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Required Resource Pack
Have you ever felt like mending enchantment is a bit overpowered ? But you can't repair your favorite bow with an anvil because it's too expensive ?
This datapacks aims to solve that problem by adding the ability to Master villagers to repair your stuff !
How does it work ?
- First you need to make a master villager become a craftsman. The villager will get a new special trade that will allow you to repair your stuff :
In order to do so, you have to hold an emerald_block in your offhand and the corresponding work station block in your mainhand. Then right-click on the master villager while sneaking. This will play a little noise and show particles at the villager. In 1.17 and above, the work station will be consumed as a more experimented villager needs more space to work. (version 1.16-1.19)
For version 1.20.4+, you need to craft mastery tomes using an emerald block, a book and a working station. Then give them to master villager for them to unlock the repair trade.
- Once the trade has been added to the villager, in order to repair an item, just hold it in your mainhand while buying the "Repair Token" from the villager.
Of course each villager is specialized to different types of item (list of matches is shown below).
This trade restores a certain amount of durability to your item, based on the villager experience, item enchantments and a bit of randomness.
Don't worry if your item is not matching the villager profession or it is already fully repaired as you will get a refund in those cases.
Please note that in MC version 1.16.5 and below, you can't shift-click on the trade and you have to do one repair at a time.
However, in 1.17.1 and above you can do it the way you want.
- If you don't want the villager to be a craftsman anymore, repeat the same process as for adding the repair trade but instead of holding a work station, you need to be holding a paper (only for versions 1.16-1.19).
Configuration (1.20.4+ only)
You can configurate this datapack by using /function #lordphenex:help.
2 parameters can be configured :
The maximum durability craftsmen can repair at once (default to 850, 1.20.4).
The maximum durability percentage craftsmen can repair at once (default to 75, 1.20.6+).
The removal of mending book trades from librarians (default to 1). 0 won't remove said trades, 1 will remove then except for swamp master (because of trade rebalance), 2 will remove them for all librarians.
This datapack provides a way of removing all of its content, just use either one of following commands :
Reporting bugs or possible improvements
If you experience any issue with this datapack, please reach me out by commenting this post, I'll answer as soon as I can.
Please keep in mind that a constructive comment is always better a single phrase comment, especially when something doesn't work as it should do.
Some functions in this datapack fail to load because of syntax error, this is perfectly fine and work as intended. Failing functions depend on MC version : if you're playing on 1.17 and above, there should be only one function that fail and in 1.16 an below, there should be 3. This is perfectly fine and does not break the datapack at all. I made it that way so there is only one download for MC version from 1.16 to 1.19. These function files are located in the folders called 1_16 and 1_17.
This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 meaning that you cannot share a modified version of my datapacks. You also are not allowed to sell any part nor the entirety of my datapacks. In any case, if you share one of my datapacks (through a video or on a server, for example), you must give me credit.
Have you ever felt like mending enchantment is a bit overpowered ? But you can't repair your favorite bow with an anvil because it's too expensive ?
This datapacks aims to solve that problem by adding the ability to Master villagers to repair your stuff !
How does it work ?
- First you need to make a master villager become a craftsman. The villager will get a new special trade that will allow you to repair your stuff :
In order to do so, you have to hold an emerald_block in your offhand and the corresponding work station block in your mainhand. Then right-click on the master villager while sneaking. This will play a little noise and show particles at the villager. In 1.17 and above, the work station will be consumed as a more experimented villager needs more space to work. (version 1.16-1.19)
For version 1.20.4+, you need to craft mastery tomes using an emerald block, a book and a working station. Then give them to master villager for them to unlock the repair trade.
- Once the trade has been added to the villager, in order to repair an item, just hold it in your mainhand while buying the "Repair Token" from the villager.
Of course each villager is specialized to different types of item (list of matches is shown below).
This trade restores a certain amount of durability to your item, based on the villager experience, item enchantments and a bit of randomness.
Don't worry if your item is not matching the villager profession or it is already fully repaired as you will get a refund in those cases.
Please note that in MC version 1.16.5 and below, you can't shift-click on the trade and you have to do one repair at a time.
However, in 1.17.1 and above you can do it the way you want.
- If you don't want the villager to be a craftsman anymore, repeat the same process as for adding the repair trade but instead of holding a work station, you need to be holding a paper (only for versions 1.16-1.19).
