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Required Resource Pack
KNKevin's Avatar KNKevin
Level 76 : Legendary Miner
To craft the Death Note, you must drop:
1x Book and Quill
1x Wither Skull

To use the Death Note, you write the name of the mob that you wish to die in the second page.

Selecting a Target
Writing the type of mob (e.g. zombie, pig, villager, etc.) will kill the nearest mob of that type.
Example: Writing "Cow" in the Death Note will kill the nearest cow.

Specifying Target
If the words "random", "nearest", "closest", "farthest", or "furthest" are written before the name of the mob, then the Death Note will target the mob in the way specified.
Example: Writing "Random cow" will kill a random cow.

Killing by Name
If the mob you wish to kill has a name, either by name tag or if they are a player, then you can simply write their name instead of their type. If there are multiple mobs with the specified name, the target can be further specified using the keywords explained above,
Example: Writing "Notch" will kill the player named Notch.

Specifying Cause of Death

After the name of the mob you wish to kill, you can also specify a cause of death. These are written almost exactly as how death messages appear. If the mob cannot die in the way specified, they will die of a heart attack.
Example: Writing "Nearest zombie was struck by lightning" will cause the nearest zombie to die from being struck by lightning.

Valid Death Causes:
  • blew up
  • burned to death
  • death.fell.accident.water
  • died
  • drowned
  • experienced kinetic energy
  • fell from a high place
  • froze to death
  • hit the ground too hard
  • starved to death
  • suffocated in a wall
  • tried to swim in lava
  • was impaled on a stalagmite
  • was killed by [​Intentional Game Design]
  • was killed by magic
  • was poked to death by a sweet berry bush
  • was pricked to death
  • was shot
  • was skewered by a falling stalactite
  • was squashed by a falling anvil
  • was squashed by a falling block
  • was struck by lightning
  • was stung to death
  • went off with a bang
  • went up in flames
  • withered away
I felt some of the causes were too long, so I shortened some:
  • fell
  • was impaled
  • was squashed
  • was skewered
  • suffocated
  • was poked to death
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

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06/17/2024 9:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5189952G's Avatar
Very gooooood
01/22/2024 1:09 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New System
iiItsColbyy's Avatar
the trailer is similar to the movie death note 2006
01/22/2024 1:07 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New System
iiItsColbyy's Avatar
what version is this datapack? is it for 1.16.5 OR 1.17
12/28/2023 1:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
virusalarm's Avatar
is a good mod for evil things
12/12/2023 2:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Baton_god's Avatar
Hi. How can I replace the crafting of an item? I want to change the head of the skeleton wither to a dragon egg. I can also help you translate the datapack into Russian
10/24/2023 3:26 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
markoch's Avatar
привет а на русском работает? если нет то добавте пж русский язык
07/20/2022 8:57 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
ThatDogeGuy's Avatar
still giving diamond and heart
07/20/2022 8:56 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
ThatDogeGuy's Avatar
bruh it cant go into diffrent dimesions without breaking DX
07/19/2022 11:55 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
ThatDogeGuy's Avatar
07/19/2022 11:54 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
ThatDogeGuy's Avatar
and no one will know about the death note >:)
