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Where Minecraft mods are headed

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Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar Ambassador Pineapple
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
We all know how many mods for the game are out there: WAY TOO GOD DAMN MANY. But do we ever actually stop and ask ourselves, "Do I actually want to play modded, or has the peer pressure of the community forced me to in order to fit in?"? This blog is gonna be short.

So you're perusing the PMC mods page, and you see an interesting mod, so you look at it, download it, etc. And you do this again. And again. And again, and again, and again, and... And then what? You've downloaded so many mods, but what exactly do they do? Do they add something? Are the viruses? Do they give you the answer to life, the universe, and everything? You don't know! So you start up Minecraft, ready to adventure into the unknown world of Modded MC. You spawn. Look around. See things you havn't seen. Do things you couldn't do. And then you... You what? You've played with the mods, explored the new features, streamed it on Twitch, so what now? Do you get more? Do you stop? Do you continue with your current mods? You don't know. So warily, you continue in a sort of dream: get on, look, download, install, and play. Everyday. It's always the same. You continue, growing more bored and looking for something new. Then, one day, it clicks: what about just playing the game itself? "But that's boring," you think. "Why would that be any better than what I already have?". So you continue, over and over, searching for excitement in an ever-growing pool of information and modification. But then, you stop, you get up and walk away. Where was the drive, that had so carefully and lovingly compelled you to begin? Where was the excitement, seeing everything done and redone time and time again? Had it left? For a day? Forever? You don't know. And so you walk, and do, and go, and forget. Forget all of what you had done with your game. And then... And then? Nothing. Nothing remains of the passion you once had for the game you once loved.

The constant revamping and remaking of MC mods is killing the modding industry. You might think I'm crazy. You might think I'm right. You can think anything you want to. But it's the truth. All those crazy mods out there? THEY, are all reinventions of other concepts. They are just mashups and revamps and resurrections. All the small mods? Pieces of other, bigger mods. All the big mods? Mixtures of smaller mods, compressed into one easy-to-use package. Right now the modding industry is digging itself a grave, and it's getting deeper with every post, comment, favorite, and diamond. So let's all just sit back and watch it die.


Unless what?

Unless we stop?


Yeah... that could actually work. Stop the modding for a while. No updates, no creations, nothing. Just stop, and let the ideas flow in whole, instead of the current half-ass-grab-at-snipets-because-we-wanna-make-a-few-bucks mentality.
This is my thoughts, and you can think free.

This is coming several months after the initial posting of this blog. As we are past 1.8 now, it has come to light that not too many mods are being released for the new versions. Personally, this is fantastic. Maybe some people who read this blog initially, and shared it to some of their friends. Or maybe, people are just too busy making updated versions of already existing mods. Either way, I think it's a good thing that not many mods are being released right now. Maybe we're learning some self-control...

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11/02/2014 6:07 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
Saori's Avatar
AGREED MY FUCK HOW THE GOD DAMN SMART ARE U JESUS. I feel dumb now, but I am willing to follow you in this theory/thought.
10/09/2014 11:04 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
CraftMan Jack
CraftMan Jack's Avatar
I actually agree with this a little, there needs to be less toilet, crap, etc. mods flooding up MC.
10/09/2014 8:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
"Without mods, I get bored."
"With mods, I get bored."

I see a lot of posts that say both, to be honest. They say that it's all dull. That minecraft servers are all the same, that single-player is spoiled by /home, that survival is ruined by creative... 

...That the end of the game as we know it is coming because there is another new feature added to it--when quite the opposite is true. The more you can do with a game, the more you find you don't run out of things to do.

In all honesty, it's not the modding community's fault that "minecraft doesn't seem fun anymore." If mods were truly making the game suck, then people would notice it's not fun to play with mods, they would think mods suck, nobody would download mods, and then modders would not get validation for their work, and then modding would have died off a long time ago. An explosion of new mods indicates the opposite is happening.

I do think there is something to be said for single-player vanilla--I do so love it, personally. But that doesn't mean it's the only play style that deserves recognition as "fun," nor does that mean that it has to "go away" just because people have the option of modding.

None of these mods are mandatory. Nobody is forcing players to download these mods or sort through them or even make them. I don't think a lot of young users are even sure where their minecraft folder is on their computer, so to say that modding is the single cause of everyone losing interest is not necessarily as true for others as it perhaps is for your situation. 

I think that doing anything for a long time--vanilla, servers, modding, creative--gets boring naturally on its own. It's healthy to stop doing it and find something else, be that single-player or modding, but one or the other isn't responsible for the boredom.
01/08/2015 9:58 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
You say that more=no boredom? That's like saying Assassin's creed doesn't have enough things to do. By the time you've cleared everything, you just wanna stop playing.
10/09/2014 5:52 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
AwesomeDarkman02's Avatar
I agree with it. The more people mod the more people get bored of minecraft.
10/09/2014 5:20 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
lobberhead's Avatar
I actually agree! Modding has killed the game, and it is slowly digging it's own grave, if we stop the moding for a while i guess it'll feel special when it happens again so it'll spark minecraft and make it feel fresh.
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