Here is a list of what each profession can repair as items
Armorer : all pieces of armor, excepted leather ones
Fletcher : bows and crossbows
Leatherworker : leather armors
Toolsmith : all tools (axes, hoes, pickaxes and shovels)
Weaponsmith : all swords and axes
Fletcher : bows and crossbows
Leatherworker : leather armors
Toolsmith : all tools (axes, hoes, pickaxes and shovels)
Weaponsmith : all swords and axes
Configuration (1.20.4+ only)
You can configurate this datapack by using /function #lordphenex:help.
2 parameters can be configured :
The maximum durability craftsmen can repair at once (default to 850, 1.20.4).
The maximum durability percentage craftsmen can repair at once (default to 75, 1.20.6+).
The removal of mending book trades from librarians (default to 1). 0 won't remove said trades, 1 will remove then except for swamp master (because of trade rebalance), 2 will remove them for all librarians.
This datapack provides a way of removing all of its content, just use either one of following commands :
/function lordphenex:_uninstall.craftsmen
/function #lordphenex:help
Reporting bugs or possible improvements
If you experience any issue with this datapack, please reach me out by commenting this post, I'll answer as soon as I can.
Please keep in mind that a constructive comment is always better a single phrase comment, especially when something doesn't work as it should do.
Some functions in this datapack fail to load because of syntax error, this is perfectly fine and work as intended. Failing functions depend on MC version : if you're playing on 1.17 and above, there should be only one function that fail and in 1.16 an below, there should be 3. This is perfectly fine and does not break the datapack at all. I made it that way so there is only one download for MC version from 1.16 to 1.19. These function files are located in the folders called 1_16 and 1_17.
This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 meaning that you cannot share a modified version of my datapacks. You also are not allowed to sell any part nor the entirety of my datapacks. In any case, if you share one of my datapacks (through a video or on a server, for example), you must give me credit.
Credit | Misode for their generator |
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.16 |
to | Minecraft 1.20 |
Tags |
4 Update Logs
Update #4 : by Lordphenex 07/22/2024 3:51:49 pmJul 22nd, 2024
Fixed wrong folder naming, causing load function not to run
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Can you try these command
/advancement revoke @s only lordphenex:craftsmen/trade_repair_token (this one should tell you don't have this advancement)
/tag @s add lordphenex.debug
and then try again trading with the villager, you should have a lot of stuff going on in the chat. If it is not the case then try to load the datapack in fully vanilla minecraft, I don't know if there could be compatibility issues with Fabric
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/main
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/craftsman_data\nToolsmith
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] trade\n{buy:{count:44,id:"minecraft:emerald"},demand:-495,maxUses:99,rewardExp:0b,sell:{components:{"minecraft:custom_data":{lordphenex:{craftsmen:1b,data:{repair_token:1b}}},"minecraft:custom_model_data":7680673,"minecraft:item_name":'{"fallback":"Repair Token","translate":"lordphenex.craftsmen.item.repair_token"}',"minecraft:lore":['{"color":"gray","fallback":"Repair held item","italic":false,"translate":"lordphenex.craftsmen.item.repair_token.lore"}'],"minecraft:rarity":"uncommon"},count:1,id:"minecraft:paper"},uses:1,xp:40}\ncraftsman.Xp\n875\nprofession\nminecraft:toolsmith
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : damage
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : passed damage test
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : armorer passed
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : fletcher passed
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : leatherworker passed
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : toolsmith passed
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/not_matching : tests passed
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/repair
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/repair : Xp
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/repair : computation1
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/repair : repairPercentage
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/repair : randomRepair
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/repair : repairPercentage total
[11:24:32] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] repair/main clearing
I also tried performing the trade but with Fabric disabled, but with no change. In fact, in subsequent tests, I can't actually get the trade to show up at all, as the tome just gets consumed with nothing else happening.
You can download it and tell me if anything is still broken but that should hopefully not be the case anymore.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Just tested it and it works like a charm. Thanks for making this! I always felt that Mending was a really cheap fix for the broken repair system, and I think this is a fantastic alternative!
I wish you a lot of fun while playing with (or without) this datapack
Problem has been solved in latest releases (1.20.6 and 1.21)
It was due to a logic problem caused by myself.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Enchantments make it harder for craftsmen to repair gear. I don't have the maths in mind but they should be able to repair a little bit of the axe anyway. The repair amount also scale up with the craftsman overall xp.
Anyway, I will be updating this pack when 1.20.5 comes up and will fully test it at that time.