Let's be honest, Minecraft is trash now

Zelkia's Avatar Zelkia8/11/17 3:19 am history
5 emeralds 19.4k 78
8/25/2017 1:21 pm
FangABXY's Avatar FangABXY
DOUBLE DISCLAIMER: Shut up about the god damn poll, already! I've told at least a dozen people that due to the lack of a "Question" and "answers" system, that i couldn't make the options specific enough without them being too long. I can't DELETE polls, I've attempted to do so several times, and please, just stop about the damn thing already.

DISCLAIMER: Guys. Apparently this "Hate Microsoft" bandwagon is a thing. If you see my post, i don't want you to just go make a post complaining about a thing because it's the popular thing to do. If Microsoft's changes don't affect you at all, that's fine- I don't care. You don't have to make a post hating on Microsoft because you want to get in on the popular trend. It's not a trend, it's opinions. The intent of this post was to start a discussion between some of the players who've been around since Alpha and Beta about the changes the game is going through and how Microsoft is affecting the game. Not to tell people that Microsoft's handling of the game sucks as 100% fact. Because it's not fact. How it affects YOU, is all your opinion.

Let's talk about how Microsoft handles Minecraft and Mojang. I don't want to spend time on how the game used to be- That isn't the point. I'm not here to discuss why Alpha or Beta was better. I'm here to discuss why Minecraft has rolled downhill faster than Sonic on crack.

Ever since Mojang was sold to Microsoft, it just seems like they've been constantly exploiting Minecraft and Mojang as a whole. They're likely ordering significantly more focus on the new Bedrock versions of Minecraft, as it allows for significantly less freedom and infinitely more chance to profit on this lack of moddability and customizability that these versions have. Oh, what's that? Want mods? Well, we're not interested in what you want, but if you give us your soul, we'll give you some coins to spend on things that are not only WORSE than mods, but more expensive than mods!
[Mods= FREE+20$ (The game), Packs, maps and things on the Marketplace= Everything you own and more]

The content in the game has gotten worse too as it's becoming significantly more fantastical and random. I like Glazed Terracotta but my only problem with it is that it doesn't feel like Minecraft content. And ever since Beta 1.8, the focus on Survival has become significantly larger, rendering Building in it significantly more difficult. And to compensate, they add Creative mode, something that removes the fun of, well, playing the game, from the game. Part of the reason I've strayed away from Minecraft for so long is that i enjoyed just building. And because it became harder to do so with Survival, i started focusing on Creative, which bored me to death and back.

And the social aspect of the game is just kinda meh now, too. Not only is the ratio of 12-year-olds to Above-12 astronomical (Is that how you use the big word, daddy?), the social experience has become extremely complex, with a crap-tonne of mini-games, server networks with just as much paid content as the Marketplace, so many different plugins you could barely count them on all hands in the world at this second, and so many people playing it isn't even funny.

Honestly, i think ever since Microsoft obtained Mojang, the game has been on a constant downhill spiral as Microsoft started changing things in the game in their bank's favor. But it's really all personal preference. What do you think about it? I have some basic answers in a poll but you can answer a bit more specifically, if you want, down below.
To me though, the game is trash now, Microsoft has always been trash since the turn of the millennia (Thanks, Xbox) and i'm gonna get a lot of hate for this post.

Poll ended 08/16/2017 5:46 am.

Posted by Zelkia's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd

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08/11/2017 3:19 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
Oh nice, i like how the PMC forums are literally Reddit now. How long has it been this way?
Comrade Rick
08/11/2017 4:09 am
Level 43 : Master Demolitionist
Comrade Rick's Avatar
Do you mean that sarcastic or real?
08/11/2017 4:31 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
It's a joke. Last time i actually used these forums they were completely different. They're very similar to Reddit now.
08/11/2017 6:42 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
Yeah, I noticed as well. Its been maybe a week or less, and theres still bugs, such as notifications for upvotes/emeralds.
08/11/2017 8:53 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Already a ticket up for that one. A site mod forwarded it to the devs.
08/13/2017 5:11 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Imposter
The new forums are based on Reddit according to Cyp and Paril.
08/11/2017 3:39 am
Level 1 : New Network
Amaith's Avatar
I don't fully agree with everything, but I do believe that Microsoft ruins everything it touches.

