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Making balanced, fun twists for Minecraft Worlds since 2018!
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You can make a video using my datapack, which can be monetized. However, you need to leave a PlanetMinecraft download link of the packs used in the description of your video.
Ya know, having been through a blackout that lasted 22 hours really shows you how different things are without power and the Internet for that long. Imagine having to go through that life for years, having seen better things before. It's just pure misery in that position.
Gonna give back to the people if I can somehow earn lots of money doing quality stuff like this (though judging by the numbers after doing this for over 6 years, it's pretty unlikely it'll happen anytime soon, if ever). And if I somehow got big but forgot about this promise? Save this post, and link me to it later. Make me deliver on this.
Pretty near that… I spen a lot of time reading news and have been poking PMC every so often since yesterday, but getting only the very occassional successful load of a page.
Colored Dyeing v21-1 (for Minecraft 1.21,1.21.1) is now live! Asides from now being designed for this version, with all the changes you'll be seeing across the system, that's all the changes. Download it here, more updates soon!
Made a bit of an oopsie with Blacksmithing 21-1 and now Blacksmithing 21-2 is here to patch up its shortcomings. Get the release here! (Details of the update can be found in the Update Log, which is in the new Help file)
Also: More packs are being updated pretty soon! All packs of this Collection (except AutoTrack) will be updated to 1.21, so stay tuned for more!