Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Wither's Wrath

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    ImHer0's Avatar ImHer0
    Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
    Wither's Wrath

    Hey, this is my iteration at the wither to make it more of a challenge with brand new attack formats as well as adding the 600HP from the wither in bedrock edition, because not everyone likes all the additions etc, I added slight toggles to both reduce the amount of chaos, but there will not be an easier version of the wither. I've been making this Wither as an attempt to make a harder Wither and mainly just showcasing it to friends therefore I never intended it to be perfect.

    What does this wither Include? (slightly outdated)
    Wither Has 600HP by default and additional knockback resistance

    Start "Animation"
    Wither's Wrath Minecraft Data Pack

    Buffed Wither Skulls

    Wither's Wrath Minecraft Data Pack

    Wither Charge Attack (only does this once its at 250 HP left)
    Wither's Wrath Minecraft Data Pack

    Wither Homing Skull (weaker but never misses *blocking with shield is advised*)

    Occasional Wither Skeleton Support spawns

    and More!

    There are multiple new features in this wither but to help customize it I've added some toggles (more coming soon)
    Toggle Options: [ /function wither:config ]
    Toggle menu


    Destruction after fighting the wither with 6 people

    Wither's destruction

    this is outdated the damage is way worse now

    If you're using this in a server please tell me of any impacts in performance it may have since I've not tested this for myself with enough players to notice performance changes

    PS. This is my first ever Datapack so any feedback is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration as I'll try to do some changes and keep this project active for a while
    CreditThanks to Wolfey for the Thumbnail for the Datapack
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
    toMinecraft 1.21

    10 Update Logs

    Update V1.7.2 : by ImHer0 08/04/2024 8:53:39 pmAug 4th

    Tweaked a few particles ✨
    Tweaked some functions to reduce tick times

    Bug Fixes
    Wither skeletons were not dying once the fight ended
    A few functions were ahm not working (Surely I didn't forget to change 2 commands a few updates ago)
    Other smaller fixes and code optimization

    Enjoy! 😎👍

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    07/14/2024 3:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    flambambam_'s Avatar
    I am absolutely loving this buff to the wither, especially for the modpack I am throwing together for myself. This version scales much better with what I have in mind for the late-game player. I just have a few questions and have encountered a few bugs in testing.

    Is there any way to destroy/counter the homing projectile? I can understand flying away and creating an obsidian wall or something in the first phase, but I don't know what to do apart from tanking it with resistance in the second phase. It's also just really loud in general. I appreciate being able to disable it, but I think it adds an interesting dynamic to the fight during the first phase. Maybe giving it 20 HP so that we can whittle it down from afar would help in this case?

    After killing it once in creative to see all of the changes, I gave myself the best gear I could make and fought it in survival. No idea what happened, but it only summoned the original wither and I was being given wither skeleton skulls as if there were a repeating command block nearby. Quitting and reopening the world stopped the wither skull spam, and the next wither I spawned worked just fine.

    I don't know if it was just unlucky timing, but I died instantly after killing that next wither. Went from full HP prot IV + golden apple to 0 instantly upon the wither's death. This was at point blank range, so I'm thinking it might have had something to do with the lightning summoned upon its death. In other tests I found that I was only taking two or three hearts from the lightning, so idk what happened the first time.

    Everything else seems to be working as intended. Again, absolutely love this re-interpretation of the wither fight.

    Edit: The charge attack in the second phase can break bedrock (and charge through it, but I don't know if there's a way around this). Was testing the fight on the nether roof and found out the hard way after falling through lol. Probably the most efficient bedrock breaker I've found yet!
    07/22/2024 8:07 am
    Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
    ImHer0's Avatar
    Hey, Thanks for the review!

    So to address your points, as you can tell datapacks are quite limited since not mods so I tried my best especially as this was part of my learning process into datapacks, for the homing projectile, it's intended to use a shield or hide behind blocks, I could make it a projectile you can shoot at or hit to destroy but I feel that would remove the constant stress of having to worry about it while also being hit.

    doing /kill to the wither can break the datapack as some functions might be running at the time, hence why I made the /function wither:wither/wither_fix which I now realised I forgot to add this on the main page whoops.

    I tried replicating your issue for insta death when you killed the wither but nothing was happening so I guess it literally was just unlucky timing for now.

    and yeah I know the bedrock stuff is currently an issue I tried implementing as many safes as I could to prevent this (push the wither up or down depending if there's bedrock below or above it) but this isn't perfect for the charge attack which I will probably try and figure something out and push an update for that Fixed as of latest update

    Otherwise thank you so much for the review!
    07/23/2024 12:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    flambambam_'s Avatar
    I don't know why I hadn't considered using a shield against the homing projectile, that makes so much more sense than what I was trying to do by flying away and building an obsidian pillar lol. I will keep that in mind when I get around to fighting this in survival!
    Centaurus L4
    07/14/2024 2:29 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Centaurus L4's Avatar
    Is it supposed to teleport to you when you hit it with an arrow from afar? Also it seems to do its dash attack even at full health aswell as one shot full cnchanted netherite after it gets hit upclose. For context I fought it on a server.
    07/14/2024 12:29 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
    ImHer0's Avatar
    hmmm, it's not meant to teleport when you hit it with an arrow like at all, neither is it meant to do the dash at full health since that should only trigger if the wither is at a specific hp value, what other datapacks or plugins were you using at the time? as well as version of minecraft. otherwise I'll probably try and check how this could happen in multiplayer
    Centaurus L4
    07/22/2024 3:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Centaurus L4's Avatar
    I have a few other packs that make the ender dragon harder. I will disable them and let you know how the pack runs alone.
    07/07/2024 2:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Collective
    RDICHARD872's Avatar
    Hay un bug en la 1.21, al matar al wither te suelta la estrella y 6 cabezas de wither
    07/08/2024 2:13 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Bear
    KumaYuki's Avatar
    i dont think its this pack's problem. do you have any other datapacks or plugins installed?
    i've checked the file and it doesnt modify the wither's loot table
    06/26/2024 5:30 am
    Level 50 : Grandmaster Hunter
    Sancturn6's Avatar
    Does it work with 1.20.4, cause this is a very good wither pack for my server Im about to create with other modpacks
    06/26/2024 6:51 am
    Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
    ImHer0's Avatar
    the previous version of the pack (1.19) should work you can get it from my github page right under the download button, I just tried it really quick and seems to work, obviously it's slightly outdated but should be more or less the same fight regardless (I won't fix any bugs on that version)