And sadly they touched Minecraft... In places that I would have to show you on a victim doll in a courtroom.
08/11/2017 3:42 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
The end of that post is amazing. And yeah, as a game Minecraft isn't the worst thing ever as it is, but Microsoft's control of it it the real problem for me.
08/11/2017 3:47 am
Level 1 : New Network
Amaith's Avatar
Look, notch left right after the base game was done. The man was a lazy visionary. Microsoft is just trying to make money and we should be used to it. Now honestly what is the source of the best MC content? THE PLAYERS...or those the players pay to make the content. Who are usually players themselves. Microsatan should leave the game alone, allow free modding on all platforms and call it game. Even have server hosting and they could make an easy buck. But as we all know they don't make good choices.. I mean they can't even count right... 7, 8 ,8.1 , 10... -slow clap for Microsoft.-

And thank you for enjoying that last tid-bit from my previous reply.
08/11/2017 3:51 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
Microsatan, that's a good one. I'll remember that. And i don't think you're quite right about Notch, however. He left because he didn't create the game to become famous. He made the game to create a game, but it became huge, overwhelmingly so. So he left when he thought it was appropriate.
08/11/2017 3:56 am
Level 1 : New Network
Amaith's Avatar
That's it though he made the game.. It was finished.
So why keep on adding bells and whistles?

The rest of the world has moved on and built off of MC but they are still using stone tools in the Iron era so to speak,

I say they should just move on and let players make MC into what they enjoy, not what a major corp. thinks they would enjoy.

Oh and here is another Microsoft slam. They are Micro-soft in the head. Not as potent but still enjoyable for a chuckle.
08/11/2017 4:37 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
That's pretty good. And yeah, exactly. He was finished with what he made, but they kept adding to it. Which is fine, considering that most players would complain with stopping development of the game, even despite the fact players can still add to it.
08/11/2017 10:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
0_birb's Avatar
I liked this only for that last remark
Comrade Rick
08/11/2017 4:07 am
Level 43 : Master Demolitionist
Comrade Rick's Avatar
OOoOOoOOoooOOOooooOOoo rekt!
But I do not agree :[
08/11/2017 4:34 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
That's perfectly fine. I expected a lot more people to enjoy the newer versions- Very few people who play the game right now have been here since alpha and beta. A large amount of people have left the game since then and a lot more people have joined. Chances are, even if you've gone and played the old versions (Because why not, i guess) you're just used to the newer versions.
08/11/2017 4:43 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
DreadHydra's Avatar
I want Notch to buy Minecraft back.. I have only played for 1 and a half year but I ca see why Minecraft is ruined now. Microsoft only want money and Notch wanted people to have fun. See the difference?
(sorry about my grammar)
08/11/2017 4:48 am
Level 1 : New Network
Amaith's Avatar
Notch doesn't care anymore. And even if he did, such an idea is impractical and impossible. Microsoft is like Disney they never sell their cash cow even if they ruin it. Best that he makes a new game. But even then he refuses to become in the lime-light so he will drop it was well.

So sorry to crush your dreams but welcome to reality.
08/11/2017 4:44 am
Level 1 : New Network
Talfy's Avatar
♦ From what i can tell, the stuff they are planning to implement is making me... A little angry, But mainly disappointed.

I'm not so worried about the store that they are planning to implement, as microsoft is Dumb, But not quite as dumb as valve - wa- is. (Cough Payed mods Cough)

if the EULA becomes too much of an issue, Its likely Glowstone will be payed more attention by the community, I hope this happens, as once you have the server, setting up the client is a formality. And that would be BAD news for microsoft. As glowstone, last i checked, has 0 lines of mojang/microsoft's code. as it works alot faster ;)
08/11/2017 4:57 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
RobhieMattz's Avatar
Before you degrade the current version and the upcoming version of minecraft let me just have a few words.

