Minecraft Data Packs / Server Utility

Lagbuster[1.14x] - Reduces Game Lag!

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    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    - Lag is something we've all dealt with. And I'm pretty sure that all of us can say that lag is a bad thing to have.
    Introducing: Lagbuster Datapack!

    Features: <Click to see>
    - Clears unnecessary entities to remove unwanted lag!
    (named entities or entities that are close to the player will not be removed)
    - Admins can change which entity gets removed via Admin Control Panel!
    (more info about Admin Control Panel at How to use section)
    - Can be installed in combination with my other datapacks!

    - Can be installed in Multiplayer!

    How to use: <Click to see>
    For non-admins, or have Cheats disabled: <Click to see>
    - Use /trigger info for the datapack infomation.
    + Useful if you want to know which entities will be removed without Admin Commands.

    For admins, or have Cheats enabled: <Click to see>
    - Everything that the non-admins can do. (duh)
    - Use /function main:admin_support for the in-game Admin Control Panel.
    Admin Control Panel is used to change datapack options easily, without having to remember any commands needed.
    Can be used to set which entities gets removed.

    How to install: <Click to see>
    For those who has WinRar:
    - Simply open the downloaded file, there will be more instructions there.
    For those who don't have WinRar:
    - Extract the downloaded file. Afterwards:
    + If you have a new Info text file: Drag the Lagbuster folder into the datapacks folder of your world.
    + If you don't have a new Info text file: Open the extracted folder, then drag the Lagbuster folder into the datapacks folder of your world.

    Support the Creator:
    If you want to support my work, you can start with the following:
    - Share this post and Subscribe to recieve the latest info, updates and more!

    - If you find any bugs (I doubt you will), then please report it to the bug reports section of the Behind The Datapacks Discord Server! You will be featured as a Bug Reporter at the downloaded Info text file!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    - You can also support me via Patreon! Recieve Early Access, Discord Rewards and more!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    Notes for players using Minecraft versions lower than Minecraft 1.14x <Click to see>
    Note: Minecraft Versions are different, therefore the datapacks designed for them will be different.

    - Here's Lagbuster designed for Minecraft 1.13x : Click Here to Download
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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    08/22/2020 9:46 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    works for 1.16+?
    10/07/2019 6:34 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    is it possible to remove zombies, skeletons, and creepers?
    09/14/2019 4:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Downloaded this, but it won't run :(
    09/14/2019 4:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    got it to work :) Do you have a list of what entities is removes? I'm concerned about it remove animals i have in farms.
    09/14/2019 7:19 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    Check it out, using the Admin Control Panel. You can choose what is and is not removed.
