Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
Eternal Hiatus
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    Goals for 2021
    -Reach level 60 (It's POSSIBLE)
    -Huevember 2021 (Might not happen cuz college)
    -Complete skintag 2 and wpc
    -Win an official contest (My style has been improving quite alot lately)
    -Run a MASSIVE event
    -get 50k mod downloads (My mod rn has around 3k)
    -Make some art I'm really proud of
    -Make a game I'm really proud of
    -Survive until 2022 (College may end up having me leave pmc depending on how tough it is)

    OCs and Persona

    Oh look a stamp
    Stamp collection

    Previous events

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    About me
    Welcome to my page!
    You can call me Wildcard,
    I do many things like Pixel Art,
    Skin making, Redstoning,
    Contest making, Building,
    and much more!

    I try to make skins often,
    At the moment it's somewhat
    daily. I love holding contests and you
    can make a sacrifice to try to
    Appease the gods of skin's and

    Try to win, so you can get a
    bountiful reward!
    can join
    a contest and hopefully have fun!

    I'm quite new to Planet
    Minecraft but I've played Minecraft
    since around 2011.

    Oh also im a guy

    Art and stuff of me my skins or other things! (By others)


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    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      March 30, 2024, 4:00 pm to Public
      Was looking through my old laptop and ran into the old Skin-Tag gif. I think getting the whole community together to make a skin together in such a fun way has to be my favorite accomplishment on PMC. It's a shame the second one never finished.
      CaelChan said 2024-03-30 16:31:20
      CaelChan's Avatar
      I remember this! It was so cool
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      August 3, 2023, 2:58 am to Public
      Feeling Nostalgic today. Skinning skills aren't what I hoped, I feel like back when I burned out my skins were getting worse for a while? Looking back at it its probably me just loving both simplistic and complicated styles and always falling inbetween.
      Nighthearted said 2023-08-03 04:12:56
      Nighthearted's Avatar
      You and me both. When I'm away and think I'm done for good, I just keep coming back here every time.
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      January 5, 2023, 11:53 am to Public
      Ok, I think I've probably diamonded like a hundred skins, I'm gonna disappear for another 2 years now, peace.
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      January 5, 2023, 11:25 am to Public
      Not back but I went to update my mod and was feeling nostalgic so I thought it'd be funny to post and share my current skin for old time sake. Let's see if I can remember how this thingy works.
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      July 20, 2021, 9:12 pm to Public
      Still dead just thought I'd come here and make a statement:

      I've kind of gotten burnt out from skin making and don't plan to do it, at least on pmc, anytime soon. I just don't have fun doing it as I do doing other things. I'm in college now and that eats up all of my time. My 2 "current" events became a chore to update and I wasn't having much fun running them, and I guess at the time me losing my password was enough of a push to let me take a break for a bit. Nowadays most of my freetime is spent making games in unity, binging anime, or working on my mod buddycards, which I don't update on pmc because of laziness. Even after I left, I would still come on from time to time not logged in just to see what was on that front page (never giving up on that db32 palette) Alot of the people I remember have improved so much since last been on. This probably isn't goodbye, but I probably won't be on PMC for a while (I mean it's been half a year already and I have posted very little since huevember)

      I probably won't reply to anything here, but if you want to leave a comment I'll see it when I return to PMC
      ZappyGru said 2021-07-20 23:32:35
      ZappyGru's Avatar
      Don't worry, we'll be here for you!
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      April 1, 2021, 1:39 pm to Public
      im back
      habearry said 2021-04-01 15:10:16
      habearry's Avatar
      welcome back c:
      JadeFire170 said 2021-04-01 13:42:02
      JadeFire170's Avatar
      Welcome back! :)
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      February 3, 2021, 9:17 am to Public
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      February 2, 2021, 5:19 pm to Public
      My january break is over. Time to cause some chaos
      freakybootz said 2021-02-02 17:27:04
      freakybootz's Avatar
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      Wildcard_Gamer shared Marma's post
      January 12, 2021, 1:10 pm with Public
      Marma's Avatar
      January 12, 2021, 9:44 am to Public
      Hey, I've been thinking about this for a bit, and I want to share my thoughts on this. Please remember this isn't to anyone in particular, it's just things I've noticed.

      So, I've been seeing a lot of members, mostly younger ones, getting a lot of praise, which is good and all, good to support people, but I've also noticed that it's having negative effects on some of them, giving them anxiety, pressure, ect. This isn't just to younger members of course, but I see it more with them.

      I want to see members, younger and older, do succeed, but we have to remember that a lot of attention can be difficult for younger people since they typically aren't used to it, we don't want them to feel pressured and quit.

      I also just want to say if you're a younger member and you feel pressured, it's okay to take breaks, it's okay to say "I'm uncomfortable." or "I feel too pressured" We shouldn't make people we support feel pressured or uncomfortable.

      This is just my thoughts on that, remember even older members can feel this way, but as I said I see it more with younger members, I'm not excluding older members and I'm sorry if it comes off that way.
      View original post
    • Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
      January 5, 2021, 1:52 pm to Public
      if db32 doesnt win im gonna go inactive until the next poll with db32 in it comes out. Erase the timeline where it lost by pretending time hasn't passed.
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    [𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕕] Wildcard 4.0
    [𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕕] Wildcard 3.0
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