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Level 40 : Master uwu

Villager Names (v1.2)

Villager Names Minecraft Data Pack
This datapack aims at giving villagers and golems random names. If this setting is enabled, the names given to the villagers depend on the biome they're in.
You can customize these names by giving your own list. To do it, edit these loot tables:
(more info on this website)

Villager Names Minecraft Data Pack
After the installation, you can configure the datapack by executing the command:
/function jw_vn:settingsThis one will send you a message in your chat, which contains all the available settings. If you want to disable or enable an option, click on the marks (note that you need to reload the message for you to see which option is enabled or not. This measure has been taken in order to not pollute the player chat).
Therefore, when you'll enter a village, villagers and iron golems will be renamed! The same thing applies to pillagers and wandering traders.

Villager Names Minecraft Data PackImportant: Note that at least all the villagers already named cannot be unnamed as their chunks need to be loaded.
Once you know that, here is the command to perform the uninstallation process:
/function jw_vn:uninstall

As I said earlier, plenty of settings are available for you to customize as much as possible the datapack.
Here are some examples:
  • Does the biome affects the given name
  • Are <mob> names activated
  • Do <mob> names given come from the custom list settled by an admin
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

3 Update Logs

v1.2 : by JeffWooden 08/12/2021 5:26:19 pmAug 12th, 2021

library_add Content added:
- wandering trader names
- pillager names
- new setting menu
- new options
bug_report Fixed bugs:
- "Does biome affects given name" option didn't work as intended
- When a mob got a hat, this one was deleted
- If one mob name was once reactivated after being disabled, non-renamed entities didn't get their name.
create Coming soon:
- Patrol entities names

Thanks for all the support! I read all of your comments, therefore, if you have any suggestions, do not hesitate 😉

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06/21/2022 8:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey. I want to generate a list of over 1000 names using your site. Is it possible to do this? How long can such generation take? I'm asking because it already takes a few minutes and I wonder how much patience I have to have XD
10/07/2021 6:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hey does the system post messages when a villager dies
09/14/2021 10:38 pm
Level 25 : Expert Explorer
I am just curious. Will Piglins also get their names in a future update? They are also clearly sentient mobs, much like the Villagers and the Illagers of the Overworld. Players even barter with them. After all, not every player wants to kill the Piglins.
08/31/2021 3:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I had a villager in my old world around 2017 named bob me and my friend had this ravine house because they were just added and a ladder bringing us up so bob got himself trapped in the ladder and I didnt know I could break around him so he sadly died but it was pretty funny when we heard distant hrm noises
08/19/2021 9:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Good datapack, but i found that villagers already loaded from stock villages, dont have names. Is there a way to make it so they get named? This is in an already existing world.

Another thing, can you make it so the functions excute on a /triger like the ones on vanillatweaks? Mostly for the worlds where there is no cheats enabled like in hardcore.
08/20/2021 11:44 am
Level 40 : Master uwu
First of all: Thanks for your comment 👍👍

Concerning your questions, I'll answer them one by one.
[...] Is there a way to make it so they get named?
Of course. If you don't have another datapack that is renaming villager names, it should do so for those who are part of loaded villages. (There will be a function/trigger command to reset the nearest villager's name in the next update)
Can you make it so the functions execute on a /trigger like the ones on vanilla tweaks?
As a security, the /function jw_vn:settings is used to prevent simple players (non-operator ones) from interfering with the settings. To be honest, I didn't think about it in the first place. Therefore, I'll add your suggestion to the datapack.
But this will take some time. Consequently, you'll have to wait before seeing an update with the addition.
The ExiIed FeIIow
08/12/2021 12:28 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Imposter
I see we both use the Geometry Dash Minecraft text format.
08/11/2021 10:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This pack stops players from killing villagers :)
08/12/2021 1:05 am
Level 40 : Master uwu
Hey, are you sure that this problem comes from Villager Names ? I'll investigate on my side, but it seems very strange to me since I only modify two NBTs of the villager (ArmorItems and CustomName).
01/17/2022 4:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
No, sorry. It was just a joke. I'm so sorry
If the villagers are named, players won't be able to kill the villagers.
