Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Simple Armorstand Walk Animation (For Maps)

  • check_circle Functions
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MinecraftGamingO's Avatar MinecraftGamingO
Level 52 : Grandmaster Fox

Datapack specifically for map makers.

Datapack allows you to:

- Enable armor stand movement animation.
- Force the armor stand to move.
- give armor stand Ability to jump
- Make the armor stand follow the player.
- Turn armor stand

To tag an armor stand type this command:
tag @e[​type=armor_stand] add [​TAG]

moveActivate move animation
walkarmor stand moves at a speed of 0.1
walk13armor stand moves at a speed of 0.13
walk2armor stand moves at a speed of 0.2
walk05armor stand moves at a speed of 0.05
leftturn Left on 45*
left2turn Left on 90*
rightturn right on 45*
right2turn right on 90*
180turn 180*
lookatplayermake the armor stand face the player.
canjumpThe armor stand will jump to get on the block in front of it.
eyearmor stand stops doing any movement and animation when the player looks at it
breakbreaks blocks in front of him (loot does not drop)
breakdropbreaks blocks in front of him (Blocks and loot drop out)
breakupbreaks blocks in front up of him (loot does not drop)
breakdropupbreaks blocks in front up of him (Blocks and loot drop out)
breakdbreaks blocks in front down of him (loot does not drop)
breakdropdbreaks blocks in front down of him (Blocks and loot drop out)
placeputs stone blocks underneath
[​If you want more animations or functional, write in the comments!]

Remove tag

/tag @e[​type=armor_stand] remove [​TAG]

If there are a lot of armor stands in your world, it is difficult to understand which one you want to use.

To fix this problem, you can pre-register additional tags when summoning an armor stand.

Type your armorstand id and target by these id.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["id0"]}


an example of such an application:

/tag @e[​tag=id0] add walk
/execute as @e[​tag=id0] at @s run tag @s add walk
-entities with tag id0 will be given a tag "walk"
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.20

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by MinecraftGamingO 09/13/2023 6:00:48 amSep 13th, 2023

better optimization

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Lentejas Con Marichuelas
08/17/2023 4:50 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Lentejas Con Marichuelas's Avatar
Could you update this datapack to 1.20? Please
08/17/2023 8:08 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Fox
MinecraftGamingO's Avatar
The datapack works fine on 1.20+, I've used functions that probably won't change on versions above 1.21.
