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  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 18, 2022, 10:54 pm to Public
    The government doesn't want you to know this, but there's no such thing as an automated machine, they all have little gnomes inside operating them
    Katfoo10 said 2022-10-19 07:41:57
    Katfoo10's Avatar
    I will destroy all the machines and murder the gnomes inside them!
  • Nitgo's Avatar
    October 18, 2022, 6:48 pm to Public
    Hello, I just noticed I have 1500 subs now, and I'm not sure if I addressed this before but thank youa lot 💗 💓 💖
    ShinyDragon96 said 2022-10-18 22:32:43
    ShinyDragon96's Avatar
    Np, it is well deserved!
    LogMaiden said 2022-10-18 20:46:50
    LogMaiden's Avatar
  • CactiFern's Avatar
    October 18, 2022, 5:21 pm to Public
    I find the "reveal at _blank_" things interesting tbh. Like I've never done one, really i accidentally reveal stuff like my cats or whatever just cause i wanna spread the joy haha
  • chronokiller2959's Avatar
    October 17, 2022, 11:38 pm to Public
  • chronokiller2959's Avatar
    October 17, 2022, 11:06 pm to Public
  • swamp wraith
    Ghast Mob Skin
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    wackywow's Avatar wackywow 10/17/22 12:56
  • Nitgo's Avatar
    October 17, 2022, 4:15 am to Public
    We're at it again, the most inactive time of the day on PMC. As a matter of fact most will not even see this message to begin with lol.
    -Wolfix- said 2022-10-17 10:11:26
    -Wolfix-'s Avatar
    Inactive indeed >:3
    PsioPsia001 said 2022-10-17 08:05:08
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    This post is on 1st feed page and is 3 hours old, in the most inactive time they're like 5h old
    WhisperOfTheWild said 2022-10-17 08:02:54
    WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
    its 3-5 hours before you posted this.
  • CactiFern's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 11:52 pm to Public
    Why does the best person in my life and also happens to be my best friend turned boyfriend live across the country
  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 10:08 pm to Public
    Rating calculators based on their ability to type words part 6: Ti-Nspire

    (Note: I don't own this calculator and have 0 experience with it)

    I'm gonna be honest I didn't even know calculators this advanced were a thing, I thought something like this would just be a computer program and not an actual handheld calculator

    A massive step up from the previous calculators, this thing comes with a proper full color LCD screen, and obviously it's able to type with letters as it has an entire section of keys for them, although they are rather small which can make using different letters frequently a little awkward.

    I feel like I don't even have to say if this thing passes the HELLO test, because obviously it does.

    Compared to more traditional ones, the Ti-Nspire calculators are more like actual computers.

    (Screenshot from this video just to show off what this thing can display for the people like me who have never even heard of it until now)

    Really it speaks for itself. And yes I'm mostly saying that because I don't have much knowledge about it, and I really don't know what else I can say other than "wow, look at that"

    The final results:

    + Passes the HELLO test so hard it increased the class average to 115%
    + Full variable functionality (obviously)
    + Literally has menus with proper sentences and everything
    + Basically a computer
    + c o l o r s
    + Has separate keys just for letters
    - Small letter keys

    I give the Ti-Nspire: 12/10
    MoonAstraea said 2022-10-16 22:22:02
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    niceee 12/10
    i honestly thought they'd be more well-known tbh (we used to use 'em at school all the time haha)
  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 9:28 pm to Public
    Rating calculators based on their ability to type words part 5: Google Calculator

    Much like the Apple calculator, the Google calculator is a digital based calculator that doesn't use a segmented display (again, obviously). This means that it also sucks at typing words, because it uses a font.

    It falls flat on its face when doing the HELLO test, because it has a font that just doesn't work with it. To rub some salt in the wound, if you're using the Google calculator, you're probably on a computer. Unless it's a laptop then you likely can't even flip it upside down.

    Now, you may be thinking that because it's a web based calculator, you can just type whatever you want on it with your keyboard. It would would make sense, right? This is the Google calculator, surely it has variable functionality?

    Wrong. You can't even type X.

