CaraRose's Avatar
Kindness - default way to interact with people✨
She/Her | Retired Moderator
Level 67
High Grandmaster Artist Princess

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  • Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Hardcrafter shared BlocklyCow's post
    October 12, 2020, 1:25 pm with Public
    Thighs save lives, so sub if you desire to be saved!
    BlocklyCow's Avatar
    October 12, 2020, 1:12 pm to Public
    leg reveal for 700 subs
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    BlocklyCow said 2020-10-12 13:25:48
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  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    October 12, 2020, 6:58 am to Public
    Making progress on The Revenant. :D
    Tbh, this is actually my 2nd build on 1.16.3 and it does looking good. The exterior is almost done. I just need to know what to put at the bottom.
    Sketches (It supposed to be neither "Light Cruiser" or "Destroyer")

    Before (Template)


    The skulls and the weapons. I'm not sure where to put the skull yet.

    Monca said 2020-10-12 10:01:42
    Monca's Avatar
    W o w
  • Tinkering~ [CE]
    Minecraft Skin
    518 21 3
    CaelChan's Avatar CaelChan 10/11/20 11:46
  • Hardcrafter's Avatar
    October 11, 2020, 4:37 pm to Public
    Okay, fanfictions/what-if scenarios are actually a lot of fun! It's interesting how much one small change to the canon can make a significant difference to how the story plays out.
    JessaMoon said 2020-10-11 18:15:01
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    That is very much like life too! Even in school where you sit can decide your entire fate of friendships, and a single change of a certain matter can alter everything completely! x
    I enjoy that idea as well as those alt universes where if this certain thing happened or didn't, or this particular thing was changed ever so slightly and the butterfly effect with it!! x
  • Terror of the Depths (1/3)
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    Obscuria's Avatar Obscuria 10/11/20 3:09
  • cheyko's Avatar
    October 11, 2020, 11:19 am to Public
    go subscribe to canday, it's her birthday and she's 10 subs off from 1,000!!!
    and check out Terminant's birthday skin for her!!! its rad c:
    happi birthday candayyyy!!
    canday said 2020-10-11 11:20:44
    canday's Avatar
    thANK YOU!!! <333
  • cheyko's Avatar
    October 11, 2020, 9:40 am to Public
  • ৲、jolyne kujo, 空条 徐倫【ジョジョ6】
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    cheyko's Avatar cheyko 10/11/20 9:36
  • billoxiiboy's Avatar
    October 11, 2020, 8:59 am to Public

    Landscaping a Map can be very therapeutic - No making structures...just Gardening Stuff!

    Tuscany's Summer palace Landscaped Gardens - Update coming next weekend.

    billoxiiboy replied to TotallyNotMe's comment below 2020-10-13 03:17:19
    billoxiiboy's Avatar
    Thanks so much my Friend :D
    billoxiiboy replied to Springstof's comment below 2020-10-13 03:17:04
    billoxiiboy's Avatar
    Wow! Thanks for the very kind words :D
    You have been a huge inspiration to me and given me much help over the years. Your tutorials are still a constant reference for me. Thanks again my Friend!
    billoxiiboy replied to COLFETTERS's comment below 2020-10-13 03:14:30
    billoxiiboy's Avatar
    You Always make Amazing looking Creations and gave me a lot of encouragement :D
    billoxiiboy replied to -Valery's comment below 2020-10-13 03:12:39
    billoxiiboy's Avatar
    Thanks Adam :D
    TotallyNotMe said 2020-10-12 18:31:46
    TotallyNotMe's Avatar
    Looks amazing!
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  • "Fish" for my mod :)
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    Obscuria's Avatar Obscuria 10/11/20 1:54
  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Overlord_Aqua_2 shared GoldenGlider's post
    October 10, 2020, 11:04 pm with Public
    GoldenGlider's Avatar
    October 10, 2020, 9:36 pm to Public
    can I just stop and say how sweet and caring the PMC family is?? Like weve been through rough times on here but for the most part yall are not toxic at all and literally are the sweetest people ever 🥺🥺🥺
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    Overlord_Aqua_2 replied to WackyEarth's comment below 2020-10-11 01:44:43
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Of course you are. :)
    WackyEarth said 2020-10-11 01:41:36
    WackyEarth's Avatar
    Am I in the pmc family?
  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Overlord_Aqua_2 shared Spongie's post
    October 10, 2020, 11:00 pm with Public
    Original post was deleted by the original poster. Post ID (245927)
    Overlord_Aqua_2 replied to Spongie's comment below 2020-10-11 00:33:08
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    You’re welcome ;3
    Spongie said 2020-10-10 23:02:33
    Spongie's Avatar
  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    October 10, 2020, 9:01 pm to Public
    Good morning, from Australia! :)
    Overlord_Aqua_2 replied to AloComet's comment below 2020-10-11 00:02:59
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Good night to you :D
    AloComet said 2020-10-10 22:54:46
    AloComet's Avatar
    At that time it's is night in Florida
  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Overlord_Aqua_2 shared Entium's post
    October 10, 2020, 8:53 pm with Public
    I have no time to join, but for everyone who’s interested.
    Entium's Avatar
    October 10, 2020, 8:50 pm to Public


    everyone share this so more people join pls

    i am begging you to join
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    October 10, 2020, 2:24 pm to Public
    So, I feel like making a few small announcements of important things, and to start with a few people have brought to my attention that I hit the milestone of 666 subscribers at some point over the past ten or so hours. It's the first milestone I've had several people pointing out to me, so it must be an important one so it's also the first I actually have a screenshot of because of it:

