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Etiquette on Planet Minecraft: Crafting Respectful Online Interactions

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Level 101 : Transcendent Cake
In the vast expanse of Planet Minecraft, where creativity and community go hand in hand, it's imperative that we communicate effectively and respectfully. While our digital realm offers a canvas for imagination, it's equally important to maintain a sense of etiquette. After all, behind every pixelated avatar is a real person with feelings and emotions. Let's explore some guidelines to ensure our community remains supportive and inclusive.

1. Craft Your Words with Kindness

Remember that every member of Planet Minecraft is here to share, learn, and enjoy. Words, whether compliments or critiques, have power. Always communicate with the kindness you would show someone face-to-face. Disagreements can occur, but always keep it respectful.

2. Stand Against Bullying

Our community thrives on mutual respect. Bullying, hate speech, or any form of derogatory language have no place on Planet Minecraft. Let's pledge to be understanding, inclusive, and empathetic in all our interactions.

3. Pause Before Posting

In the midst of crafting and creating, emotions can run high. But before hitting that 'post' button, take a moment to review your words. A thoughtful message fosters understanding, while a hasty one might lead to confusion or conflict.

4. Celebrate Positivity

Promote a positive atmosphere by appreciating others' creations, thanking them for useful feedback, or simply sending words of encouragement. A small gesture here can light up someone's entire day.

5. Guard Privacy Like Your Treasure

Never share or solicit personal information without permission. If someone entrusts you with their details or creations, respect that trust. Always seek consent before sharing someone else's content or personal stories.

6. Embrace Our Global Community

Planet Minecraft boasts members from all corners of the world. With this diversity comes a range of cultural norms and values. Let's celebrate this tapestry by being sensitive to different perspectives and open-minded to varied experiences.

7. Feedback: The Cornerstone of Growth

Our community flourishes with feedback. If you have suggestions, questions, or concerns, share them constructively. Let's work together to make Planet Minecraft the best it can be.

8. Avoid Yelling with All Caps

Writing in ALL CAPS is often interpreted as shouting in the digital realm. While you might wish to emphasize a point, using all caps might come off as aggressive. Consider using alternative methods like bold formatting, or simply rephrase your statement for emphasis without resorting to caps.

9. No Spamming, Please

Spamming disrupts our community's flow and can be bothersome to fellow members. Whether it's about promoting a creation or seeking feedback, ensure that your messages are relevant and not repetitive. There are designated sections and threads for promotions—please use them appropriately.

In Conclusion

Planet Minecraft is not just a platform; it's a community. The quality of our collective experience is built on mutual respect and understanding.

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10/15/2023 2:11 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
I respect all gamers.
10/13/2023 7:53 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Finally, someone says it!
10/13/2023 6:53 am
He/They • Level 34 : Artisan Warrior Cat
I am so glad to see this and that what is expected is being defined clearly! :D ^w^
10/13/2023 5:35 am
Level 47 : Master Miner
Not in the same catagory as the main post, but…

Using the pause recommended by #3 to check one's spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting will be appreciated by all who view the post,

Formating is highly recommended: something that is an intimidating and nigh unreadable wall-o'-text™ becomes much easier to understand when rendered with proper sentences in paragraphs.
A careful use of formatting options like bold, italic, underline, color, and combinations (as well as larger scale effects such as bulletted lists) can make reading a submission more pleasant.

(Unfortuate;y, the site does not seem to have a preview button, which can help with these measures)
10/20/2023 12:16 pm
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
Did you check your spelling?

edit: sorry, i had to.
10/21/2023 2:32 am
Level 47 : Master Miner
Clearly not well enough…

Found three on the reread :(
10/13/2023 11:57 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
If it is a submission, you can save it as a draft first to be able to preview it.
Otherwise, for comments/forums/etc., what you see in the editor is basically what it will look like.
Papa Enny
10/13/2023 4:27 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
Never attack obvious trolls or scambots. You only risk by it. Instead of playing the "hero", report and help platform to handle these guys.
Hate is a time waste, you ought have better to do

Edit: one level left for PMC to join the 100s
10/13/2023 3:57 am
Level 46 : Master Geek Theorist
10/13/2023 7:53 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