    Instead, some letters correspond to the various things already laid out on the virtual keyboard. This means that just like an actual calculator, you're limited to what has a button.

    This gives it essentially the same functionality as the Ti-30XIIs, as it can type the trigonometry things (sin, cos, tan), and for some reason, the lowercase letter e (which in my opinion is not nearly as good as the 30XIIs's random letter A).

    The final results:

    - Fails HELLO test
    - Web based calculator (inconvenient to use)
    - Very limited functionality using trig
    - Can't even say "AAAAAAAAAA"

    I give the Google Calculator: 0/10
    blank3times said 2022-10-16 23:31:03
    blank3times's Avatar
    I've gotten two different fonts on it within like 5 seconds because I opened it twice quickly and the real font didn't load the first time. Very weird experience.
  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 8:55 pm to Public
    Rating calculators based on their ability to type words part 4: Ti-84 Plus

    The Ti-84 Plus graphing calculator, oh boy.

    This is much more advanced than an average calculator, and it has the display of one too. I'm not even gonna look up what segment display this thing uses because it's more than enough to display graphs, let alone basic numbers... and even letters.

    That's right, letters. This thing has full variable functionality, meaning it can type all 26 letters of the alphabet as well as spaces, commas, colons, quotation marks, periods (decimal points), question marks, and probably even more that I can't find at a quick glance.

    This beautiful thing passes the HELLO test with an A+, because you can literally just type "HELLO" into it. In fact, you can type pretty much whatever you want in it.

    Also, it allows variables in the exponent position, allowing for multiple text sizes. You can get pretty creative with what you can type on this calculator

    Overall, this calculator is fantastic for typing words. Really its only drawback is the digit limit without having to scroll to the sides, which even then is much higher than most calculators, still making it far better.

    The final results:

    + Passes HELLO test
    + Full variable functionality
    + High digit limit
    + Includes some punctuation
    + Don't have to flip upside down
    + Multiple text sizes

    I give the Ti-84 Plus: 10/10
  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 8:45 pm to Public
    Rating calculators based on their ability to type words part 3: Apple Calculator

    The Apple calculator, the one built into Apple devices. It's a calculator, it does calculations. Not much to say about it.

    Because this is a digital app, it doesn't use a segmented display. Obviously.

    This means that it fails the HELLO test, because it has a font.

    Again, really not much else to say about it. It is what it is.

    The final results:

    - Fails HELLO test
    - Owned by Apple
    - Boring
    - Not even allowed in most schools since you'd have to use it on a phone

    I give the Apple Calculator: 0/10
    MoonAstraea replied to stlMitch's comment below 2022-10-16 21:52:51
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    Sounds good 👍🏼
    stlMitch replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2022-10-16 21:44:46
    stlMitch's Avatar
    I don't own one, but I'll do some research and try to rate it
    MoonAstraea replied to stlMitch's comment below 2022-10-16 21:42:13
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    Unfortunately so

    What's your take on the TI-Nspire?
    stlMitch replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2022-10-16 21:01:15
    stlMitch's Avatar
    Yea but it doesn't type that stuff into the display, it just does it to your equation
    stlMitch replied to xRosePetalx's comment below 2022-10-16 20:57:37
    stlMitch's Avatar
    oh yes
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  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 8:39 pm to Public
    Rating calculators based on their ability to type words part 2: Ti-30XIIs

    I hate this calculator.

    This calculator features two different display types, a 35 segment display and a 7 segment display. The upper section of the screen uses the 35 segment display, and this is where you type. The lower section, featuring a 7 segment display, is where answers are shown. This means that only the answers are shown in a way that can be flipped upside down to make words, and your inputs cannot.

    This makes it very difficult to use to type words, because you need to make an equation that equals what you want to say, instead of just typing it

    For example, the HELLO test. If you input 0.1134, 7 segmet displays will be able to say "hEllO" when flipped upside down. Because the inputs on this calculator are shown in a 35 segment display, it fails this test.

    I won't even go into detail on the digit limitations because it can't even make words upside down using your inputs.

