Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Chunk Claim datapack

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Level 69 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Chunk Claim recap:
With the Chunk Claim datapack is it possible to claim chunks, like what the name said. This datapack can be used in every situation, it's not special made for survival.

Possible to change gamemodes: so it's not usual that you go in adventure when you are entering someone's chunk.
Customization in messages
Customization in chunk protection
Customization in groups: there are three groups in total: default, VIP and OP. For each group is it possible to change the amount of total chunks to claim.

When you have installed the datapack, everyone is going to survival automatically. Change in the datapack menu, the gamemode when you are outside someone's chunk.
Command menu: /function cc:menu

If you found a bug please report it :D

Chunk Claim tutorial:
This is not a really complicated datapack, so it's not a really long tutorial:

Trigger commands:
/trigger c_claim: With this command is it possible to claim a chunk
/trigger c_info: Here can you find your information: total chunks, chunk limit, group, players list, friends list, your ID and your friend ID
/trigger c_invite: Invite a player to your chunk, you can only join one chunk in total!
/trigger c_remove: Remove someone from your chunk
/trigger c_unclaim: Unclaim your chunk

Every player has a player ID, if you want to invite your friend in your chunk use than this command: (same for removing a player)
/trigger c_invite set ID

Type instead of ID the number of the ID from the player you want to invite. The player can see his ID on tab or in the information menu. If you have invited someone in your chunk, the person will have your ID as friend ID. When the player reset's his Friend ID, he automatically will be removed from your chunk. It's possible to reset your Friend ID in the information menu.

Gamemode in owned chunk: the gamemode when you are in your owned chunk
Gamemode outside chunk: the gamemode when you are in no-man's land
Gamemode in someone's chunk: the gamemode when you are in someone's chunk
Gamemode in friend's chunk: the gamemode when you are in your friend's chunk

Here is it possible to enable/disable the messages that you get when you are entering specific chunks.

Lessgrief: Give you the specific gamemode when you are in someone's chunk earlier, to prevent players to break blocks when they are one block outside the chunk.

Chunk protection: This function makes it possible that you cannot enter someone's chunk. Because only adventure is not enough to prevent players from griefing.

ClaimChunk OP: When you have ClaimChunk OP, that not means that you are in the OP group, but that you are immune for gamemodes. So' you don't get a specific gamemode when you are entering someone's chunk.

Here is it possible to change the total chunks limit for each group and is it possible to add players to a specific group.

So far I know is there only one way to grief in this datapack D:
When a player claims a chunk next to an other player, he won't get adventure (this case) so far the player stays in his own chunk. That mean's that the player can break block's in someone's chunk, so far the player stays in his own chunk.

Watch the video if you don't understand something. And please if you found bugs report them :D

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.17

1 Update Logs

Version 1.1 : by E4ry 09/14/2020 3:32:49 pmSep 14th, 2020

This is a small update and can have some bugs, because I made it in a really small time.

Added help menu:
Remove current chunk: removes the chunk where you stands on
Remove all chunks: removes all the chunks that are loaded in
Change chunk amount player: Change the amount of chunks that a player has claimed.

It's sounds not important, but if you delete someone's chunk, the chunk amount of that player will not change. So it's to solve some problems when you remove someone's chunk.

If you want to see how much chunks a player has you can use the command:
/scoreboard players get player CC_C_Total

If you found bugs or i forgot something please let me know :D

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06/01/2024 4:09 am
He/They • Level 1 : New Collective
Is there a way to stop people from entering chunks?
06/11/2022 6:09 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
can i turn off text and emerald markers for unclaimed chunks?
06/11/2022 6:37 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
I don't know what you mean with emerald markers but it's possible to disable the text message in the datapack menu :)
06/06/2022 11:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there a way to make the title appear smaller? it is quite obtrusive, but it is useful so i dont want to remove it
06/06/2022 12:07 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
It's possible but you need to change some code in the datapack itself if you really want some smaller text
01/12/2022 5:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hello i have a few problems and questions i would like to ask. my admin account gets reset to survival and can no longer go back into creative because the chunks constantly set the players game mode as survival how would i fix that? also is there any way to see other peoples claims including your own? thanks
01/12/2022 6:17 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
You need to change the gamemode for people outside someone's chunk to keep getting to survival mode :)
It's possible to do that with the /function cc:menu command

It's sadly not possible in this datapack to view directy if a chunk is claimed or not D: (beside the titles)
01/08/2022 12:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
so can you invite a player to only one chunk or will it give them acces to other chunks
01/08/2022 6:19 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
It gives access to all the chunks that that player owns :)
12/29/2021 3:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Does this works for 1.18
