This is a game thread. How to play the game:
- You must ban user that replied in this thread with a reason
- You can ban yourself
- You can use @ to ban certain user (that replied to this thread)
- Don't take it serious this is just a game. The ban arent real xP
I edited a rule for so long:
-You can @ to ban user outside or inside the thread
A: You are banned for viewing this!
B: @A you are banned for banning!
(Banning someone who last replied)
Me first. You are banned for reading this! Xp
- You must ban user that replied in this thread with a reason
- You can ban yourself
- You can use @ to ban certain user (that replied to this thread)
- Don't take it serious this is just a game. The ban arent real xP
I edited a rule for so long:
-You can @ to ban user outside or inside the thread
A: You are banned for viewing this!
B: @A you are banned for banning!
(Banning someone who last replied)
Me first. You are banned for reading this! Xp
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banned for returning to this post 2 years later
Wuneya Meows The Cat
@a ban [reason=Drinking C*m]
Caelen99999 Banned on hypixel~''Reason. (Unfair advantage'''~ ''Time left.(360d''~ You can appeal Here .
@a ban [reason=Cheating]
@ get banned noob
if u ban me ill scream under your bed =)
I woke up recently and remembered this thread exists, shame it seems to be dead.
I guess I'll ban my friend for going camping or something idk.
I guess I'll ban my friend for going camping or something idk.
havent been here for 3 years 👀
/ban Commander_The_Fox [reason=Not Touching Grass]
I am banned for returning to his barren wasteland out of nowhere
Also, you are banned for being in 2023
Also, you are banned for being in 2023
Wait it's 2023 I thought it was 2013?
Ok what???
dispenser was banned by a moderator for sharing furry NSFW in DMs: a violation of PMC TOS. Please read the rules before posting: https:/
/ban reason=breathing air
/ban [type=player] your-mom [reason=u destroyed me at pvp]
@JoeEnderman was banned by a moderator for necroposting: a violation of PMC TOS. Please read the rules before posting: https:/
Bishops(the chess piece not actual bishops) were banned for being confined to one color of square
TheRealBlank512 was banned by a moderator for necroposting: a violation of PMC TOS. Please read the rules before posting: https:/
{This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.} lol all mod is ban
creepytoadstool was banned by a moderator for necroposting: a violation of PMC TOS. Please read the rules before posting: https:/
Herobrine /ban all of you
A: You are banned for viewing this!
B: @A you are banned for banning!
B: @A you are banned for banning!
all of you r /ban-ip
/ban Shiver-the-Fox for being a furry lmao
craftcoolsra is ban for beeing level 1.
you gotta use the command, but since you didn't, /ban creepytoadstool
/ban Craftcoolsta for b e level 1
or if you want, /ban Craftcoolsta
who is craft?
itscelina is ban for who is craft? r u ok?
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/ban Phara_Ooh for creating this post XD
crafter1234 was banned by a moderator for necroposting: a violation of PMC TOS. Please read the rules before posting: https:/
hmm i dont even trust that link tho
(why does the link say youtube when i hover over it?)
(why does the link say youtube when i hover over it?)
-.-. --.- -.. / -.-. --.- -.. / ... --- ... .-.-.- / .-- . / .... .- ...- . / -... . . -. / .... .. - / .-- .. - .... / .- / -... .- -. / .- -. -.. / .- .-. . / ... .. -. -.- .. -. --. / ..-. .- ... - .-.-.- / .-- . / .-. . --.- ..- .. .-. . / .. -- -- . -.. .. .- - . / .- ... ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. . .-.-.-
Ohhh morse code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TNHo is banned for making an unreadable message
Blizzard III is banned for wasting their life :'(
/ban Aceplante 3m You might rickroll other folks, but I hover over hyperlinks before clicking!
In case any of you need it: Appeal Form
Kuwaii you are banned
public static String nameBan(String userName) {
int start = 0;
int lower = userName.indexOf("a", start);
int upper = userName.indexOf("A", start);
if (lower >= 0 || upper >= 0) {
return "You are banned for having letter 'A' uppercase or "
+ "lowercase in your username!";
} else {
return "You are fine for now...";
int start = 0;
int lower = userName.indexOf("a", start);
int upper = userName.indexOf("A", start);
if (lower >= 0 || upper >= 0) {
return "You are banned for having letter 'A' uppercase or "
+ "lowercase in your username!";
} else {
return "You are fine for now...";
BibiAndColette736 Is Banned For Sometimes Loses In 3vs3 Battle In Brawl Stars.
/ban etype
/ban @e[type=player] Ban_Reason= §4You_Are_Banned!
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