- check_circle Functions
- check_circle Loot Tables
- check_circle Structures
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- 125,395 downloads, 8 today
This datapack will no longer be updated!
This datapack replaces the igloos with enormous illager fortresses. Currently, there are 3 different types which can generate: fortress, tower and dungeon. All of them are endgame content, I suggest that you get full diamond armor and a pretty good weapon before trying to take over one of these. The loot is affected by the "Luck" status effect. You can use the command /locate igloo to find the fortresses, as they replace the vanilla igloos. The current version is v13 for 1.18 to 1.20.1.
Drop the .zip file into the datapacks folder inside your world save file. If the world is already running, enter /reload into the chat. The datapack will only work for newly generated igloos. That's it! Make sure to activate command block, if you are playing on a server.
How to find a fortress
Given that this datapack modifies the preexisting igloos, one can use the following command to find a fortress:
Force the generation of a structure
You can force the generation of a random structure by loading the structure minecraft:igloo/top with a structure block. Note that this will take about half a minute for it to complete everything, including all the smaller surrounding structures.
Information for servers
Make sure that command blocks are enabled in the server.properties file. It will not work without this.
This pack is not compatible with all datapacks, which modify the preexisting igloos.
Bug Report
If you find anything that looks like it's not working as it should, please leave a comment and I will look into it.
Legacy Versions
These are old versions which are no longer supported. They will not be updated, no matter how many issues may arise with them.
This datapack replaces the igloos with enormous illager fortresses. Currently, there are 3 different types which can generate: fortress, tower and dungeon. All of them are endgame content, I suggest that you get full diamond armor and a pretty good weapon before trying to take over one of these. The loot is affected by the "Luck" status effect. You can use the command /locate igloo to find the fortresses, as they replace the vanilla igloos. The current version is v13 for 1.18 to 1.20.1.
Drop the .zip file into the datapacks folder inside your world save file. If the world is already running, enter /reload into the chat. The datapack will only work for newly generated igloos. That's it! Make sure to activate command block, if you are playing on a server.
How to find a fortress
Given that this datapack modifies the preexisting igloos, one can use the following command to find a fortress:
/locate igloo
Note that it will take something like 20-30 seconds for all parts to generate completely. This is done, so the generation won't lag the server or the client.Force the generation of a structure
You can force the generation of a random structure by loading the structure minecraft:igloo/top with a structure block. Note that this will take about half a minute for it to complete everything, including all the smaller surrounding structures.
Information for servers
Make sure that command blocks are enabled in the server.properties file. It will not work without this.
This pack is not compatible with all datapacks, which modify the preexisting igloos.
Bug Report
If you find anything that looks like it's not working as it should, please leave a comment and I will look into it.
Legacy Versions
These are old versions which are no longer supported. They will not be updated, no matter how many issues may arise with them.
Click to see all legacy versions

Compatibility | Minecraft 1.18 |
to | Minecraft 1.20 |
Tags |
14 Update Logs
Update to 1.20 : by Ercerus 08/08/2023 1:07:06 pmAug 8th, 2023
- I have decided to officially update this datapack, despite the fact that I dropped support for it. The reason is simply that it still works with no need to adjust the datapack-code.
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Just thought I'd let you know, I'm using this on my 1.21 server and it's working fine with a little tweaking.
Mostly just fixing the folder names, but also a couple of edits to some function files and loot tables.
I'd noticed that the bits of paper you have spawning to determine what type of fortress or surroundings to spawn weren't being deleted. After some fiddling, I changed the loot tables from this:
{ "function": "set_nbt", "tag": "{rnd:fortress,central:1}"}
to this:
{ "function": "set_components", "components": { "minecraft:custom_data": { "rnd": "fortress", "central": "alternative" } }}
Then obviously I also had to edit the .mcfunction files to reflect the new values for the tags.
kill @e[type=item,limit=1,nbt={Item:{tag:{amount:1}}}]
kill @e[type=item,limit=1,nbt={Item:{components:{"minecraft:custom_data":{amount:alternative}}}}]
I also fixed a few other loot table problems such as potions using set_potion instead of nbt now.
For some reason that I don't understand. The paper with tags with a value of 1 were not being detected by the game, so changing the tags to a text value instead, fixed that problem.
When I first tried using it in 1.21, the fortresses were spawning with every surrounding type spawning at every armour stand, overwriting each other.
Changing the values to text made it so that the papers got detected and deleted, and only a certain number of structures would spawn, and only one per location.
If you want, I can send you my edited files to save you some time updating this to version 1.21.