Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

ERROR 422's Magic Spells [1.16 version]

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Required Resource Pack
ERROR_422's Avatar ERROR_422
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
If you aren't sure how to install data packs, check out this video.

Have you ever wanted to use magic in Minecraft?

This data pack lets you use 12 different upgradable spells!

Shoots a fireball that sets fire to any mobs or blocks it hits.

Level 1:
- set the target entity on fire for 7.5 seconds
- set the target block on fire
- costs 10 mana

Level 2:
- set the target entity on fire for 10 seconds
- set the target block along with 4 surrounding blocks on fire
- costs 15 mana

Tutorial video: Click here
Ice Shard
Shoots an ice shard that freezes anything it hits. (extinguishes nearby fire)

Level 1:
- target entity will take damage for 5 seconds
- target entity cannot move for 6 seconds
- target block will be covered in snow
- costs 10 mana

Level 2:
- target entity will take damage for 8 seconds
- target entity cannot move for 9 seconds
- target block will be covered in ice
- costs 15 mana

Tutorial video: Click here
Will strike your target with lightning (within a limited range).

Level 1:
- target entity will be struck by lightning
- target block will be struck by lightning
- costs 20 mana

Level 2:
- same as level 1, but the lightning will chain to another nearby entity once
- costs 30 mana

Level 3:
- same as level 1, but the lightning will chain to another nearby entity twice
- costs 40 mana

Tutorial video: Click Here
Blood Curse
Curses your target so that when they die you steal their health.

Level 1:
- target entity will be cursed
- killing a cursed entity will give you 3 hearts
- costs 10 mana

Tutorial video: Click here
Lets you jump in the air and slam down to damage your enemies.

Level 1:
- nearby entities will take 2 hearts of damage
- costs 12 mana

Level 2:
- increased jump height
- nearby entities will take 4 hearts of damage
- costs 15 mana

Level 3:
- increased jump height
- nearby entities will take 6 hearts of damage
- costs 18 mana

Tutorial video: Click here
Miner's Sense
Highlights ores within a certain radius for 5 seconds.

Level 1:
- all ores are highlighted with the same color
- 3 block radius
- costs 20 mana

Upgrade range:
- all ores are highlighted with the same color
- 5 block radius
- costs 25 mana

Upgrade color:
- all ores are highlighted with their own color
- 3 block radius
- costs 30 mana

Tutorial video: Click here
Field of Regeneration
Summons a magical ring that heals all players inside it.

Level 1:
- lasts 20 seconds
- player will gain half a heart per second
- costs 15 mana

Upgrade duration:
- lasts 30 seconds
- player will gain half a heart per second
- costs 20 mana

Upgrade potency:
- lasts 15 seconds
- player will gain one and a half a hearts per second
- costs 20 mana

Tutorial video: Click Here
Lets you teleport like an enderman!

Level 1:
- teleport 14 blocks forward
- costs 10 mana

Level 2:
- teleport 26 blocks forward
- costs 13 mana

Level 3:
- teleport 38 blocks forward
- costs 16 mana

Tutorial video: Click Here
Nature's Friend
Makes nearby plants grow

Level 1:
- nearby plants grow by 1 stage
- costs 8 mana

Level 2:
- nearby plants grow by 2 stages
- costs 12 mana

Level 3:
- nearby plants grow by 3 stages
- costs 16 mana

Tutorial video: Click Here
Kinetic Shield
Stops incoming projectiles (all except fireworks and dragon fireballs)

Level 1:
- stops all projectiles, incoming as well as outgoing
- costs 2 mana per second

Level 2
- stops only incoming projectiles
- costs 3 mana per second

Tutorial video: Click Here
True Invisibility
Makes you fully invisible, with no particles. Worn armour and held items are still visible.

Level 1
- makes you invisible
- costs 2 mana per second

Tutorial video: Click Here

NOTE: the potions in the crafting recipe have to be the 8 minute version of invisibility potions
Lets you turn into a ghost and fly through walls!

Level 1
- turns you into a ghost for 2 - 3 seconds
- costs 20 mana

Tutorial video: Click Here

You will start with a mana level of 20. To increase your mana level, find the "Mana" enchanting book in a chest (it will appear in villages, dungeons, temples etc.), then drop the book on an anvil along with the piece of armor you want to enchant. You need at least 3 XP levels for it to work. Each level of the enchantment will raise your mana level by 5, making the highest mana level 80.

Tutorial video: Click here

Cheat command to set mana level: /scoreboard players @s e422.manaLvl set (number)

Obtaining the spells
The get the spells you need a spell forge and a blank scroll, blank scrolls can be found in chests or looted from witches.
To make a spell forge, drop a block of lapis on an undamaged anvil, all the recipes are shown above and below.

Tutorial video: Click here

ERROR 422's Magic Spells [1.16 version] Minecraft Data Pack

Cheat command to get them: /function e422.spells:get (followed by the spell you want)

In regard to Future Updates
The 1.17 version is here! (this version will no longer be updated)
If you want to stay up to date then subscribe to my youtube!

ERROR 422's Magic Spells [1.16 version] Minecraft Data Pack

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

7 Update Logs

Alpha for the 1.17 version is here! : by ERROR_422 07/13/2021 11:23:58 amJul 13th, 2021

new version is under development ;)

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11/25/2021 9:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Iam_Nix's Avatar
Is there any command to hide mana? I found it quite entangled. Or move it to another place, chat frame for example.
09/01/2021 10:37 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
minraft5in's Avatar
is there a bedrock version?
09/01/2021 12:38 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
ERROR_422's Avatar
no i'm afraid not :(
08/13/2021 11:59 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
CrossF's Avatar
Is there a way to cheat in the spells through creative mode?
08/14/2021 3:14 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
ERROR_422's Avatar
Cheat command to get them: /function e422.spells:get (followed by the spell you want)
08/01/2021 10:23 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
how did you use the temporary paradox spell? (cool datapack btw)
08/02/2021 10:57 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
ERROR_422's Avatar
Temporal Paradox was removed quite early on I'm afraid, it was buggy as hell and not very useful so I didn't feel it was worth keeping in the pack.
11/11/2021 4:46 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
so sad :_( seemed like a great feature just to play around with though. (wow I didn't see this for 3 months)
07/22/2021 7:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MINE IT UP's Avatar
how do I get level 1 spells?
07/23/2021 4:26 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
ERROR_422's Avatar
By crafting them in a spell forge with a blank scroll
