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  • The Value of Constructive Criticism
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 10/20/23 6:00
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    October 16, 2023, 8:16 am to Public
    Ditsö̀ what a great exoplanet
    thags it’s official name too so it’s not just WASP-17b
    but yeah we might have found clouds made of quartz on it because it’s a hot jupiter that orbits way too close to its star and so is way too hot for its own good
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    October 15, 2023, 6:02 pm to Public
    a collision of planets in another solar system might’ve been detected

    so there’s a star called ASSASN-21qj which suddenly brightened and then dimmed over a period of a few years, and we have no idea why. But recently there was a new theory that explains everything, and that’s two planets both about 25x the mass of earth hitting each other and being destroyed
    The brightening was caused by the explosion as the planets hit each other, and the dimming was caused by debris from the impact covering the whole system. If this is true, this is the first time we’ve ever spotted a collision of planets actually happen.
  • Actions That Can Get You Banned | Community Guidance
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 10/13/23 6:00
  • Etiquette on Planet Minecraft: Crafting Respectful Online Interactions
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 10/12/23 1:05
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    October 10, 2023, 2:55 pm to Public
    Fun fact: sharks are older than the north star
    I mean that literally

    Polaris, aka the north star, is about 70 million years old. Sharks evolved 400 million years ago. Sharks are older than some stars in our sky.
    They’re also about the same age as Vega, the fifth-brightest star in the night sky
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    October 9, 2023, 7:17 pm to Public
    colonizing the moon would literally be the best thing ever
    been thinking about it recently and now i’m excited again
    i made a video about colonizing the moon to explain why: How a Moon Colony Would Change Everything
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    October 1, 2023, 1:58 pm to Public
    Just made a new video about a special type of planet called a Trojan Planet
    They’re pretty interesting
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    PMC shared Halloween Datapack Jam's post
    September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm with Public
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    Halloween Datapack Jam post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm to Public

    Introducing our Halloween Data Pack Jam! It's a spooktacular event open to data pack creators of all skill levels and in collaboration with the Datapack Hub. Let's see what you can do this coming month!
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    NonaThaSpaceBunny replied to TADC_Jax's comment below 2024-05-04 13:41:11
    NonaThaSpaceBunny's Avatar
    lol youre late this was eight months ago
    Papa Enny said 2024-04-04 16:24:59
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    100 level yay!
    TADC_Jax said 2024-03-08 01:12:09
    TADC_Jax's Avatar
    wait but its March
    Papa Enny replied to cutecatkid's comment below 2024-02-22 17:03:07
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    you should not beg for it. If they want you in the team, you would get an info
    cutecatkid said 2024-02-21 12:11:40
    cutecatkid's Avatar
    can i be a site monider
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 25, 2023, 11:27 am to Public
    go to any wikipedia article
    any one you want
    and click the first link in the article, and keep repeating that for all the articles you get to
    you will end up at philosophy
    waffles said 2023-10-08 08:34:55
    waffles's Avatar
    i went from ferrets and ended at philosophy... that's really cool tho
    Ace301 said 2023-09-27 17:37:46
    Ace301's Avatar
    I went from the cave of temo'o (or smth, im srry if you got disrespected) to losing my sanity over what the definition of a word is to a symbol, down to a language, but i got to the philosiphy of language

    Cave of temo'o --> languange philosiphy
    Weirdest combo ever
    Kypickle replied to Giganticbowtie's comment below 2023-09-25 19:18:03
    Kypickle's Avatar
    ohhh wait i know what you mean
    you have to keep clicking
    you get to elegy then click the first link in that article, then the first link of whatever article that leads to, until you get to philosophy
    Kypickle replied to Giganticbowtie's comment below 2023-09-25 18:38:03
    Kypickle's Avatar
    i know i did both
    philosophy both times
    Giganticbowtie replied to Kypickle's comment below 2023-09-25 18:01:17
    Giganticbowtie's Avatar
    and that's first link is elegy
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 24, 2023, 2:31 pm to Public
    Just finished my biggest Colonization of the Solar System episode yet: The Colonization of Jupiter!
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 22, 2023, 7:26 am to Public
    methane has been being found on a bunch of exoplanets recently and that’s good

    So there’s a bit of a problem in astronomy called the “missing methane” problem. Methane is a very common chemical in our solar system, but for some reason we weren’t finding it in other solar systems, which was weird.
    But recently with the James Webb Space Telescope we’ve found some methane in the atmospheres of two planets:
    -Wadirum, (originally named WASP-80b before being given an official name in 2019) a planet half the size of jupiter and very, very hot
    -and K2-18b, a planet 8x bigger than earth that we recently confirmed was a hycean planet (a hydrogen atmosphere and a gigantic global ocean)

    So looks like the solution to the missing methane was we just weren’t looking hard enough
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 19, 2023, 9:02 pm to Public
    Mulchatna is a cool planet

    It's 3.5x the size of Jupiter (and actually exists in real life), so its bigger than every planet in the solar system combined and then some, and orbits closer to its star than Mercury orbits the sun. It also has a weirdly-shaped orbit. It's an oval, instead of a circle. This means that it's perihelion, or closest point to its star, and aphelion, or furthest point, are very different distances, which causes Mulchatna to have some super extreme seasons.

    Like the temperature variations are measured in the thousands of degrees. It's a crazy type of planet called an "eccentric Jupiter" and we actually know of quite a few of them.

    Here's a video where I explain it more:
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 14, 2023, 8:17 pm to Public
    The planet Janssen: Is it made of diamonds or not?

