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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 14, 2024, 1:10 pm to Public
    Alrighty, I'm no longer a moderator. I approached a few problems poorly years prior per long overcome inexperience, and it's come back to snatch me down - I won't dive into details, but I understand what's happened, and for anyone who wonders "Why did they step down?", it was an understandable result, with me lacking any way to properly reference or discuss something that happened five years prior, so it's completely reasonable. :) Not that I'm happy, sure, but it's reasonable, and I want that to be absolutely clear. It's been great contributing to the moderation team, and I hope those still present engage happily enough too.

    Cyprezz is an excellent owner, and I want it to be known he really does support everyone getting along, mediating tensions, being friendly and such- Trying to (and rather successfully) fostering a community that's diverse and often clashing while still hopefully kind and supportive enough. A respectable, admirable challenge; he just wants everyone to get along, and that's great! I have no regrets from my time as a moderator, bar the fact it's over now - and that is what it is. Most who see this probably didn't see me often nowadays, but if you do know me, hey! It was great working in this position, helping to make the community a little happier along the way, and making my own fair share of accidental errors too (as moderation always has), while trying to overall have a good impact on the site. :) Thanks for the time.

    I'm not going anywhere, though - I'll still be here, as a member. Just not moderating!

    So, I'll use this opportunity as a bit of inspiration/advice for other people:
    • Your actions matter. You may not think it, but a mistake, error, sin, making an enemy of someone- Anything like that has lasting repercussions, which go further than just a single month, week, or even day or hour of your life. Take care, and try to make choices you'll be happy with in the future. When you aren't sure what to do in a situation and all options look to be bad, think about the long term effects it may have on everyone involved. Yourself especially. Look after yourself, and remember that actions you make last.
    • Seek peace with people you speak with. Even if you don't like someone much, aim to get along with them if possible. Find ways to ease tensions, to see eye to eye. To make friends, or at least to not be at odd's ends with someone. You may have wildly different views on how life works, or there may even be a major problem at hand, but it's never worth raising tensions with someone to make them an enemy. A huge part of looking after yourself and others is respecting the differences between people. This can be difficult, as a lot of walks of life clash inherently, but if you can find this kind of peace, you're already going to be better off for it.
    • Be nice. Self-explanatory, with the other two above: Coldness of any sort can genuinely catch up to you. Try to be a kind person, even while you're still growing and learning. It's difficult, and mistakes will happen along the way, but so long as someone's trying, the mistakes shouldn't be too bad.
    • Believe in yourself. Even if things look tough and you're starting to doubt how to move forwards with life, remember that you can still succeed. So long as life is continuing, there's still some hope to make it through and overcome the hurdles you face. Do not let anything take away from that confidence and determination to grow, persevere, and make life your own to be happy with.
    • Mistakes happen. That doesn't mean to accept and ignore the weight of the mistakes, but it does mean to remember not to beat yourself up if you do something wrong. Try to mediate tensions with involved people, apologise, see what you can do to recover from the mistake, and overall just keep working to grow as a person. We aren't defined by our mistakes; we are more than just the small parts of what makes us people. Look out for yourselves, and try to accept your errors, while not dragging yourself down with them. They are not the shackles dragging you down; they are just parts of this walk of life. Some will even be pretty bad mistakes, but if life's still ongoing, you can still change, and you can still grow, and there's still hope for you.
    • There's always hope. Like the above two points, even when something's still reaching for you after a long time, there's always hope to change and develop. There's always hope to find new friends, new communities, new job opportunities- Nothing is destined to fall apart entirely, purely based on the past. The present and future will be influenced by the past, but your own actions can change and influence them too. You're never hopeless. Never. There's always a future.
    • Seek help and advice. This is perhaps the hardest thing to do when so few people know how to make it through their own lives, but the reality is we're all learning and trying to make our own journeys. It isn't easy, and it never will be. There's no-one who fully grasps everything they have in life, yeah? But, you can at least seek to hear what others think about life, comparing it with your own journeys, seeking for support and encouragement to try to make your own life better, and perhaps theirs too in the process. We all have thoughts worth sharing (and thoughts that aren't worth sharing, haha. We're all complex, after all).
    • Never stop learning. As said, we'll never be perfect. Always keep trying to grow. I can't promise it'll matter in some situations, as sometimes regardless of how much you've done you'll still get into problems based on a lesser-capable version of you's choices, however you should still always try to grow, because while some situations are dead-ended, it will open the door to potential options which aren't. There's hope for you. For everyone. It may feel hard to find right now, but in this society, there's no point where someone has no possible way to hope, to care for themself, to hold up a job, friends, a community- There's always hope. Keep growing, keep taking care, and keep trying to work forwards with life.
    There's a bit more I think I'd be interested in rambling about, but this is already quite long and the post is partly motivation for myself, and ideally, motivation for others too. :) Life's tough, but there's always a path forwards. Don't let the complexities of this world make you feel helpless; you can always grow.
    Even if it feels really tough.