  • Making maps right now compared to the older version is easier

  • Making minigames right now is more easier

  • The bedrock version is not paid, They're actually giving a free copy of it if you already bought minecraft

  • You are not forced to buy any of those packs in the store

  • You can actually make your own packs and sell it in the store (Pretty much how steam works right now with their community workshop)

  • Survival Mode has seen its better days mainly because the game is already old and you pretty much know everything about it already. The only thing that will change it are mods or servers with different players to spice it up

  • Bedrock version - I don't find any reason to hate this version when all it tries, Is to connect different platforms of minecraft and raise its community's population

I don't know but throughout all these past updates, I never hated any of it. I just accepted it like how we grow in life. Because changes don't adjust for you, You adjust for them.

Now if you're truly a minecraft fan then you shouldn't be degrading minecraft like what you are doing right now.
08/11/2017 5:48 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
I'm aware of all this and they're all very good points. But to see Minecraft become how it is now it kinda sad to me. I've never been a die-hard fan, I've always enjoyed the game, but it's never been the biggest thing in the world to me. And i'm aware they're giving the new versions away for free- Let's be honest, they don't have much of a choice there, they would be in a PR Disaster if they didn't.

And with Survival, yeah, that's true too. But if i go back and play Alpha i still have a lot of fun with it, which just isn't the case with me in the current versions. And i love the fact the community can get paid for their work with the marketplace, if there was a way to implement it at no cost to the player (Which is impossible, yes, i know) then i feel it'd have a chance, standing up against Mods, Resource packs and stuff like that, as it's rewarding creators for their work. If there was an alternative it would be nice to go for that instead of making the content itself cost money. Sorta like an Adfly solution, money for views/downloads.

Of course making minigames and maps is easier, what with the ability to create anything easily. It's one benefit to creative but i feel like it sacrifices fun for use, which isn't a bad thing, it just makes building less fun in my opinion. My main focus was Microsoft's handling of the game, not how the game plays/is at the current moment because it's not the worst, just not something that's fun to me. And that's all me. I don't mean to degrade MINECRAFT at all but instead the fact it's lost sight of what it was meant to be and Microsoft's handling of it (And by doing so, their handling of many IPs.)
08/11/2017 5:58 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
If you don't like the new ones, just play the old ones.
08/11/2017 5:59 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
Also Microsoft has nothing to do with the developing. Just marketing and that sort of stuff.
But seriously? Windows 10 edition?
08/13/2017 1:17 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
Incorrect, i believe. I can't confirm it, but i can speculate based on recent content that they own the company and control what gets through and can ask certain things to be created. I highly doubt Jeb wanted a marketplace- He would have wanted customizability and moddability in the game to be free like it always has. But Microsoft likely stepped in and said some BS about it benefiting creators or something, like they do.

My problem isn't with the new versions but more mainly with Microsoft's handling of the game. Things like the Marketplace are just clear exploitation of creators to make more money off of the game. I guarantee you that when you buy a Community pack, there's a share of that money going to Microsoft. If it was anything other than exploitation of creators, 100% of the profits would go to the Creators from Community-made items- Nothing would go to Microsoft. But that isn't the case now, is it?
08/13/2017 2:10 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
As with any service, money has to go to the creators AND the providers. Not everything is free. Microsoft is having to run servers to hold this content and provide the infrastructure. It's only fair that they do get a cut.
Say you made a product and everyone demanded that it was free from you but you have financial costs to cover. What are you going to do? Run yourself into the ground until you're broke?
08/13/2017 3:48 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
"I highly doubt Jeb wanted a marketplace" That's actually what I said. They control the marketing, not the developing.

I have to agree with you on Microsoft's handling, though. Especially as a Mac user, it has really deteriorated. They've already made multiple wrong turns. Yet, as the game itself, I think it's fine. Also Microsoft have a right to that money, they need to earn something off of merch', you know.
08/11/2017 6:40 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
My main dislike for the new versions is their lack of support for current third party programs, like Worldpainter. Once that's fixed, I'll become more interested. Or if there's an official tool to convert world folders to the new W10 world files.
08/11/2017 6:41 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
That said, Minecraft doesn't quite suck. I dislike the colorchanges of the 1.12 update, but I'll simply stick to 1.8-1.11 for now.
08/11/2017 8:55 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
As a builder (albeit one who's always focused on handcrafted and worldedit support, not as the primary tool) - I don't feel like i've lost by the new updates much. New blocks; so long as they don't kill the older ones, I'm fine.

