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Trolls: The Article

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Level 46 : Master Dragonborn

What is a troll?

Good question, friend! Okay, so, it's probably something your parents don't know about. They're just old, that's all. So, Urban Dictionary says this definition:

"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"

Got it? Know what we're talking about now? Good. I hope you do. If you don't understand those huge words, let's just say that they are mean people who like to cause trouble.

What kind of trolls are there?

Well, they come in large varieties. Some of the most common types are..

Grammer Nazi

Types Of Troll Youll Meet On The Internet

I know you didn't come here to argue grammar. None of us did, except for the grammar nazi! They have to correct you, your friends, your cat, your frog, your rat, your Nutella, your everything!

The Angry Kid / Rager

We all hate these ragers. So what, we're beating you at Call of Duty? Don't need to scream in our headphones, especially with that squeaky voice of yours! Oh, and don't start talking about chat ragers. An example of an attack:

Me: Hello!
n00b242674361337: LEAVE OR I WILL KILL YO WITH MY LAVA RIGHT NOW!!!11!!111!11!!!



We all get them. May it be people who accuse you of hacking because you beat them in SG, to plain "lol u stud" people, they're all the same thing. If this happens, say "Haters gonna hate" or something. They feed off of rage fuel, so.... don't rage?

The Complainer

The average complainer can be someone who lives off of whining that something is hard, to crying about not having a "boyfriend" when they are a brat, and can think of something else to complain about in 10 minutes.

The Know-it-all

Types Of Troll Youll Meet On The Internet

These are one of the worst trolls ever. Oh, this can also include parents. It probably does, anyway. They spend most of their time trying to boss you around and tell you what to do. The best thing to do is turn your "complainer" switch on. ;)

The noob / The idiot

Types Of Troll Youll Meet On The Internet

The one who got kicked out of school/college, the one who's best insult is a Yo Mama joke, the idiot who never misses a "Throwback Thursday" and the idiot who is the one who ends up taking drugs. We all know one, and we like to laugh at them when they turn into a complainer when they're too busy doing other stuff when the teacher is teaching and fails a test. Destroy them all :<

The Humorous Troll

Types Of Troll Youll Meet On The Internet

This troll does things for the laughs, mostly found on YouTube and Minecraft. Examples can be blowing up a house, griefing, raiding, ect.

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