    I'm already beyond the milestone though. It was so short-lived that I almost barely missed it, and that, well, is largely because of the incredible amount of friendly comments, congratulations, thank yous and so on that I got yesterday, with so many wall posts and guest book posts pinging me and being kind and sweet, showing how great the community is, and I went up a bunch of subscribers all of a sudden with it too, having just become Site Moderator on the 7th of October alongside DreamCritting and TomConn. o: It was a pretty nice welcome to the rank up from Chat Moderator which I'd had for just over 3 months. :) I didn't expect to be moving up so fast with the account being less than 6 months old and getting to this point already, but it's honestly really nice. Thank you for all the support, for anyone that I somehow missed with thanking everyone. ^~^ The community here is great. :) Seriously, the friendliness level was almost overwhelmingly kind and I appreciate it. :D
    Alongside all that, I also - on the, uh, 23rd of September, got featured on for my Dirt Mansion build, and while I had been contacted around a month or so before it got featured to be interviewed for it, it still felt different and great when it actually happened, and for me that was a brilliant milestone to manage to end up reaching. :) I wasn't expecting it at all and it's definitely not my favourite build out of what I've made, but it was really pleasing to have that kind of luck and success with it. :D That milestone in the building history for me is heavily motivating and I'm happy to have reached it. :)

    Also, to top it all off, I reached level 42, which is of course the answer to the universe. This must've been fateful timing, right? xD To me that's a milestone of its own thanks to the book, and I don't imagine that joke's all too well known but I just felt like mentioning it anyway. :)
    Thank you to anyone who's read through all this, and hopefully you're all doing well. ^~^ And if not, well, how are you doing right now? :) If you don't mind the question.
    Uknownymous replied to Highper_K1d's comment below 2020-10-19 15:42:43
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Well, hopefully one day you gain enough experience to manage even more than that. :) Good luck, and thank you again. ^~^
    Highper_K1d replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-10-12 19:08:47
    Highper_K1d's Avatar
    Your welcome. You deserve it. great builds. I can only manage dirt huts. minus homes on the moon.
    Uknownymous replied to Highper_K1d's comment below 2020-10-11 11:20:59
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Highper Kid. ^~^
    Highper_K1d said 2020-10-11 11:05:21
    Highper_K1d's Avatar
    Good for you! congrats!
    Uknownymous replied to BlocklyCow's comment below 2020-10-10 15:09:40
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Cubic Cow. :D
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  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    October 10, 2020, 8:09 am to Public
    Building a new ship, Necromancer - The Revenant, for Halloween.



    Overlord_Aqua_2 replied to WackyEarth's comment below 2020-10-11 18:48:35
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    I could add that to my building lists ;)
    WackyEarth said 2020-10-11 11:46:16
    WackyEarth's Avatar
    among us
    Overlord_Aqua_2 replied to account32's comment below 2020-10-10 08:33:23
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    True. Even a frying fan and a pentel pen cap.
    account32 said 2020-10-10 08:23:15
    account32's Avatar
    That looks epic. I also realized that spaceships can look like anything because there's no wind or gravity in space. You could have a spaceship look like cheese-burger is you so desire. It only matters if it goes to a planet.
  • Bloodless~ [Costume Party]
    Minecraft Skin
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    CaelChan's Avatar CaelChan 10/9/20 5:37
  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Overlord_Aqua_2 shared BlocklyCow's post
    October 9, 2020, 5:31 pm with Public
    BlocklyCow's Avatar
    October 9, 2020, 4:55 pm to Public

    i'm going somewhere to get them printed out on cardstock, and i don't want to have to make multiple trips.

    i'd really appreciate if you could share this so i can get the word out to as many members as i can! :)
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    WackyEarth said 2020-10-09 17:36:23
    WackyEarth's Avatar
    i better hurry
    BlocklyCow said 2020-10-09 17:33:53
    BlocklyCow's Avatar
    thank you for sharing!
  • Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    Overlord_Aqua_2 shared Marma's post
    October 9, 2020, 10:13 am with Public
    This is truly a wonderful message. Remember not to let yourself down!
    Marma's Avatar
    October 9, 2020, 9:58 am to Public
    Hi all! I just have a few things that I wanted to say.

    Now that it's fall and things are starting to wind down everything is slowly becoming orange and yellow and you see pumpkins and fall festivities everywhere, I feel like in this calm time it's a good chance to take this moment to just say a few things.

    The first thing is a huge thank you. I know I've said it so many times. But it really will never stop making me feel so lucky that I got to meet so many wonderful people on here and have so many experiences. Even if it's just a site for a game, like the game it's given me memories I'll look back on when I'm older and remember everyone I've talked to and met through here. So thank you, for giving me memories I'm never going to forget.

    Second off is I just wanted to say things will get better. I know even during such a calm time as fall people have doubts about themselves, or have suicidal thoughts and believing they aren't enough. I just wanted to take some time to remind ya'll that things will get better if you try. And eventually you'll look back on this time in your life and think of where you'd be at that time, and feel so proud that you got through it. I believe in you.

    And third and final off, I just want to take a moment to reflect a bit. Comparing my first uploads to my uploads now, you can see a lot of improvement. And with others you can see the same. And it honestly makes me so happy to see others and myself improving and becoming a lot more confident in what we do whether it's skins, art, music, ect. I think this is a good example to show that with enough time and practice, you can and will become better at things. So never give up on your passion, ever. It's a part of you even if you aren't very good now, you can become better to the point where you look t something you make and say "hey, that's pretty good."

    I'm sorry that this is so long. Or if it's a bit random. I hope you enjoyed reading it regardless and happy fall. <33
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