But for building, I think the game will never match modded, and it is there, on a somewhat older version that has a mod with infinitely more content than mojang will ever give creative, that I will likely stay.
08/11/2017 9:03 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Ninja
Shorra's Avatar
To be perfectly honest, I think of the game back from Nostalgia, I used to be a kid back in 2011 when I first grabbed the game and it was awesome, the updates added a lot in the games so which were good and some which were not as good...

I'll admit that since Mojang sold Minecraft to Microsoft it has felt like minecraft wasn't the same, the price is horendus ( I picked minecraft up for £5 and £12 ) when it was in it's core state, but the game is still playable and there so new cool things added each time... apart from the Llama's ... those are just weird

I was a kid back then and minecraft will always something I will look at as a grow older playing new games but I'm 21 now I spend more time worrying about new patches for MMO RPG'S and Steam games then good ol' minecraft
08/11/2017 9:59 am
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Most of your information on the Bedrock version is false. Modding is alive and well on Bedrock, although the mod API is still in its infancy. A full mod API is confirmed to be coming, which will be more flexible than Forge. From what I've read, it will support nearly every feature Forge has, with the addition of version inter-compatibility.

Authorized sellers (AKA large content creators with business licenses) will be able to sell content on the Marketplace, but most will stick to the regular methods of distribution - posting on PMC, MCF, MCPEDL, etc. The only thing the Marketplace really does is give large creators (Noxcrew, Hypixel(?), etc.) the exposure they, in all honesty, deserve.

With the Bedrock version...
  • Resource packs are a one-click install
  • Maps are a one-click install
  • Shaders are natively supported through resource packs
  • The game runs more efficiently
  • People will be able to play together, regardless of the device they're on*
    *With the exception of PlayStation, since Sony is still not on board with cross-play

08/13/2017 1:13 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
Well, you're right about this. It's possible we'll have to give it time to simply grow. At the moment though, it IS inferior to Java Edition modding. Due to the fact that, well, it's made in Java, which is significantly easier to code for and mod.
08/14/2017 8:40 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
It's actually a fair bit easier to mod in Bedrock, but that's mostly due to the current limited capabilities. You can change the behavior and game models for existing content using JSON files, but you can't add new content.
08/11/2017 10:02 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
Those are rather biased poll options. Would I like to choose Minecraft sucks or Minecraft is bad or Minecraft was better before but only my fond memories tell me it was?

Personally I think Minecraft is just fine. It's progressing and expanding. What's nice is that if people don't like it, they don't have to play it. They can load up previous versions. Doesn't mean new Minecraft is better, but it's not worse.
08/13/2017 1:11 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
Well, i can't exactly find a way to make the questions completely open-ended, can i? But my point isn't that the new Minecraft is bad- In my personal opinion, i feel like older versions were a bit better, this post is meant to focus on Microsoft's handling of the game. That's where the game starts rolling downhill. Since they have full control over what gets through and what doesn't, and CAN ask certain features to be created, they have full control over how THEY can make money off of it. To me it's scummy and disrespectful to Minecraft.
08/13/2017 2:01 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
You do understand that Microsoft has very little to do with the production, right?
Yes they reserve the rights to request features and stuff but they really don't care. Microsoft is in this as a business investment. They just let Mojang do their thing (so these changes would likely to have happened even if Microsoft didn't buy them).

A lot of original devs left Mojang not so much because of Microsoft but because they were ready to move on. I believe Notch's reason was because he felt that he had nothing else left to offer for the game and it was time for someone else to carry the torch.

The asking for features is exactly the same as if Notch was still there. He's the boss which means he can request features. The ability to do so has now shifted to someone else. But again, keep in mind that Microsoft is about business. And just like a business, they have designated teams that make the planning and decision making. In this case, that's Mojang. Nothing different.

As for how they can make money off of it, can you tell me what's different about it? As far as I'm aware, it's just the marketplace. So far I've seen good stuff come out of that. It helps feed money back into the community (I know a skinner who is part of it) and strengthens the ties between the creative community and Microsoft. And what's radical and cool about it is...it's optional! PC remains the same in that you can still apply content from the community for free or if you want to support that artist, you can buy their stuff on the marketplace. Consoles and mobile now have a way of getting supported extra content.