    Take care. :)

    Always seek to take care.

    You may not know what for, but future you may well thank you for doing it. :)
    Uknownymous replied to KaiOceansword's comment below 2024-05-16 12:33:39
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thanks, Kai! :)
    KaiOceansword said 2024-05-16 05:56:03
    KaiOceansword's Avatar
    Wise words
    Uknownymous replied to Frwf's comment below 2024-05-15 12:29:35
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    You're welcome! :)
    Frwf replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2024-05-15 04:48:06
    Frwf's Avatar
    Thank you!
    Uknownymous replied to DylanClicks's comment below 2024-05-14 17:53:35
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you! :D
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  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Halloween Datapack Jam's post
    September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm with Public
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    Halloween Datapack Jam post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm to Public

    Introducing our Halloween Data Pack Jam! It's a spooktacular event open to data pack creators of all skill levels and in collaboration with the Datapack Hub. Let's see what you can do this coming month!
    View original post
    NonaThaSpaceBunny replied to TADC_Jax's comment below 2024-05-04 13:41:11
    NonaThaSpaceBunny's Avatar
    lol youre late this was eight months ago
    Papa Enny said 2024-04-04 16:24:59
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    100 level yay!
    TADC_Jax said 2024-03-08 01:12:09
    TADC_Jax's Avatar
    wait but its March
    Papa Enny replied to cutecatkid's comment below 2024-02-22 17:03:07
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    you should not beg for it. If they want you in the team, you would get an info
    cutecatkid said 2024-02-21 12:11:40
    cutecatkid's Avatar
    can i be a site monider
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  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest's post
    September 8, 2023, 4:03 pm with Public
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    Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    September 8, 2023, 4:01 pm to Public

    Do you posses coveted skinning knowledge that could shape the current and future landscape of Minecraft skins? Consider documenting that beautiful pixel placing power into a written & illustrated blog or educational video for a chance to win prizes while helping up and coming artists learn the tricks of the trade in our upcoming SkinTutorials Minecraft Skin Tutorial Jam!
    View original post
    SharKevan37 said 2023-11-18 14:28:58
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    I'm (not) new.
    Godeesgo said 2023-09-19 03:57:14
    Godeesgo's Avatar
    can HoodedCube do Stampy's Lovely World episode 300 replica
    Pikmin 30 said 2023-09-18 21:45:14
    Pikmin 30's Avatar
    Papa Enny said 2023-09-18 13:59:15
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    congratulations for being near to 100 level.
    blockbuster_04 replied to User4489271G's comment below 2023-09-13 10:21:21
    blockbuster_04's Avatar
    i could do that but i already have a map idea for a my yt channel and it's called mario quest.
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  • PMC's Avatar
    September 8, 2023, 2:16 pm to Public

    Member interviews are officially back! Peep our interview with YokaiS and learn a bit about their modeling, animation, robotics, data packing and inspirations!
    yogurt_the_lizorb said 2023-09-09 22:15:54
    yogurt_the_lizorb's Avatar
    i remember these! is there an application thing? i dont remember, it was too long ago
    JustaFlqmingo said 2023-09-08 17:23:04
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
    Kefaku said 2023-09-08 15:24:03
    Kefaku's Avatar
    yay, finally 🎉
    Flyrr said 2023-09-08 14:48:28
    Flyrr's Avatar
    omg that's so cool
  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
    September 6, 2023, 11:17 am with Public
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    Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    September 6, 2023, 11:16 am to Public

    🌴 The community cast 1.6k ratings and the final results of the Tropical Party Jam are here!

    🎉 Congratulations to the winners and thanks for all who participated in the jam. The collection of entries captured the vibe of a tropical beach party that we'd love to see in Minecraft.
    View original post
  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
    August 28, 2023, 4:13 pm with Public
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    Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    August 28, 2023, 4:07 pm to Public

    We've extended the voting period by 3 days to help make up for the confusion on how to vote. In addition, we've added a "Finalists" count & link on the jam profile bar and updated the "Rate Entries" button to link directly to finalists that you have yet to vote on. This should make it much easier to start voting & pick up where you left off.

