Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

I added 4 New Cave Biomes!

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Birb
Adds 4 new cave biomes:

The Frosted Cave is icy with a floor made of various types of ices and snows, (including powder snow rarely) and spawns strays instead of skeletons.

The HoneyDew cave is made from Honeycomb and Honey blocks, with bees flying around sometimes, the honeyblocks can make fighting in this biome quite a fun challenge! (also these were originally meant to have honey slimes in the area from that datapack, but I couldn't seem to get it to work for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Magma Caves are similar to Basalt Deltas, but more flat, they're supposed to spawn magma cubes in them but I'm not sure I've ever actually seen one naturally generate here, they might work, they might not idk.

DripLush Caves are literally just a fusion between Dripstone Caves and Lush caves, I made it to figure out how the caves work, and I liked them enough to keep them in the main pack.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.20

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02/12/2024 10:04 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
compatible with overhauled overworld?
11/24/2023 10:40 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
No fun to burst your bubble but my pack adds 9 or so new cave biomes
including the magma caves and overgrown dripstone caves
11/24/2023 11:21 am
Any/All • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Birb

Tbf, this was honestly more of a test to learn custom biomes better, since they were one of the few things I never learned properly and I've only done them once before.

Not trying to compete with anyone, but I figured some of these weren't gonna be 100% unique
11/24/2023 1:53 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
good try though dont know if the bee one makes sense bu looks cool
had the same idea about magma caves