And finally, Microsoft buying Mojang was kind of a good play. Mojang now has a lot more resources, funds and backing to complete larger scale projects. If they want more people on the team, then they can get it. If they want to implement large scale efforts to standardize Minecraft across all platforms and do inter-platform gameplay, they can do it! People are throwing a fit over this because it's different and it's no longer their blessed Mojang. Mojang made mistakes too. I'd just wait and see how things go before we start saying Minecraft is now trash and thus making things harder for Mojang to deliver content that will satisfy people.
A misinformed angry mob is a powerful thing.
08/13/2017 2:25 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
You say that like i'm angry... or a misinformed mob. If i come off as angry it's not my intent at all. Honestly, maybe it's just because of the problems I've had with Microsoft in the past, but I've never liked their business practices or the way they handled things, and seeing that happen to Minecraft just kinda sucks to me. The whole trend of Microtransactions is going to lead into other things that lead into other things, so on so forth. This is only the beginning, remember that. Microsoft can get worse about this, they could get better about it. I can't tell you what'll happen. I just feel, personally, like this problem is going to get worse, much like it has for other areas. It's not only about how the game is treated now but also about how it will be treated later down the line, based on how it's gone with other things they've done. Honestly the game is kinda starting to appeal to newer fans who came in with these changes. Whether they be kids, or people who've only recently discovered Minecraft, it's less in the favor of the older fans and more in the favor of the newer ones. These people won't feel the impact of these changes as much as older fans will because they're used to how the game is. The game is changing massively, and i feel it'd be easier to be a newer fan than it would be to be someone coming from Beta 1.6/1.7. Maybe if i try to sit through this the game will become even better than it once was. But it's going to take a long time to get used to the changes the game is going through.

...Minecraft Puberty. LOL
08/13/2017 2:30 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
No no, not calling you angry. However I'm seeing these kinds of posts happen more and more. While I don't mind if people feel that way, it begins to cause newer players to feel like they need to jump in the dissing of Mojang/Microsoft which could lead to them feeling bad about having bought Minecraft. While you have innocent intentions, I've seen this kind of thing snowball until it becomes out of hand and people are just doing it for the bandwagon.
08/13/2017 2:35 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
crap, you replied before i could continue on. As i was going to say...

But yes, i do understand they have nothing to do with production. My point was that with them being able to ask certain things to be made, or being able to say "I don't know if that should be in there" that they could go on to continue with the paid formula they have, or simply other ways of making a larger profit off the game.

As for what you said, yeah, i see what you mean. But my intent was to start a discussion about how some of the people who've been here longer feel about the changes being made to the game or the way Microsoft is affecting it.

If you think putting a disclaimer in the original post would be a good idea i can do that. As silly as the idea of someone following a hate bandwagon is, that happens, sadly... And all too much.

...IGN started one of those, it got pretty popular.
08/11/2017 10:06 am
Level 71 : Legendary Nerd
Irish's Avatar
Once again we see somebody going by bias rather than facts B)
08/13/2017 1:20 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
I'm GREATLY biased against Microsoft but for good reason. I don't doubt they will do some good things for the game but it's not going to be the same ever since they bought the company and Minecraft. Microsoft has exploited every last cent out of everything they've created or touched, at least, in Gaming they have. Xbox live? They've milked that. Xbox itself? Sure. Remember Scalebound? Pretty sure they wanted Microtransactions in it. They've tried to milk every IP they've found could be milked, they've milked services, etc etc.
08/13/2017 1:21 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
But you can't tell me that there are no facts in this post whatsoever. That's kinda BS, and shows you're just buying into Microsoft's greedy schemes and how they say they care about users. They don't, they never have.
08/13/2017 2:02 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
No, it's not facts. It's called your opinions. You have every right to believe them but it does not make it immediately true.
08/13/2017 2:31 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
...Well, crap. Sorry, that wasn't entirely what i meant. I DO feel that Microsoft is treating it kinda crappily, but more feel that it's going to get worse, based on other examples I've seen. I feel like the only point where opinions come into play is how i feel about how they're treating it, or how you feel about how they're treating it, or how he or she feels about it. How they're handling it, however, put as factually as i can get is that Microsoft are using ideas that will make them more money while potentially having other benefits (Or possibly not.) and that it could continue on to other things later down the line. I didn't intend to say that my opinions were factual- God no. I've told several people off because of that. I myself find it stupid that people do it. More that what Microsoft is doing with the game is factual- Not how i feel about it. That's obviously just my opinion and is probably skewed by my hatred for other schemes like this from Microsoft, and from other companies.
08/13/2017 5:03 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Microsoft has attempted all sorts of crap, but this isn't some master plot that came in just from Microsoft. Mojang's been heading in this direction for a while.
08/13/2017 2:07 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
I don't doubt they will do some good things for the game but it's not going to be the same ever since they bought the company and Minecraft.