    🏖️ If you haven't already, rank the finalists in this jam! * Must be level 5+ to cast ratings.
    View original post
  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
    August 26, 2023, 8:34 am with Public
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    Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    August 26, 2023, 8:29 am to Public

    🌺 Having trouble voting??! Are you level 5+ Start here! This is your list of unrated finalists. You can change the sorting to view other personalized lists as well.

    We're aware of how confusing it currently is to vote. Next week, we will make it clearer and easier to vote in finalist jams plus extend the voting period of this jam and encourage voting. Sorry for any frustration!

    Have fun and soak up the sunshine! 🌞
    View original post
    sironi said 2023-08-27 19:59:48
    sironi's Avatar
    nvm im powerful enoug
    sironi said 2023-08-27 18:59:43
    sironi's Avatar
    i cant vote i dont think im powerful enoug. im registerd to vote in case your wonering
  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
    August 17, 2023, 1:17 pm with Public
    🌴 Calling all Minecraft skin artists! Only 4 days left to infuse the Tropical Party Skin Jam with your creativity. Let's turn those virtual sands into a canvas of tropical vibes! 🏖️
    Tropical Tiki Party's Avatar
    Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    August 17, 2023, 1:16 pm to Public

    🌴 Last Chance Alert! Only 4 Days Left to Join the Tropical Party Skin Jam! 🌴

    Time is running out, Minecraft Skin Artists! With just 4 days left, the excitement is reaching its peak for the Tropical Party Skin Jam. 🏖️ Don't miss out on the chance to showcase your creativity by crafting skins that radiate the essence of a vibrant beach party – think tropical vibes, colorful masks, and stylish beachwear! 🌺

    Join and submit your entries at https://www.planetminecraft.com/jam/tropical-party/ and let your imagination shine. This is your final opportunity to be part of the tropical celebration and grab a chance at prizes, recognition and sweet trophies. Join us and make your mark before it's too late! 🏝️
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    IGEBM replied to Stormy's comment below 2023-10-12 08:06:11
    IGEBM's Avatar
    and thus there is no proof that you can
    Stormy replied to IGEBM's comment below 2023-10-12 08:00:43
    Stormy's Avatar
    Eh you just haven’t seen me debate something other than that yet
    IGEBM replied to Stormy's comment below 2023-10-12 06:47:15
    IGEBM's Avatar
    bc your specialty is anything related to the Bible and Christianity-
    this is about Minecraft TOS-
    Stormy replied to MyNameIsBhex's comment below 2023-08-29 08:11:02
    Stormy's Avatar
    Why u havin a debate without inviting me
    MyNameIsBhex replied to smashmaster2000's comment below 2023-08-28 16:40:41
    MyNameIsBhex's Avatar
    Yeah no. This is why they say "don't make assumptions". I'd rather leave because it's not worth my time to keep responding to someone who doesn't bother comprehending what I was trying to say in the first place, not whatever you said lmao. Cope and seethe, though, I'm sure Mojang will listen if you throw a big enough fit :)
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  • PMC's Avatar
    August 1, 2023, 3:48 pm to Public

    Planet Minecraft is bringing back Member Interviews and is seeking community input. The interviews will feature questions with selected members, discussing their creations, inspirations, and more. The community is invited to suggest members they'd like to see interviewed and share feedback or suggestions on the upcoming series.

    Read more and make suggestions here!
    Karrfis said 2023-08-13 18:34:09
    Karrfis's Avatar
    apologies everyone
    shmitterwink said 2023-08-13 11:48:29
    shmitterwink's Avatar
    Great job mods!
    ZerotheJackal95 replied to Alexand_Human's comment below 2023-08-12 21:39:48
    ZerotheJackal95's Avatar
    It's still up wth
    lane1655 said 2023-08-12 14:51:16
    lane1655's Avatar
    AprilfooledRUN said 2023-08-12 05:25:00
    AprilfooledRUN's Avatar
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  • PMC's Avatar
    PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
    August 1, 2023, 11:20 am with Public
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    Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    August 1, 2023, 10:51 am to Public

    🌴🎉 Calling all Minecraft Skin Artists! Join the Tropical Party Skin Jam! 🎉🌴

    🏝️ Theme: Tropical Party 🏝️
    Create skins that exude the essence of a fun-filled beach party. Think colorful party masks, floral patterns, stylish beachwear, and all things tropical! Let your imagination run wild and transport us to a paradise of sun, sand, and surf!

