BlueoDoesStuff's Avatar
hammed burger :(
  • Excuse my ignorance

    My support stamp
    I desperatly need a new one so I’ll do that soon

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    Community trophies
    I dont think I got any yet although I have the memory of a kettle so
  • But what exactly is

    “I'm being quoted to introduce something, but I have no idea what it is and certainly don't endorse it”
    -Randall Munroe

    Send me secret things

    My awesome twin go follow them OR ELSE <333

    Everything is open but no guarantee ill join XD

    *.~Anyway now for the actual bio~*.

    ~Honestly idk my gender at this point-
    ~January 16th
    ~Started August 31 2019 with some absolutely horrible skins
    ~GMT, yes im british, no i dont drink tea or have bad teeth (yeah you read that right)
    ~Capricorn (although idk what that actually means XD)
    ~Local Kirby Enthusiast


    I dont have enough effort to list them all, but you know who you are, and you are awesome, but if you want to think of me as a friend then go ahead, so if you came here looking for one then congrats <3

    .*~Stuff I Like~*.

    Kirby, Splatoon, Omori, MST3K, Pizza Tower, Minecraft (duh), Waffles (probably too much), Winter (except not when its too cold), Memes, Stars, The Colour Blue (again, duh), Eating KitKats Wrong, My Friends <3

    I make my skins on mobile and idc what anyone else says

    #cutecatscult #fluffycoatsaresupreme :3
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