Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Making an ugly Volcano with WorldEdit

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Level 22 : Expert Spelunker
Today, We're gonna make THE. RANDOM. VOOooooLLCANO! With spheres and spheres only.

Making an ugly Volcano with WorldEdit

First, Start off by making a giant circle like this:

Making an ugly Volcano with WorldEdit

Then, just put some spheres on the top to kinda close it off:

Making an ugly Volcano with WorldEdit

After that, fill up the inside a bit, so you don't see the grass anymore:

Once that is done, Put some lava in it, very little!

Smooth the top. Yes, after putting the lava...

After this, put some more spheres around the big circle to make it a bit more realistic:

Smooth the spheres you just put:

Now, put some lava on it, like the Griefer/Troll you are:

Make it moar realistic by adding some grass:

And, there you go, you've got a nice volcano:

Also, don't forget to diamond, favorite and Subscribe if you like my stuff! :D
Creditsk88q (The guy of WorldEdit, sorry if i mispelled his name)

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Zedeik 08/15/2012 8:48:37 amAug 15th, 2012

Didn't update it, just wanted to abuse the log.


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08/15/2012 8:55 am
Level 49 : Master Creeper
08/15/2012 10:09 am
Level 22 : Expert Spelunker
a 15 mins volcano with spheres. you must admit it is good! :P