    Learn more and join the party here!
    View original post
    Alikhanova said 2023-08-24 10:03:39
    Alikhanova's Avatar
    cant wait to join guys!
    OlBaccMC replied to gabe667's comment below 2023-08-12 19:54:19
    OlBaccMC's Avatar
    planet minecraft ban speedrun
    SonicCGames_YT said 2023-08-08 01:03:38
    SonicCGames_YT's Avatar
    usually this would be the exact thing i'd like to do but i don't think i have the skill necessary to pull out with a dub
    Crestar replied to BonnieBun152's comment below 2023-08-01 21:38:16
    Crestar's Avatar
    BonnieBun152 said 2023-08-01 16:55:55
    BonnieBun152's Avatar
    This, sounds, Cewul!!
  • PMC's Avatar
    November 10, 2022, 9:40 am to Public

    We've opened up jam creation to members!

    Check out current and past jams via calendar or cards.

    If you're curious about hosting jams, visit the informative jams group for frequently asked questions.
    Feranmiraly said 2023-07-16 03:47:10
    Feranmiraly's Avatar
    Remember to type feranmiraly
    hadigeamo replied to MadLittleMiss's comment below 2023-04-19 17:17:36
    hadigeamo's Avatar
    Sorry i can't make a server.
    MadLittleMiss said 2023-02-12 19:34:41
    MadLittleMiss's Avatar
    hey uhh can you please put me on your whitelist server my minecraft gamertage is madlittlemiss
    craftcraft said 2023-02-10 22:43:35
    craftcraft's Avatar
    [url=(Link removed)](Link removed)

    Check it! Check it![/url]
    Motsosmitk-_ said 2023-02-10 06:19:41
    Motsosmitk-_'s Avatar
    (Link removed) out this new Minecraft ... Wow... Watch to the end.. that's epic
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  • PMC's Avatar
    July 19, 2022, 3:39 pm to Public
    The WINNERS of the Exoplanet Event are finally announced! Read what the judges had to say!

  • PMC's Avatar
    June 21, 2022, 8:41 am to Public
  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    June 6, 2022, 6:56 am to Public
    On May the 2nd I hit 1,000 subscribers!
    I shall pretend that was today!
    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed. :D It's such a high milestone to have hit in what feels like such a short time. Over 900 of those was from year 1...! Clearly haven't posted much this year, huh. Ahaha. I've been here just over 2 years now! Time flies, and apparently that means getting older with it. Life moves on, and it's quite interesting the effects that can have! Mentally, socially, with work, productivity, life situation and more. A lot changes, ever so quickly, and ever so slow. Invariably and inconsistently. Life's always been intriguing for that. No two lives are ever the same, no matter how closely similar their conditions; people always differ. And many of them... are nice! At least in places like here. People longlastingly active here are quite nice. That's a good thing, right? ^~^
    I'm not really going anywhere with this! I'm just rambling. Hi!
    SharKevan37 replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2023-11-06 16:12:15
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    Nice to know (:
    Uknownymous replied to SharKevan37's comment below 2023-11-06 05:47:29
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah. :D Mods are yellow names, super mods are orange, and admins are red!
    SharKevan37 replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2023-11-05 19:37:25
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    Cool I thought So!
    Uknownymous replied to SharKevan37's comment below 2023-11-05 17:26:13
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    I'm a mod! You can see all the staff team at https://www.planetminecraft.com/team/.
    SharKevan37 said 2023-11-05 11:58:54
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    Are you a Mod or a admin?
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  • PMC's Avatar
    May 27, 2022, 8:19 am to Public
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    April 25, 2022, 12:10 pm to Public
    larvar said 2023-08-18 00:24:11
    larvar's Avatar
    Thank you very much for the useful information that the blog has shared. it's pretty perfect you can try it whenever you want here ( Pizza Tower ).
    chillboi said 2022-12-14 18:41:55
    chillboi's Avatar
    hello there
    weejayrane said 2022-10-18 08:39:33
    weejayrane's Avatar
    In Garena Free Fire, surviving calls for a lot of practice, expertise, and experience. The difficulty of the game increases after the first few stages. In order to combat the fierce competition, we are bringing you the tougher and more well-known FFH4X Mod Menu software. Comparatively speaking, this will improve gameplay more successfully than its alternatives. Simply download the FFH4X Mod Menu, and you’ll be able to modify the gameplay right away.
    nira1212 said 2022-10-17 00:46:44
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    lowwest replied to It me Brylee's comment below 2022-09-29 03:48:50
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  • PMC's Avatar
    April 4, 2022, 11:35 am to Public
    kimliam_524 said 2023-06-26 16:41:29
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    Infinite Yield is a Roblox Admin script with many advanced commands to exploit Roblox game.
    kimliam_524 said 2023-06-26 16:40:28
    kimliam_524's Avatar
    Infinite Yield is a Roblox Admin script with many advanced commands to exploit Roblox game. Infinite Yield gives you the ultimate control over your gameplay and the ability to climb the ranks.
    User4374379G said 2022-11-12 18:46:36
    User4374379G's Avatar
    A Stup is not you
    User4371897G said 2022-11-10 16:42:39
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    Libaana2 said 2022-11-05 04:00:26
    Libaana2's Avatar
    Hi how can i get in the minecraft server
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  • PMC's Avatar
    March 7, 2022, 10:50 am to Public
    Mukeshkumar said 2023-02-09 09:29:37
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    Hii click the link if you are Minecraft lover gaming

