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Why are spiders so big in Minecraft!?!?

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NeonGhost_'s Avatar NeonGhost_
Level 43 : Master Pyro

The Spiders

Now,have you ever wondered why spiders are so big?Think about it.In real life,Spiders usually,at their largest,are as big as your hand.Oh,and I said USUALLY.Now,in Minecraft,Spiders are about as tall as your legs.That's HUGE.So,why does this matter?Because,if the spiders were smaller,it would be easier.How many times,have you gone out of your house,and a spider was right there?Tons of times for me.I think they're kind of hard to kill.You almost kill them,they jump back,and they kill you.If they were smaller,they probably wouldn't jump back as far,making it easier to kill them,Plus,they're just huge.Please tell me you agree with me.Thanks for reading!

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06/16/2017 2:15 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
claws99's Avatar
you are correct however if we put this in minecraft science it would be because there is little pressure due to gravity only affecting mobs and falling blocks, pressure affects how big a bug can get before being crushed by its own exoskeleton. also bugs require a lot of oxygen to survive and grow huge which is why earth had giant bugs way before land vertebrates (animals with a spine), back then there was not many land creatures to soak up all the oxygen, so the oxygen levels were so high that allowed giant bugs to survive. and there is infinite oxygen as far as we know as minecraft in pc version goes on forever. so technically speaking these spiders could grow much larger. however then they would destroy everything it they grew that large, so its not vary practical and with a large body you need much more sustenance, which mc spiders feed on animals like horses cows pigs... ect. which would make them a great natural predator in mc ecosystem. but hey thats just a theory a minecraft theory... no i am not mat pat but i do know my bugs. so why the heck not.
06/16/2017 2:18 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
claws99's Avatar
im sory i went way over board i mean this is minecraft. it dosent need to make sence
07/18/2014 3:43 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
I agree! :D
06/14/2014 11:04 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Mountaineer
PhirePhoenix's Avatar
I like the creeper you drew
02/09/2014 10:46 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
GamerGalGirl's Avatar
Actually, If spiders were smaller in Minecraft, they might be harder to kill, because they have a smaller hitbox and would be able to get through every teeny hole. Just a theory.
02/04/2014 9:57 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Random_Boomerang's Avatar
I was gonna post that they are not as big as in de pic but u didn't mean that
02/02/2014 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZeddyTheBoss's Avatar
hmm not just spiders are fricken fat as **** they also take two hits with a diamond sword or some crap like that, In real life with a real diamond sword they'd be dead in 5 seconds basically but minecraft is just a game. So it can be made up. But i guess if you hit a spider in real life with a diamond sword or some type of sharp thing it'd probably be stunned THEN die so... Yeh
02/02/2014 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZeddyTheBoss's Avatar
But of cource i do believe that spiders are to big
11/22/2013 6:53 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Lego_Master11's Avatar
i completely agree with you. at least cave spiders are smaller?
02/04/2014 9:57 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Random_Boomerang's Avatar
but they poison you so u will die faster