But here's the thing, Minecraft is never going to be the same again compared to it's last patch. Say Microsoft didn't buy Minecraft; well do you think we would still have the same content now? No we would have moved on, they would have added more things, changed stuff, etc. Companies usually do longer term plans. So they are probably still carrying out some of the same features from before Microsoft.
Microsoft doesn't want to make bad choices and lose money. I feel like this is more of a personal matter on your part rather than a factual deterioration of Minecraft.
08/11/2017 10:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
0_birb's Avatar
I'd like this post if it weren't for the comment you made about Creative
08/13/2017 1:36 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
I don't see the problem with it. My point is that creative removes the challenge from building that used to be there. I'm not saying that you can't like it or can't use it, not at all. It's kind of a necessary thing, at that. With all the new materials, new block types, and new stuff, can you imagine how hard it would be to build stuff with the alpha-style Survival? Exactly. My problem with it is that i played Minecraft to build, and removing the challenge from building just bored me.
08/13/2017 5:01 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Removing the "challenge"?

I don't build for a challenge, I build to create things in creative mode... just use survival if you want a challenge, eh? And further, nobody forces ya to use the new blocks :p

See classic, the mode that came before alpha, by the way. It was basically creative without the fly.
08/15/2017 5:44 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
And that's just fine. I'm not hating on creative, but i'm simply saying that i preferred the idea of being focused on building while having barriers and challenges put in your way. However, creative was necessary in that the more the game grows, the harder it's going to get to have these challenges in place whilst supporting building with all types of materials. Do you think anyone's gonna make the effort to build with Purpur without Creative? Some might but significantly less WOULD.
08/13/2017 3:04 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Modder
Chickens4Life's Avatar
Personally as a view of a 2012 player, i can agree with most content on this page. As a modded player, the only newer version i don't mind is 1.10 as its basically the new 1.7.10 also combat is fixable with mods but anyways.
The market place is basically a second Minecraft Story Mode, Microsoft and telltale first version of abusing and sucking as much money out of the community as it can. $25 (roughly making prices here) for the game itself (basically a second minecraft) then you gotta pay for the next 3 episode which cost $25 more, Why not play the actual game instead of paying for basically multiple minecraft accounts. Back to the market place: Why should the community pay for mods made the community, same can said with the texturepack? Its just stupid, its a clear attempt to scam people into the money. Personally if it was like money you get from playtime (and buying coins optional) it be a lot more acceptable and i think more people would go for it.

I just wanted a throw my opinions in on comments made
(Sorry if my opinion triggers anyone)

"Once again we see somebody going by bias rather than facts B)"

Well its not entirely bias, the guy does have a vote on the bottom post which do show clearly that out of 4 options provided, Microsoft sucks, the bredrock engine versions suck, and the marketplace sucks is a clear winner.

". A full mod API is confirmed to be coming, which will be more flexible
than Forge. From what I've read, it will support nearly every feature
Forge has, with the addition of version inter-compatibility."
What i herd from the modding api, its going to PE the inferior version of PC with its bigger more successful, modding community (#PCMasterRace). So personally i hope it comes to PC before PE first.

"Making minigames right now is more easier"
To be fair they may be simple, but nothing original anymore really..
08/13/2017 8:37 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
Bias means that they only have options that cast Minecraft in a negative light. Which means it will not fully capture the views of the community as it constrains them to one view.
08/13/2017 5:26 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Modder
Chickens4Life's Avatar
Yes i am aware of that, could you mention where i used it wrong so i could correct the statement please?

Thank you
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