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    • Dr William Woods posted to their guest book.
      November 23, 2024, 11:01 am to Public
      Hello everyone, sorry for the long absence, life has recently been harder than it ever was with me and I'm only slowly climbing back up from the depths from which I was lost.

      I will try to post new skins, I've worked on some in my free time so expect to see some new ones.

      I just don't have the same energy and creativity as I had before, so please do know that you should expect less activity from me.

      Area-60, which was one of my projects, is currently on indefinite hold, I still have the map files, but it's basically an empty map with a very small part of the mountain, I've never really used tools and always have done stuff by hand, so there isn't much to see.

      I just don't have the energy to spend on the map anymore, and so, to avoid causing more people to find the map, get interested and be sad that it won't or may never come out, I've deleted the post.

      I hope you all have a wonderful day.

      Dr. William Woods.
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