staff a little corrupt and on edge. I only put it at #5 because it was organized when I went on and I know some people who like it there.

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01/05/2015 5:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zeus127 can i be staff please??
08/19/2014 12:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi i wish to start a let's build on youtube and i need a server to do this on... if any owner wants a review on the server i would be reciving messages for another week and i will go on skype with the owner if they want to. Thanks and i hope you recive this message! I will also work on small community servers, only on one condittion ... they must be running for atleast 6 hours a day.
08/07/2013 5:50 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Just saw this again Zeus, I was surprised you put the Voxel Box in fifth, I find their staff quite friendly
08/07/2013 6:50 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Such horrible staff tbh
with exception of a select 3
08/07/2013 10:25 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
I'm sorry you were treated badly, I would love to see you there sometime :D
08/08/2013 12:56 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
One instance
banned cuz I told KupoKupo that she shouldnt spam and do all caps.

Got banned no warning.
08/08/2013 6:38 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
I am sorry that happened, their staff members like SpecterCody and Kuraishan are quite nice. You still doing stuff with mc?
08/08/2013 7:35 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Specter is awesome, idk about Kuraishan though

and yea on CB a little
06/09/2013 6:01 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Cowboy
Or Zeus, how do you vertify your server, so you can send it to planet minecraft? :(
06/09/2013 6:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Cowboy
Zeus can i come in your server?
06/09/2013 4:53 am
Level 30 : Artisan Cowboy
Zeus, how old are you? Because im only 12. :)
