Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Apocalypse Overwrite: Zombies, Structures, and Worldgen for 1.21.3

  • check_circle Advancements
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  • check_circle Loot Tables
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  • check_circle Recipes
  • check_circle Structures
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Required Resource Pack
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Baconator
Please unzip the file!
Made for Minecraft Version 1.21.3

Experience the adventure of a zombie apocalypse!

Loot modern buildings, run for your life, and see if you can still survive and thrive during the zombie siege.

  - Don't burn in the sun
  - Spawn in larger numbers as you gain advancements or change the difficulty
  - Break blocks to get to you (except on easy)

  - Pursue you fiercely when in large groups (even throwing themselves toward you)
  - Slower on easy, faster on hard

  Easy: zombies are slow and don't break blocks
  Normal: zombies are normal and break blocks
  Hard: zombies are fast and break blocks

  Use the resource pack to make the guns look gunny
  Find guns in police stations or crime chests.
  Craft bullets with copper and gunpowder.

  - Cities, Small Town, and Country biomes
  - All Vanilla Biomes

  - Roads
  - Skyscrapers
  - Houses
  - Gas Stations
  - Supermarket
  - Silos
  - Airplanes
  - Windmills
  - Hospitals
  - Police Stations

  - Zombies can't break obsidian or iron bars
  - Hold rotten flesh in both hands for a little protection
  - Get some gasoline and jump in a Minecart to turn it into a car! (Warning, this slows down the game a bit)

Does not work on Spigot or Realms.

Possible Future Updates:
  - new structures (taking requests)
  - special villagers
  - crossbow that launches fireballs

  - stuff y'all suggest
How to get random spawn:
  go through the folders: data\apocalypse_overwrite\functions and open the file load.mcfunction. Then uncomment line 10 (delete the # symbol)

Don't get eaten!
CreditThanks to YusufADAM, 24kayden, user3565218g, DrakioX, DiegoVlsqzPint, JCDenton, BlueAquo, VeryBigShaq, Anrky99, WCraft233, ReeceBar, Water_Bear, and JustCallMeZero for testing and suggestions
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

22 Update Logs

Gun Hotfix : by cookedporkbacon 11/27/2024 8:37:25 pmNov 27th, 2024

November 27 7:30 PM
- Fixed bug: guns from crime chests don't work

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Tollcraft and Charlthecat
12/13/2024 11:00 am
Level 46 : Master Ninja
Yo, you should try making a gun system. Probably should also attempt making reload anims (1 frame using animated textures, just ask me I'll explain)
11/27/2024 7:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Can you post some pics of the guns? Do they have recipes?

Also any chance of backporting to 1.21.1?
11/27/2024 8:45 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Baconator
I added a picture. Right now there's only 1 gun in the game, and it can only be found in loot chests. You can craft bullets with copper and gunpowder. Here's it backported to 1.21.1.
11/27/2024 10:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
The gun does not seem to function. It makes a sound, but does not fire or use ammo.
11/28/2024 1:24 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Baconator
This might be because of the bad version I put out on Tuesday 11/26 where the gun from one specific loot chest was bugged. If you download the latest version or the backported one I made for you, it should work. Right click loads the gun and consumes 8 bullets from your inventory, and left click fires.

I tested both versions to verify they work now, but let me know if you're still having trouble.
11/27/2024 12:13 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Elf
def going to try this at some point. ive always wanted enemies to actually break blocks
11/24/2024 8:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Im unzipping it then putting it in the data packs, Then loading the world and it doesnt work and im just in a regular world
11/26/2024 9:25 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Baconator
Sometimes when you unzip it, it creates a folder within a folder. You don't want that. If you have two folders with the same name, just use the inner folder.
11/25/2024 5:42 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Make sure to add the datapack to the world when you generate it.
11/22/2024 11:38 pm
Any/All • Level 11 : Journeyman Ranger
Hmmm... Have you considered making this Bedrock-compatible?
