Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Inventory Tweaks - Auto resupply and sorting

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nphhpn's Avatar nphhpn
Level 40 : Master Miner
Inspired from the infamous mod with the same name, I created this Inventory Tweaks datapack, featuring:
- Auto resupply
  Tools, blocks and food are automatically resupplied from inventory when broken or when the stack is depleted.
- Sorting inventory
  Double click the first slot in your inventory to sort. To double click a slot, that slot must be empty and you must have an item in your cursor.
- Sorting containers
  Look at the container (chests, barrels, shulker boxes) and double click the second slot in your inventory to sort the container. Double chests are supported.
- Transferring items to containers
  Look at the container and double click the third slot in your inventory to transfer items from your inventory to the container, then sort both your inventory and the container.
- Admin tools
  Run function inventory_tweaks:config to enable/disable certain settings. If you experience lag spike when sorting containers, consider disable checking for double chests.
  Run function inventory_tweaks:log to get the history of sorting of players. This history is reset when it's get and on load/reload.
- Cross-packs support
  To specify the sorting order for your custom item, add the numeric inventory_tweaks.id tag to your item, ids from 0 to 2000 are reserved for vanilla items. This also prevent your item from being picked when resupplying vanilla items.
  If your pack destroys main hand item in some ways and want it to be resupplied, run the function inventory_tweaks:replace/custom if it's an item with custom id and inventory_tweaks:replace/vanilla/<item id> if it's a vanilla item before the item is destroyed.
CreditThanks to Ael and SirBenet for the tags, Arcensoth for the mcdata repository and energyxxer for the awesome Trident program
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by nphhpn 08/26/2021 12:08:42 pmAug 26th, 2021

Remove the leftover debug code

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09/01/2022 4:09 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Timongcraft's Avatar
Could you update it to 1.19? And add the new blocks/items pls
01/10/2022 9:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Artyions's Avatar
can you please update to 1.18.1 would gladly download it :D
12/29/2021 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
saylortaylortot's Avatar
If you try to use this in 1.18.1 it will delete everything in your chest or inventory. I forgot it was installed in my world and deleted my entire farm chest. OOPS!! XD I love this datapack, I hope it get an update soon. :)
12/07/2021 8:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
p0kefreak's Avatar
A 1.18 update would be greatly appreciated =) even just a simple reply with something would be awesome! thank you so much for all the hard work you do on this datapack. its got a diamond from me! =)
12/05/2021 9:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
itfranck's Avatar
Any plan to upgrade to 1.18 ?
I love this datapack.
As another commenter just mentionned, the sorting is broken in 1.18 (delete chest inventory :( )
12/05/2021 7:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Artist
blu12335's Avatar
MIND MAKING A UPDATE TO 1.18.....YOU CANT SORT OR ANYTHING....IF YOU CLICK THE 2ND OR 3RD SPOTS THE WHOLE CHEST WILL BE DELETED...........(spots in your inventory)......this isw a datapack i cant live without and yaaaaa.kinda sucked when i lost a whole entire chest full of stuff
12/06/2021 12:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Noah_Dekka's Avatar
Happened to me as well, the second slot deleted everything INISDE the chest. The 1st slot did nothing.
09/22/2021 11:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DragonSummers's Avatar
the sorting side of this datapack is not working
09/24/2021 10:35 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
nphhpn's Avatar
Make sure your cursor is holding something and the slot you double clicked on is empty
09/20/2021 7:33 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Is there a way you can make this work with throwable items like Eggs and Snowballs?