    55 Cancri is a real star system located 41 light-years away from earth. It has five known planets, the first of them being 55 Cancri e, which is officially named Janssen.
    Janssen is a super-Earth planet, meaning it's not a gas giant, but it's way bigger than Earth. It also orbits its star once every 18 hours, so it's year is less than a day on Earth.
    Because of this, Janssen is really hot. It's a lava planet. However, it's star, Copernicus, has a lot of carbon inside it. This is weird for a star. Because stars and planets form out of the same material, Copernicus's planets, including Janssen, are also probably carbon-rich.

    Carbon, under constant heat and pressure, forms diamonds.
    Janssen is under constant heat and pressure, and is probably really carbon-rich. This means that up to 1/3 of the planet might be made of diamonds. Imagine two entire earths, core, crust, mantle, and all, but just made of diamonds.
    Janssen would have more diamonds than that.

    But, this is unconfirmed. Janssen might not be a diamond planet. But it also could be. It's an actual possibility that a close star to the Solar System could have a planet worth a few nonillion dollars.

    For more information, I made a video about Janssen:
    Ace301 replied to Kypickle's comment below 2023-09-17 07:32:19
    Ace301's Avatar
    Wait... the milky way is THAT LARGE???? (I truly thought it only fit 1 solar system... I guess i was proven wrong by the guy who knows way more space stuff than me)
    But yeah, honestly, if we could go there, the word "rich" would really lose meaning. No one would be poor again if the planet was ever visited.
    Kypickle replied to Ace301's comment below 2023-09-16 19:51:49
    Kypickle's Avatar
    Janssen is inside the milky way, so thats not a problem. It's only 41 lightyears away. Compared to the 100,000 lightyear diameter of the milky way, thats pretty trivial.
    You cant buy planets, that "few nonillion" number comes from simply estimating how many diamonds are on that planet and what the cost of diamonds is today.
    Ace301 said 2023-09-16 17:44:31
    Ace301's Avatar
    Firstly, how would we even get there? We can't escape the Milky Way *yet,* so how are we getting to go there?
    Secondly, how would you buy planets? Off of something like or something?
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 13, 2023, 7:32 am to Public

    Using the James Webb Space Telescope, we analyzed the atmosphere of the exoplanet K2-18b.

    K2-18b is half the size of Neptune, and so is right between the sizes of a really big rocky planet or a really small ice giant, so we don’t really know which one it is. What we do know though is that it has a thick atmosphere made of mostly hydrogen, and it might have an global ocean of water.
    This type of planet is called a Hycean Planet, or a planet with a thick hydrogen atmosphere and a huge ocean.

    But hydrogen and water isn’t the only thing that was detected. Methane and carbon dioxide were also found, which are chemicals created by life. However, they are also created by non-living processes, so c02 and ch4 isn’t a definite biosignature yet.
    What is a biosignature is dimethyl sulfide, a chemical produced by so many ocean bacteria it’s called the “smell of the sea”.

    Hints of dimethyl sulfide were detected on K2-18b, an ocean planet. This detection is not confirmed, and needs more data, but if it is real, then we just detected our first sign of alien life outside the solar system.
    Kypickle replied to IGEBM's comment below 2023-09-13 09:19:32
    Kypickle's Avatar
    IGEBM said 2023-09-13 08:15:49
    IGEBM's Avatar

    they do exist-
    Giganticbowtie said 2023-09-13 08:06:46
    Giganticbowtie's Avatar
    Thats so cool
    Kypickle said 2023-09-13 07:37:29
    Kypickle's Avatar
    i made a video explaining this more:
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 12, 2023, 8:48 pm to Public
    telling minecraft players about planets
    its been a while, but today's planet is Phailinsiam


    Phailinsiam, also known as GJ 3470 b, is an ice giant exoplanet about 96 light-years away from Earth. It's 12x bigger than Earth, making it a bit smaller than Neptune.

    Phailinsiam, despite being an ice giant, is over 600 degrees fahrenheit. It's only called an "ice" giant because it's likely made of mostly water, like Uranus or Neptune. But Phailinsiam won't remain an ice giant much longer.
    That's because it's atmosphere is currently being blasted into space at a rate of 100,000 tons per second. That means it looses half the mass of planet Earth every billion years. At that rate, in just a few billion years, Phailinsiam will lose its atmosphere entirely and just become an exposed core, or a Chthonian Planet.

    Phailinsiam's atmosphere is also the most well-studied of any exoplanet, and we even know the color of the planet: a hazy blue. So, it makes sense that the planet was named after a blue Siamese sapphire.
    Kypickle said 2023-09-13 11:06:34
    Kypickle's Avatar
    also i made a video about this planet
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    September 10, 2023, 9:38 am to Public
    Made a new video for my colonization of the solar system project:
  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest's post
    September 8, 2023, 4:03 pm with Public
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    Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    September 8, 2023, 4:01 pm to Public

    Do you posses coveted skinning knowledge that could shape the current and future landscape of Minecraft skins? Consider documenting that beautiful pixel placing power into a written & illustrated blog or educational video for a chance to win prizes while helping up and coming artists learn the tricks of the trade in our upcoming SkinTutorials Minecraft Skin Tutorial Jam!
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    SharKevan37 said 2023-11-18 14:28:58
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    I'm (not) new.
    Godeesgo said 2023-09-19 03:57:14
    Godeesgo's Avatar
    can HoodedCube do Stampy's Lovely World episode 300 replica
    Pikmin 30 said 2023-09-18 21:45:14
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    Papa Enny said 2023-09-18 13:59:15
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    congratulations for being near to 100 level.
    blockbuster_04 replied to User4489271G's comment below 2023-09-13 10:21:21
    blockbuster_04's Avatar
    i could do that but i already have a map idea for a my yt channel and it's called mario quest.
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