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  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    March 23, 2020, 7:19 pm to Public
    I normally just post dumb memes here, but even so, I just want to let everyone know that we'll get through these tough times together.

    Be sure to stay safe, stay at home and play videogames to relax, and wash your hands lots. Stay connected to your friends on Discord/Twitter/etc,. Contact your grandparents, I'm sure they would love to hear from you.

    We got this, gamers. πŸ’ͺ
    Whiteout- said 2020-03-24 10:02:52
    Whiteout-'s Avatar
    its not very much different for me xD
    I'm always at home and have no friends,

    I wash my hands rapidly so when this happened I said to the people who were thinking im rediculous for washing my hands so much and I was like "SEE, YOU THOUGHT I WAS REDICULOUS. NOW THE WHOLE WORLD GETS ME."
  • PMC's Avatar
    March 21, 2020, 3:08 pm to Public
    Hey everyone! Tonight is MOVIE NIGHT (or day, depending on where you are!) and we're really excited!! We will be chatting and watching some short clips over on Channel 6 before the premier of Cyprezz by Ray_Savage! Let's get a good crowd in there and have some fun! See you there!

    Air time: 4PM EST
    Pre-show: 3PM EST
    bianagirlpro said 2020-08-13 04:07:44
    bianagirlpro's Avatar
    User3047152G said 2020-05-10 16:25:28
    User3047152G's Avatar
    colorful_wolfs said 2020-04-21 11:42:13
    colorful_wolfs's Avatar
    can some one help me
    ZekigamerYT said 2020-04-02 13:50:45
    ZekigamerYT's Avatar
    Meda o IP
    JoseCarlos11 said 2020-04-01 21:18:53
    JoseCarlos11's Avatar
    Oi pessoal sou novo a que como estão?
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  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    March 16, 2020, 7:10 pm to Public
    Y'all better stay safe during these rough times, otherwise that would not be a Poggers moment >:(
  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    March 12, 2020, 8:31 pm to Public
    Wash your hands.
  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    March 1, 2020, 5:47 pm to Public
    March has now begun.

    Prepare your wallets, everyone. This month's games are gonna lay waste to all of them.
    living_doodle said 2020-03-01 20:18:30
    living_doodle's Avatar
    ο»Ώtom nook would like to know your location
  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    February 28, 2020, 4:03 am to Public
    megalovania :)
    JadeFire170 said 2020-02-28 09:15:50
    JadeFire170's Avatar
  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    February 25, 2020, 6:00 pm to Public
    Fire Emblem Three Houses is a fun game.
  • PMC's Avatar
    February 22, 2020, 11:08 am to Public
    We'd like to take some time to say thank you for all the awesome stuff you all share with the community! We know how hard all of you work and how much creativity and time goes into every creation posted on Planet Minecraft.

    Unfortunately, there are some people that would like to use your hard work for their personal or financial gain. While it can be exciting that someone wants your permission to share your content, it's worth taking some time to look into where your content is actually going. Sometimes, they don't even ask for your permission. Not cool.

    The most common dishonest requests ask to use something you made for a different version of Minecraft or to re-upload content to another website or app without fully explaining how your content will used. Sometimes these are harmless, open and honest requests by people wanting to promote your work with credit to a community that speaks another language. Sometimes the person just wants to personally use your creation in another version of Minecraft or highlight it in a Youtube video. What's important is that you know how your work will be used and that proper credits are given. Sometimes the main reason the person wants the content you spent considerable time and effort to create is to make a profit off of it and could care less about crediting and promoting the real content creator, you.

    Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your creations:

    Step 1 : Documentation
    Upload your creation to Planet Minecraft as soon as it is ready and before you share it with anyone else. Doing this gives you something super important that proves you were the one who made what you're sharing: a date and time attached to exactly when your creation was first shared. This timestamp and any other documentation helps prove ownership.

    Tip: If you don't want to share your post publicly, you can still protect your content with this step! Create your submission but uncheck "Publish Live". This will draft your post so only you can see it!

    Step 2 : Consider a License
    Register your creation for a Creative Commons License. You might be familiar with this already as you might have seen it on other posts already. It's a simple step that allows you to express exactly when and how your creation should be used by others. You can get started on creating your CC License here:

    Note: legally you are the owner of any skin or texture you make regardless the license you may put in place for it. Posting to PMC for timestamp reasons is a great way to protect and prove! Technically, the right to any skin or texture is the same as a painter having the right to their painting. Painters use canvases and so do you! Just in a different medium! There's a great article on The Informed Illustrator regarding digital art & copywright law that's worth reading if you need clarity on this subject.

    Step 3 : Knowledge
    If someone asks you if they can use something you made, do a bit of research! Something as simple as visiting that person's profile here or on their linked social media pages may help you determine if they mean well. Be cautious of new members reaching out to you who have empty profiles, no linked accounts and no posts here. Ask questions when people request to use your work such as where it will be posted, how it will be credited and who will see your work. Make sure you are getting credit for your own work and that it won't be put behind advertising links, sold or behind paid access.

    Step 4 : Common sense
    Listen to your gut! You have every right to say no and you don't have to have a reason why. Saying no doesn't mean you're selfish or mean. If something doesn't feel right and you think someone might be dishonest, don't give them permission.

    Step 5 : Raise Awareness
    Learn more and get involved in protecting your work and others. Share these steps. Helping others understand how to protect themselves can be just as important as protecting yourself. Awareness sites like have been helping this cause for years!

    We hope that this helps you protect yourself and your work. Your creations are valuable and so are you!

    Happy Crafting,
    Planet Minecraft Team
    User3047152G said 2020-05-10 16:26:07
    User3047152G's Avatar
    Naysilla javiera said 2020-03-31 01:52:07
    Naysilla javiera's Avatar
    I Like minecraft
    chickenpants93 said 2020-03-28 10:22:19
    chickenpants93's Avatar
    sogg replied to User2930144G's comment below 2020-03-04 17:16:51
    sogg's Avatar
    what on earth
    TickWrong said 2020-03-03 21:00:55
    TickWrong's Avatar
    I like minecarft!
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  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    February 20, 2020, 9:45 pm to Public
    Finally did a Hat in Time speedrun after so long. Even got 2 world records from it. Today is a good day.

  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    February 20, 2020, 7:13 pm to Public
    Coughs are so annoying :(
  • AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
    February 6, 2020, 4:20 pm to Public
    Every single Minecraft song parody with diamonds as the main theme, have now become irrelevant lol
    TElite Workshop replied to UUZ's comment below 2020-02-08 23:02:32
    TElite Workshop's Avatar
    That’s a good point
    beside, it might e broken, but it isn’t cheap to get the materials
    UUZ said 2020-02-06 16:35:16
    UUZ's Avatar
    you can't make netherite armor/tools without diamond armor/tools :)
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