    Now, this calculator can do trigonometry, which means you can get it to say "sin" "cos" and "tan," as well as the letter A for some reason. This is not very useful at all for making words, unless you just wanna say AAAAAAAAAA

    The final results:

    + Can say AAAAAAAAAA
    - Fails HELLO test
    - 2 different display types and the one used for inputs is stupid
    - Highly limited functionality using trig

    I give the Ti-30XIIs: 2/10

    (being able to say "AAAAAAAAAA" is the only thing keeping it from being a 0/10)
  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 8:26 pm to Public
    Rating calculators based on their ability to type words part 1: Ti-30Xa

    The Ti-30Xa is a fairly basic scientific calculator. It doesn't have variable functionality, but it does have the classic 7 segment display. This means that when flipped upside down, some numbers look like letters.

    This allows the Ti-30Xa to pass the HELLO test beautifully

    Now because to make words you need to use the seven segment display upside down, as well as the display only having 10 digits, it is very limited as to what you can write with it. However, this adds an element of challenge, like a puzzle. For some this might be good, for others maybe not, so the challenge element will not be taken into account for the score.

    The final results:

    + Passes HELLO test
    + Classic 7 segment display
    + Personal bias
    - Have to flip upside down
    - Limited functionality

    I give the Ti-30Xa: 5/10
  • CactiFern's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 6:45 pm to Public
    Sometimes i wanna crawl in a hole and forget everything but on a side note i went on a hike and like the pictures i got, www.instagram.com/p/CjyqVaovOiE/?igshid=Y2IxNTc5OTQ=
    CactiFern replied to Jasmine_'s comment below 2022-10-16 19:36:41
    CactiFern's Avatar
    Thank you!
    Jasmine_ said 2022-10-16 19:19:02
    Jasmine_'s Avatar
    those are such pretty pictures! <3
  • Nitgo's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 6:15 pm to Public
    Just finished a new skin... first time in a while? huh
    Monkebutbanana said 2022-10-17 06:10:05
    Monkebutbanana's Avatar
    bro i post a skin after awhile think :o maybe its decent then u post this my ego weant like

    rip i just made a whole graph and didnt work
    Nitgo replied to CosmoX45's comment below 2022-10-16 19:02:45
    Nitgo's Avatar
    True lol, I used to play that game almost 5 years ago or something like that.
    CosmoX45 said 2022-10-16 18:44:57
    CosmoX45's Avatar
    Gives me the Pixel Gun 3D Vibes
  • technically a redhead
    HD Bedrock Minecraft Skin
    1.8k 170 11
    Nitgo's Avatar Nitgo 10/16/22 6:13
  • chronokiller2959's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 3:06 pm to Public

    fixed med bed in hand and in inventory size and added when right clicking on the bed it fill your food bar which inturn fills yourhealth over time just right click until health is full
  • CactiFern's Avatar
    October 16, 2022, 1:45 pm to Public
    I have a genuine question
    When someone says she/they or he/they does that mean they prefer both or one over the other or does it mean they are simply ok with being called they instead
    Aethera said 2022-10-17 08:57:27
    Aethera's Avatar
    As someone who goes by both, I can say I prefer they/them over she/her, but I'm alright with either x
    DigitalNeko said 2022-10-16 21:16:24
    DigitalNeko's Avatar
    it's situational
    some people are fine with you using one set, some want you to use a mix of all their pronouns, some have a preferred set (or multiple that change depending on how they feel comfortable identifying that day)-- you'd have to ask the person
    rainyafternoon said 2022-10-16 14:47:07
    rainyafternoon's Avatar
    sometimes yes and sometimes no, you can usually tell they prefer one over the other when they use something like they/he
    GracieMockingjay said 2022-10-16 14:11:35
    GracieMockingjay's Avatar
    tbh idc
    Jasmine_ said 2022-10-16 13:58:42
    Jasmine_'s Avatar
    for me I don’t have a preference, I’m okay with she/her or they/them
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  • stlMitch's Avatar
    October 15, 2022, 9:22 pm to Public
    Why are there random things that we just have an urge to do for literally no reason

    I mean stuff like jumping to hit the top of door frames, running down hotel hallways, slapping large bags of stuff in stores, those kinds of things
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