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When the Tables Have Turned: The Truth About Creepers

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lengi123's Avatar lengi123
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
Hey! You There! Human! Io m Larry, Io m the o Creepero . You wanted to know more about us? Ok. Well to start off, we are not o CREEPERSo , we are actually the gastroworm species. We were tagged o Creeperso because we like to look into the windows of people, INSANE right?! Well, we actually areno t a very aggressive species, the saying o Theyo re more afraid of you than you are of themo is true. Gastroworms have a genetic malfunction where, if one feels fear, the intestines close up and then the gas inside builds until we blow up. We are very easily frightened, when we trot up to passers by we dono t want harm, but then they pull out a f*cking diamond sword ando ¦ wello ¦ you know.

My past? Well Gastroworms are best raised in shady cool environments like forests or cave systems, I was borne into the cave system o C4523EFo , I had 3452 brothers and sisters. I was the runt of the podo ¦ WAS. When I was only 50 days old most of my family was killed when an adventurer walked up on uso ¦ we wanted to make friends with him so we walked up to himo ¦ all of us. He pulled out an enchanted iron sword and one by one, most of my family was killed by a chain reaction. I escaped alive along with my Dad and 26 of my siblings.

Life was hard from then on, running from location to location, dodging bustling communities; we became extremely wary of humanso ¦ Eventually we found a mob community, all Mob, no humans. It was great living there, very prosperous and abundant with resources. I guess we were the nicest neighbors in the community, we always made friends. Now to clear things up about the Zombies, and Skeletons. Zombies have very dry, thin, papery skin so they set on fire very easily. They also have a o space bubbleo , any human that gets within 5o of them gets attacked. And skeletons are just mischievous, plus they take archery very seriously. I had two really good friends, one of them was an Enderman, he was a lot of fun to play hide and seek with, unless I was ito ¦ hehe.

As time went on and we got older we started to go on our separate paths, my friend Charley (He was a skeleton) joined the sniping division of the NMA (Noble Mob Army). I joined the Soldier division, and John (The Enderman) joined Recon. We were all deployed when it happenedo ¦ The Uprising. Humans were so frightened of us that they united and launched an invasion to the biggest mob nation of allo ¦ End World. It all started when they infiltrated one of our strongholds, they had previously killed a whole platoon of Enderman, so they opened the portal. John was one of the last to die, Charley was one of the first. Charley was defending the stronghold and John was a last resort.

The humans were too great in numbers, any survivors retreated to the bedrock depths of the land, to repopulate and revive. It has been so long since we have seen daylight, I should thank you for coming down this far to talk. We all started a new underground nation, it goes by many names: Netherlands, Hell, Underworldo ¦ We know it as home. Soon we will be able to resurface and hopefully start a new relationship with the humans.

Hm? You have a gift for us? Wait, NO! DONo T DO THAT!!!! RUN EVERYONE RUUUU-

This is the truth about human incompetence when it comes to Gastroworms, force to live in secrecy.

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12/15/2013 9:53 pm
Level 43 : Master Scribe
nightmayer19's Avatar
Neat! :D You're a great writer :3 Diamond, fav'd, and subb'd! :)
12/15/2013 10:00 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
lengi123's Avatar
thanks man!
Military Minecraft
12/15/2013 9:50 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
Keep bringing us great stuff! Diamonded and subscribed!
12/15/2013 10:01 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
lengi123's Avatar
thanks for taking the time to check it out :)
06/08/2012 8:58 am
Level 41 : Master Poro
Danifix123's Avatar

Lengi nice story :)

Very funny liked it alot!

06/08/2012 9:03 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
lengi123's Avatar
thanks :D
12/30/2011 11:12 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
chrounos's Avatar
if they only explode out of fear why do they exploded when i give them a hug?
12/31/2011 7:55 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
lengi123's Avatar
they nervous of if you have a contaigous disease O.O
no one is here
12/30/2011 12:00 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
no one is here's Avatar
I don't know about you, but i LOVE creepers! Oh uh, I mean gastroworms! Mine never explode!
no one is here
12/30/2011 2:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
no one is here's Avatar
Damn you gastroworm! DAMN YOU!
