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    Level 49 : Master Engineer

    This datapack introduces dashes to minecraft.

    (Like in the video up top)

    This gives you insane mobility

    To dash,
    install the pack and load it,
    run -> sneak -> un-sneak -> jump ... And there you go
    (you got 0.5s after un-sneaking to jump)
    (make sure you are still running when you jump)

    When dashing, players deal more damage,
    same as when you crit by jumping.
    You can combine the two to deal a total of x2 damage.

    The speed effect makes your dashes more powerful.

    You can change settings like total stamina, stamina regeneration,
    hunger consumption, stamina bar style..
    "/function dash:settings/show

    This datapack is single player only
    It will probably not work on multiplayer..

    Have fun

    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

    8 Update Logs

    Update #4.0 : by deltamachine 09/21/2024 9:38:09 amSep 21st

    ### 4.0
    I don't know if this datapack still has fans. It was my second most popular back two years ago
    Anyway it's now usable for 1.21, and comes with new features!

    1. Settings & customization
    You can customize the stamina bar, when it should show up and what it looks like.
    You can change the maximum amount of stamina the player has, and the stamina regeneration speed.
    And the hunger consumption too.

    2. Fall damage reduction
    When you dash, for about 2 seconds, you take less fall damage.
    It's so you can jump to stuff without constantly getting a few hearts of damage.

    3. Speed potions increase your dash power.
    Speed 1 increases it by 50%
    Speed 2+ by 100%

    I might update my meteor shower datapack next if I feel like it

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    09/28/2024 11:35 pm
    Level 1 : New System
    Does this work for multiplayer now?
    09/29/2024 9:35 am
    Level 49 : Master Engineer
    sorry no
    08/05/2021 2:43 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Hi, so i was having some issues with this datapack on my servers/worlds. The dash doesn't really work but still depletes my hunger. I was wondering how I could fix this problem? I'll provide all the details needed, thank you.
    08/05/2021 6:39 am
    Level 49 : Master Engineer
    What version are you playing on? I didn't really check if it was still working on 1.17
    08/05/2021 12:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    I'm playing on 1.16.5, does that interfere with the datapack?
    08/05/2021 1:31 pm
    Level 49 : Master Engineer
    No it shouldn't.. I'll check if it works on a new world. Are you using it in multiplayer? Any plugins or datapacks?
    08/06/2021 7:09 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Hey so, quick update: the dash does work, it's just very unreliable. When I input the combination of keys used to dash in a tight space or against a wall, it will work. Other than that, I don't have control over the dash feature.
    08/05/2021 9:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    I'm using it in multiplayer, most of the plugins and datapacks I use usually don't involve mobility much, but I can send you a list of them. I'm more suspicious of the datapacks causing the problems rather than the plugins, which are ones like SkinRestorer or Action Health Bar.
    08/06/2021 5:21 pm
    Level 49 : Master Engineer
    I'm a bit busy at the moment but I will try to help:
    Dashes are made using ~18 invisible baby pandas that push you as you jump. If there's anything you use that might affect them, that might be the problem
    07/03/2021 3:21 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Puncher
    I don't test it (yet) but based on the video this looks freaking good!
    Also, I think this needs a custom object to be able to dash (like something in one hand or some custom boots), the "Dashing takes up food over time" is good but needs something more because dashing is high rewarding (and fun).
    07/04/2021 6:50 am
    Level 49 : Master Engineer
    I changed a little something so that the pack doesn't make players too over powered, but I don't like the idea of having to hold of wear an item.. But I agree it's really rewarding and has no real drawback
