• check_circle Structures
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Level 21 : Expert Artist

The regular monster rooms are some of the oldest and least developed structures in the game (They are literally "Boxes"). So this datapack updates them!

About The Monster Room

Three new structures are added to the game: Arachnophobia, Cathedral, Hall Of Fame - for spiders, skeletons and zombies respectively. They differ from the usual monster rooms by a new, more beautiful and large-scale design, as well as their unique loot.

To find structures using commands you must write: "/locate structure bmr:[​name of the structure]".

Bring Back The Monster Room

This datapack changes the world biomes to remove old monster rooms.
If you want to return the old monster room: open the datapack folder, follow the "data\minecraft\worldgen" and delete the file "biome".

Compatibility With Other Datapacks

Any other datapack that changes the biomes - will be incompatible. You will have to manually enter the required changes if you still want to achieve compatibility.


The screenshots use "Faithful 64x" textures and "BSL" shaders.


You can change the data pack as you wish and upload it anywhere, you dont need to ask permission. The main thing is, if you place it somewhere - you must provide a link to the original and make at least some significant changes to the data pack (Dont just need to re-upload it, be more creative).

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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01/12/2025 9:52 pm
He/Him • Level 31 : Artisan Procrastinator
I see that you removed the monster room feature from each biome, making it incompatible with any other world generation datapack. I recommend removing that and disabling the feature by nullifying its values in the minecraft:worldgen/placed_feature/monster_room and minecraft:worldgen/placed_feature/monster_room_deep folders.
01/13/2025 5:33 am
He/Him • Level 21 : Expert Artist
That why I wrote in the description about the return of the old monster rooms, in case someone wants them back or uses the new generation.
01/12/2025 3:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
what version is for this data pack, 1.21.4?
01/12/2025 3:34 pm
He/Him • Level 21 : Expert Artist
