Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

The Pig King - A Technoblade Tribute

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • check_circle Predicates
  • 7,981 views, 7 today
  • 705 downloads, 0 today
  • 56
  • 38
  • 30
Required Resource Pack
deeveesss's Avatar deeveesss
Level 40 : Master Birb
This isn't a boss battle. It's a rivalry. The Pig King is here.
This datapack adds a new hostile to your world: The Pig King. You will meet anarchy.
Check the releases page on GitHub for pre-1.20 versions.

To start the mayhem, kill a pig (or pig-like monster) and make sure you've slept in a bed at night.
Then, prepare yourself for his arrival when you least expect it. Good luck. 😈

Extended Information
The Pig King is a scaling mob that seeks to emulate intense vanilla PVP combat.

- begins stalking player(s) responsible for killing any pig (or pig-like) mobs
- equips according to current player(s) base-game advancement progression
- rapidly change equipment to assault the player in close or ranged combat
- consumes items and food to gain an edge and replenish health while fighting
- breaks doors and trapdoors impeding movement to the targetted player
- revives undead pig-likes, rallies wild wolves, and stuns iron golems
- never really dies, even if you beat him, he'll be back again sooner or later
- hides (despawns) and prepares for another ambush when player(s) exit range
- takes 10 - 20 minutes to spawn when he first notices a player or if defeated
- takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours to respawn if he defeats you
you'll need to sleep in a bed first, too (he's not that much of a monster)
† will equip according to the player he's spawned at

† you can hit stunned golems to wake them up when The Pig King isn't around

The Pig King doesn't care about your wealth or wares, all he wants is respect.

- The Pig King is not a boss and will consistently appear and fight a player.
- Just like players in the game, he will continue to respawn.
- He will not interact with anyone who hasn't killed a pig-like mob.
- He will only spawn on overworld animal mobs or piglins
- Doing the 'atonement' ritual will clean the player until they kill another pig

Optional Resources!
The resource packs for Techno Crowns and Pig Style Piglins have been consolidated into a single pack for this release, but their usage is completely optional.

Installation is easy!
Just drag and drop the datapack zip file into your world's datapacks folder.
An uninstall function is also supplied
/function _tpk:uninstall
Optimized for servers!
This datapack was designed to minimally affect overall game/server performance.
All clients observe the same behavior on servers using GeyserMC.

For hosts using PaperMC, make sure to enable in the paper-world-defaults.yml file
allow-non-player-entities-on-scoreboards: true

For Technoblade
I'd actually been thinking of doing something like this for a little while now. I started watching Technoblade after his iconic and unforgettable premiere on Minecraft Monday. The idea slowly took shape of bringing his likeness into the game: a chaotic neutral character that meets you on equal terms and still manages to best you.

Well, that and subtle hints of anarchy.

This one's for you, "Dave." Rest easy, Pig King.

If you want to show support for this datapack and associated materials please donate to the Sarcoma Foundation of America.
Licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike CC-BY-SA
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.20

5 Update Logs

1.20 Predicate Fix : by deeveesss 07/17/2023 2:50:21 pmJul 17th, 2023

Now works as intended on version 1.20, for 1.19 downloads please see the releases page on GitHub

I've been toying with some other things and thinking of ways to incorporate some of those ideas into this datapack to better remember Technoblade. I don't want to spoil anything, but it's possible I'll have another update at some point with new content.

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• 04/16/2024 10:46 am
• Level 30 : Artisan Electrician Fox
fox1timer's Avatar
That seems fun

I got to try it out
Wolfy Goober
• 11/11/2023 5:49 pm
• Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
Wolfy Goober's Avatar
awww i miss Techno :,((
• 07/27/2023 8:37 am
• Level 1 : New Miner
DwayneREEEEE's Avatar
Yo, been using him in a server but every time he spawns he despawns and is automatically killed. Why is this happening?
• 07/27/2023 6:52 pm
• Level 40 : Master Birb
deeveesss's Avatar
He only spawns: if there isn't one already, his spawn timer has gone down to 0, and a player with the initial advancement (The King's Vengence) is within 14 blocks of certain overworld or pig-like mobs.
execute unless entity @e[tag=_tpk] if score %king_cd _tpk matches 0 as @r[predicate=_tpk:root] at @s if entity @e[type=#_tpk:mobs,distance=..14] run function _tpk:ai/startHe doesn't despawn until he's 64 or more blocks away from a player with said advancement or has been defeated.
execute unless entity @p[predicate=_tpk:root,distance=..64] run function _tpk:ai/hideIt's possible one of the players has a farm or setup of some sort that is preventing him from spawning in a full area, but he also phases through walls in some cases to get closer to players so I don't think that would factor in either.

Given that this has been out for over a year now with no similar reports of this behavior it's possible that the behavior you're observing is due to the inclusion of another datapack or mod or someone attempting to farm the Pig King, which is coded to be physically impossible without hitting him since the loot tables are tied to the player_killed_entity advancement and not the mob itself.

EDIT: What server software are you running? It could also be that the server settings aren't setup to enable non player entities on scoreboards, which is what some of the counters are done via. If that's the case (Paper, etc) see the instructions for enabling non player entities on scoreboards section.
• 07/16/2023 1:37 am
• Level 1 : New Miner
Tomtitoo1001's Avatar
What do we have to do to get the advancement The King’s Treasures? Because I fought him 7 time and it only drop me potatoes flowers and gold.

R.I.P Techno
• 07/17/2023 2:57 pm
• Level 40 : Master Birb
deeveesss's Avatar
After some poking around it seems Mojang changed the way predicates are classified for the type I was using, I've updated the datapack and tested it to ensure it's working. Hope you can enjoy it as intended now!
• 07/17/2023 6:39 pm
• Level 1 : New Miner
Tomtitoo1001's Avatar
Ok thanks
• 07/16/2023 11:10 am
• Level 40 : Master Birb
deeveesss's Avatar
He drops different gear depending on how far you've gotten in the base game. Once you move to Iron gear he'll start meeting you with Iron gear, then Diamond, then Netherite. Once you've beaten Netherite tier you should unlock the final advancement.

Side note, it's been a little over a year since I first released this, so I'm happy to see people are still enjoying it!
• 07/16/2023 6:37 pm
• Level 1 : New Miner
Tomtitoo1001's Avatar
Ok thanks
• 07/16/2023 11:00 pm
• Level 1 : New Miner
Tomtitoo1001's Avatar
yeah, I don’t think he upgrade his gear in 1.20. Because I tried in 1.19 and worked, but not in my 1.20 world and I would truly love to have some challenges in it
