Minecraft Data Packs / Tool


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Required Resource Pack
Seizzy's Avatar Seizzy
Level 22 : Expert Sus
MAGNECODE - is toolpack for datapack makers.
magnecode is in devolopment progress

Default MAGNECODE Resource Pack with out additions

some features may don't work on 1.18 and higher
- biome detection
- xyz score
- custom structure generation
- custom music discs
- nbt crafting
- light level detection
- armor stand poser
- player/entity ID
- weather detection
- custom food
- get player name
- datapack list
- new inventory system
- new xp drop system
- config file
- end chest nbt
- custom capes
- entity speed score
- custom damage score


- biome detection
use /execute (if/unless) predicate magnecode:bimoe/(biome that you need)
- xyz score
this is addon for selector example - @s[​scores={(x/y/z)=number}]
- custom structure generation step 1 to 3
1. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
2. make "json" file name it "generation" and paste that text -
    • {
3. in your function write or paste that -
    • summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["Your_tag"]}
      spreadplayers ~ ~ distance distance_max false @e[​tag=Your_tag]
      execute at @e[​tag=Your_tag] run Your command
      kill @e[​tag=Your_tag]

- custom music discs step 1 to 4
1. make a item using give command and with special nbt -
    • give @s minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick{Item:disc,Music:["Name of your disc"],Author:["Author"]}

2. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
3. create 2 "json" files "play_disc" and "stop_disc" and paste that text -
    • {
4. create 2 "mcfunction" files "play_your_disc" and "stop_your_disc" and paste that text -
    • play disc
    • execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:barrel{Items:[{Slot:13b,tag:{Music:["your_music"]}}]} run playsound minecraft:custom.your_music record @a[​distance=0..25] ~ ~ ~ 1 1 0
    • stop disc
    • execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:barrel{Items:[{Slot:13b,tag:{Music:["your_music"]}}]} run stopsound @a[​distance=0..25] record minecraft:custom.your_music
- nbt crafting step part 1 to 2
part 1 -1. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
2. make "json" file name it "research_result" and paste that text -
        • {
3. make "mcfunction" file and write or paste that text -
    • execute if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:barrel{Your nbt} unless block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:barrel{Your nbt} run summon minecraft:item ~ ~ ~ {PickupDelay:20,Motion:[​0.0,0.3,0.0],Item:{id:"minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick",Count:1b,tag:{Item:recipe,Recipe:Your_recipe}}}
part 2 -
1. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
2. make "json" file name it "craft_result" and paste that text -
    • {
3. make "mcfunction" file and write or paste that text -
    • execute if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:barrel{Items:[{Slot:13b,tag:{Recipe:your_recipe}}]} at @s run execute as @a[​sort=nearest,limit=1] run function your_datapack:your_result_check
4. make "mcfunction" file and write or paste that text -
    • execute store result score @s item_count.0 run clear @s Your_item 0
      execute run give @s[​scores={item_count.0=1..}] Your_item
      execute if score @s item_count.0 matches 1.. run clear @s Your_item Your_count
      execute if score @s item_count.0 matches 1.. run scoreboard players reset @s item_count.0
- light level detection
use /execute (if/unless) predicate magnecode:light_level/(0 to 15) or selector score - @s[​scores={light.level=number}]

- armor stand poser step 1 to 2
1. add tag limb.rotate to armor stand
2. use /scoreboard players set selector (right/left).(arm/head).(x/y/z) number
- player/entity ID
use selector score - @s[​scores={(ID/ID_e)=number}]
- weather detection
use /execute (if/unless) predicate magnecode:weather/(clear/rain/thunder)
- custom food step 1 to 4
1. make a item with give command with special nbt -
    • give @s minecraft:bread{CountFoodID:1,FoodID:number}
2. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
3. make "json" file name it "food_b or food_s or food_h or food_g" and paste that text -
    • {

4. make "mcfunction" file and write any command
- get player name step 1 to 4

1. run function as player "magnecode:player/get_name"
2. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
3. make "json" file name it "set_name" and paste that text -
    • {

4. make "mcfunction" file and write or cope that text -
  • data modify "data type" "your nbt" set from block ~ ~1 ~ Text1
- datapack list step 1 to 3
1. create in your datapack folder "magnecode" in magnecode folder "tags" and "functions"
2. make "json" file name it "tellraw" and paste that text -
    • {

3. make "mcfunction" file and write any command

- new inventory system
if player dies with out tag "save.inventory" he will drop items that was stored in his inventory
- new xp drop system

if player dies with out tag "save.experience" and he have more than 1 level he will drop one xp orb that have player xp

- config file

you can change were some setting of magnecode. this file in magnecode folder "functions"

- custom damage

use /scorebaord players set ENTITY custom.damage AMOUNT command to deal a damage to specific entity

- new inventory system
if player dies with out tag "save.inventory" he will drop items that was stored in his inventory
- new xp drop system

if player dies with out tag "save.experience" and he have more than 1 level he will drop one xp orb that have player xp

Latest datapack version 1.0.2
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

6 Update Logs

MAGNECODE #5 : by Seizzy 03/26/2022 9:36:45 amMar 26th, 2022

change list

+ Custom cape mechanic
  • Now you can add your own capes soon i will make guide to how make a custom cape
+ Speedometer
  • To detect speed on target add to target tag get.speed
  • Now you can detect speed using vx.sd/vz.sd/vy.sd scores

Soon custom motion will be added

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12/27/2021 5:27 am
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
Chamalowat's Avatar
Looking good, thanks for this work!
Planet Minecraft


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