Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Player-Specific KeepInventory

  • check_circle Functions
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PBalint817's Avatar PBalint817
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
This is just a small utility mod that allows you to set KeepInventory to specific players.

Disclaimer: This datapack overrides the KeepInventory gamerule, forcing it to true, in order for this pack to work.

From here on, all information regarding the datapack can be also found in the "README.txt" file that comes with it.

To enable KeepInventory for a player, use:
/tag <target> <add/remove> KeepInv

To change the configs listed below, use:
/scoreboard players set ki.system <id> <integer>


XP Amount:
- Default: 10
- ID: xpamountdrop
- The amount to divide your experience by before dropping it.

Global KeepInventory:
- Either true or false.
- 0 for false, anything else for true.
- Default: false
- ID: keepinvglobal
- When true, this will enable KeepInventory for all players.
- When false, only tagged players will have KeepInventory enabled.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

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12/05/2021 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Derzocker39's Avatar
Is this Datapack compatible with 1.18?
Thanks in advance!