    (Link removed)
    shalom_iandrei said 2023-01-24 06:55:16
    shalom_iandrei's Avatar
    hello guys! (Link removed)
    DRAGON_MASTER said 2023-01-18 13:37:50
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    User4397574G said 2022-12-07 06:46:35
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    GOOD DAY, I'm here to bring you good news from PROF CINDY INVESTMENTS Loan Offer, Blank ATM Cards And Bitcoin Investments. Have you been trying to get a real Loan lender, I got my business loan amount $640,000.00 from Prof.Cindy Alberto LAST WEEK to start up business. Do you need a blank ATM Card or bitcoin and it has been a problem trying to get one? Here is Prof Cindy Investments Blank ATM Card Offer, Loan Offer, Bitcoin/Recovery Offer easy and affordable to get and it can be delivered to you waiting 24hrs after you have made your order from her by Email profcindyinvestments@hotmail.com
    Helenwatcher said 2022-11-02 03:41:49
    Helenwatcher's Avatar
    Swiss Replica Watch, a status symbol of entire generations, a classic, a story that made the Geneva Maison famous, fundamentally based on two magical words, Oyster and Perpetual.
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  • PMC's Avatar
    January 15, 2022, 10:47 am to Public

    I also wanted to take this (rare) opportunity to say, I miss you, PMCer's. Back in October when we made this announcement, we thought after a few weeks, maybe at most a month, I would have a little more time and be in a groove with our small human and return to writing the Weekly's and be involved in this wonderful community once again. Turns out, she runs the show and requires basically every second of my time. She's lucky she's cute. 😛 I don't know when I'll start having time to write the newsletter again, but just know that it's always on my mind as are you 💙 Hope you are all doing great and are happy and healthy! Keep creating, playing, and being you!

    Mrs. PMC
    sanra said 2023-08-19 10:13:48
    sanra's Avatar
    Great and informative blog....

    Truck collisions can have serious consequences, Abogados Accidentes de Camiones including serious injuries, property damage, and even death. Unfortunately, truck accidents are not uncommon in Virginia, which has numerous highways and major transportation routes. Both drivers and passengers must be aware of the various types of truck accidents that might occur. We'll look at some of Virginia's most common truck accidents and analyse the risks that each one poses. Furthermore, the advantages of hiring a truck accident lawyer following a truck accident in detail.
    TotallyVeryFree replied to duckely's comment below 2023-01-02 08:21:36
    TotallyVeryFree's Avatar
    You could play together, you first type your kids username in then you add friend her and then every time you want to play with her, just simply go to friends and then and if shes online, just join her world then Done.
    Mafya said 2022-12-24 15:57:44
    Mafya's Avatar
    duckely said 2022-12-21 09:06:50
    duckely's Avatar
    i need help, my daughter has a Xbox and has the bedrock version. i have a pc windows 11 and would like to join her in their server to play. i know i have to purchase Minecraft bedrock. is there any work being done to include other's type of Minecraft games.

    User4408049G replied to Galaxium's comment below 2022-12-18 21:04:35
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  • PMC's Avatar
    November 19, 2021, 11:53 am to Public
    GreenArrow99 replied to olaf180's comment below 2022-03-19 13:09:38
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    among us
    olaf180 replied to GreenArrow99's comment below 2022-02-14 02:52:34
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    UnnaphitTH Official replied to BedrockGuy's comment below 2022-01-15 01:56:41
    UnnaphitTH Official's Avatar
    I play universe sandbox
    GreenArrow99 said 2022-01-02 22:27:31
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    BedrockGuy said 2022-01-02 22:01:47
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