Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

Craftsman Datapack - More Crafting Recipes! [1.14]

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Level 83 : Elite Programmer
Introducing: Craftsman Datapack!
- There are more crafting recipes for you to ... craft! (currently 60 of them!)
Details: <click to reveal>
- Charcoal can now be used to craft coal blocks!
Added Recipes: <click to reveal>
+ All Sapling Recipes
+ Apple Recipe
+ Bone blocks (from Bones)
+ Potato Recipe (crafted from Poisonous Potatoes)
+ Bell Recipe
+ Globe Banner Pattern Recipe

+ Chainmail Armor Recipe
+ Coral,Coral Fan,Coral Block Recipe
+ Fern, Tall Grass, Large Fern
+ Dead Bush Furnace Recipe
+ Dead Coral, Dead Coral Blocks Furnace Recipe
+ Experience Bottle Recipe
+ Mushroom Blocks Recipe
+ Mushroom Stem Recipe
+ Red Sand Recipe (from Sand and/or Red Sand)
+ Red Sandstone Recipe (from Sandstone and/or Red Sandstone)
+ Sand Recipe (from Sand and/or Red Sand)
+ Sandstone Recipe (from Sandstone and/or Red Sandstone)
+ Iron,Golden,Diamond Horse Armor Recipe
+ Saddle Recipe
+ Enchanted Golden Apple Recipe (aka Notch Apple Recipe)
+ Trident Recipe
+ Heart Of The Sea Recipe


- More Recipes Coming Soon!
- Recipes are balanced and required items are quite easy to obtain!

- 2 Crafting-related Advancement Packs about the new recipes! (with rewards!)
- All Datapack-related Recipes are instantly added after installation!

- Can be installed in Multiplayer!
- Can be installed in combination with my other datapacks!

- You can use /trigger info, then click into the datapack name to know more about the datapack!
(It only shows you what you can do without cheats enabled!)
Installation Notes: <Click to open>

- If you have problems in installing the datapack, try opening the downloaded .zip file, then drag the first thing you see and drop it to the datapacks folder of your world. Works for all my datapacks!
- Use /function #main:remove and follow the instructions to uninstall the datapack completely!
- You can also use /function #main:remove, then delete the old version and install the new version, use /reload afterwards to update the datapack.
- Also, join the Behind The Datapacks Discord Server for more info on the datapack!
<click the blue letters above to join>

For those who wants to install this datapack in older versions of Minecraft:
Note: The same datapack that was designed for older Minecraft versions can be found in my submissions list <click the blue letters>, but do know this: These features will never be seen in those versions:
- Bell Recipe
- Globe Banner Pattern Recipe

If you really liked my work and want to support me, click here!
- You can now support me via Patreon!
<click the blue letters to go to my Patreon Page>

- Donate how much you think is right, to help me on my journey to make Minecraft Datapacks as a living!
- With your help, I'll be able to make better datapacks more often!
- And if you can't, don't worry! My datapacks will always be free for everyone to use! Consider donating in the future to help me out okay?
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by TheDiamondPlayables 05/10/2019 11:37:33 pmMay 10th, 2019

- Bugfix: Poison Remover Advancement does not trigger when mission is completed

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Prince Oceanus
02/12/2020 7:24 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
Is this compatible with 1.15+?
02/12/2020 7:59 pm
Level 83 : Elite Programmer
It works in 1.15, but it's not designed for that version.

That's coming soon.
08/14/2019 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you add Bottle O' Experience for Recipe???
08/14/2019 7:50 pm
Level 83 : Elite Programmer
Please check Added Recipes.
Experience Bottle can be seen there.
07/25/2019 5:56 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
How does the chainmail recipe make any sense atm, I always imagined it looked like this, with iron and string (leggings as an example):
07/25/2019 8:46 pm
Level 83 : Elite Programmer
I will do something with the chain armor, just need time to think about it.
06/06/2019 4:06 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
What an awesome datapack! However it would be nicer if you could change the chain armour recipe. Because it makes more sense to craft chain armour with iron bars than smooth stones. Plus i hope you could add new recipes to make use of the prismarine crystals and prismarine shards. That'll be very nice.
07/25/2019 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
It doesn't make more sense, because then chainmail armor would be more expensive to make than iron armor.
06/06/2019 10:35 am
Level 83 : Elite Programmer
I might think of something to do with the prismarine stuff, they are kinda bland atm
06/03/2019 9:40 am
Level 17 : Journeyman System
Could you add a recipe for a nametag?

I'd imagine it be something like


p = paper
s = string
e = emerald

The emerald is added to make it feel a bit more precious, you know, to not make it dirt cheap. Emeralds are also associated with villagers, which i feel is fitting.
